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08-08-2006, 12:24 AM

this girl I really like and when I talk to her on the phone everthing is fine,but the last three times I've gone

out and ran into her at places she talks with me for a few seconds ever now and then and then hides in a corner or

behind her friends looking like she's zoned out .She will not make eye contact with me at all.I've been wearing 2

drops NPA 10"soe unscented with bulgari.the first night I wore it and she was around she keep lokking at me and when

I look back she look away ,and when I try to approach her she find some one else to talk to real quick why'll

smiling at me the whole time.After the NIght was over she called me and informed me how much she like me.

My question is does npa/soe have this strong of a response on girls and has anybody else

experienced this before ?Maybe I should cut down dose some advice is needed?

08-08-2006, 03:01 AM
Obviously she likes you but the

NPA is making her uncomfortable. Lose the NPA but keep the SOE. NPA often causes younger women and pets to flee.

08-14-2006, 08:35 AM
Yep, if you want a pheromone

answer it has to be too much none. I have cut down my none amount to one drop or spray. That is all I personally

need. Other people can do with more???

Other things I've found that are helpful is making sure you brush your

teeth a lot. Bad breath is a hidden factor that is not talked about enough. Colgate has a tooth brush where you

can scrub your toung. Get this brand along with classic Crest toothpaste (mint). Basically, I brush the teeth and

then do a swig of mint brand listerene.... Then a mint from Starbucks when I leave the house.


08-14-2006, 09:51 AM
Yeah, cut back on the NPA and see

what happens, but it is entirely possible you are running at optimal with the pheromones but she is just very shy

and/or uncomforatlble with her own feelings of attraction. Can I ask how old you two are? That would be a big

factor in analyzing the situation. If she is 35 and married twice before, that is one thing, but if she is 17 and

totally inexperienced, well, um.... that is another thing altogether, no?