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View Full Version : seduction school

08-02-2006, 02:35 PM
Just to let all Uk

users now that there is a programme called seduction school on channel 4 at 9pm 3 august. Its about 3 geeks one very

overweight and they try to become pua's. I saw the trailer and it looked good, saw juggler in there


08-02-2006, 09:35 PM
what?!?! dang, you guys are

lucky, you guys get all the cool stuff, mainstram techno, raves, and shit like this? we got like what.... macdonals

and walmart!

oh by the way, have you read the book call, "the game: penatrating the secreat sociaty of pickup

artists" or somehting like that. mystry is suppose to play a big role in that book and so are other gurus. from the

sound of it, sounds like they got the idea from there. i havn't read the book but i orded so it should be comeing

in like 5 more days or so.