View Full Version : How "stealth" is APC?

08-09-2006, 01:53 PM


my name is Ralph and I've been reading in this forum for about two months. Now it's time for

becoming active.

To start with, I have a question concerning APC. In some of the threads there was mentioned

that even supposedly save SOE can begin stinking some hours after application due to a-nol converting into a-none.

As I intend to apply mones in business situations (I'm in Sales) I simply can't risk to wear stinking phero

products. Unfortunately I can't smell any mones. Thus I am unable to assess the risks. After searching for an

absolutely safe and stealth products, I have decided to buy APC. The scent is very pleasant but I simply can't say

how it smells to people that can sense a-none.

My 2 questions:
1. Can the repelling scent of a-none in APC be

smelled by people who are capable of sensing a-none? Is there even the possibility that a part of the population can

sense the low a-none concentration in APC... for example women ;-) ?

2. How does the a-none scent develop after

wearing APC for some hours? Does the a-none scent become more obvious?

Thanks for answering.

08-09-2006, 03:05 PM
Most women can detect small

amounts of 'none rather quickly. However tolerance varies with individuals, and is related to age, race and

culture. Younger women are more sensitive than older, and younger Asian women seem to be the most intolernate of


Although many men can't smell none they certainly can and do react to its influences.


always been able to smell none but, after a few years of use, have gotten rather intolernate of the smell. TE nearly

makes me hurl but NPA is okay if well covered with cologne.

As for conversion of nol, it depends on your body

chemistry. I apply SOE to my forearms and even after 4 hours, it smells about the same to me. However I have little

arm hair and don't sweat much. Mainly I can smell the rone in SOE. Nol is extremely mellow and subtle compared to

none and rone.

08-09-2006, 03:10 PM
Thank you for your input. What

does this mean for APC? Is it's a-none concentration strong enough to be detected by the majority of women or do

only a few of them sense the repelling scent?

08-09-2006, 04:59 PM
APC has a very paricular, and

IMO strong odor. Not necessarily bad, but certainly unique and to me strong. SOE & A-314 may be better with sales

from what I have read. WAGG-N does great for me for day to day. Pheros is my favorite cover scent plus it has its

own phero content.

08-09-2006, 05:46 PM
I think basically you have to try

it for yourself and see what happens. No matter what our experiences, your body chemistry, persona and surrounding

people will differ and produce different results. For business I'd stick with strongly nol based products--e.g.,

SOE--unless you're in need of none replacement therapy, e.g., none deficient Asian male or elderly.

sweet thing
08-09-2006, 08:24 PM
As a female, I would respond more to a man that smelled light and fun when meeting for

business. A man that had a musky odor would be great in the night club, but not someone I would trust in a business

meeting. Reminds me of heavy gold chains and tight pants. Predator not pal. :nono:

Pheromones work on the

wearer also. I find that some mones make me chatty and fun to be around. Try to figure out which ones make you the

friendly guy. Then make sure you slap some one before the big meeting.

good luck,

Sweet Thing