View Full Version : Pheromones hormones relation

09-07-2006, 11:13 PM
As stated

in Integrating Neuroendocrinology and Ethology:
"Pheromones are referred to as ecto-hormones: chemical messengers

that are transported outside the body that have the potential to evoke certain responses, such as physiological

(e.g., hormonal) or behavioral changes in a conspecific".

So, pheromones are signalers that evoke changes in

hormone levels of other people and the wearer, but - are they itself (alone) hormones?
I mean, is androsterone,

androstenone, androstenol, androstadienone or estratetraenol (as a compound) a hormone?

I am asking because of my

concerns to use these chemicals in cosmetics, where usage of hormones is not allowed.

AFAIK, androsterone IS a

hormone, but it can be also called a DHEA metabolite.

For sure estriol is a hormone, but when used in a spray

perfume, not a medicine cream, it can't have the same effect when rubbed into skin.

How can we classify these


09-08-2006, 07:41 PM
How can we

classify these compounds?

I asked haszu to post his questions to the Forum. He has some background in

this arena. But I think we need to hear from Forum members who have some background in steroid hormone metabolism.

Still willing to hear from anyone in this regard, as all thoughts should be
