View Full Version : Pherolure..?

08-08-2006, 10:21 AM
Anyone who have tried

I only notised it because it compared primal and another from here and it says it has something those two

(from here) doesn't have..

08-08-2006, 11:23 AM
Please do a search as it has

been discussed in detail on this forum many times.

08-08-2006, 01:14 PM
Anyone who have

tried this?
I only notised it because it compared primal and another from here and it says it has something those

two (from here) doesn't



"Pherolure" (http://www.insectscience.co.za/index.cfm?Cid=1817838131&cmd=CategoryP

roducts.cfm) is a line of pheromone based, species-specific insect traps made by Insect

Science in South Africa.

Interesting too is their

"Attract & Kill" (http://www.insectscience.co.za/index.cfm?Aid=1885886241) line of products, whose

trademarked motto is
"Dead Males Don't Mate".

Given the choice, I think I'd go with

Primal (http://love-scent.com/product_info.php?ref=66&products_id=23).

Oscar :)

GrIp MeNtOr
08-08-2006, 03:26 PM
that pherolure sh** doesnt

work at all sure it smells nice but the di- whatever they claim to have in their product doesnt work.:POKE: