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07-30-2006, 11:34 PM

overdose day of fun...

Today I went to a Def Leppard & Journey concert down here with a mixed group of guys and

gals. None attached and usually flirty but nothing seems to go past there.

I'd gotten kinda close with woman #1

previously and then she kinda freaked and backed way off. I'd done some fun flirting with woman#2 but there was

always a distance there.

So the plan...
Lot of SOE (maybe 30") wrists, carotoid arteries, back of neck, some on

5 sprays of Alpha 7
3 sprays of Chikara.
Cover with 1 drop of Sandalwood essential oil.

First... I've

had a bit of a change-- I must be getting used to this as my scent since
1) I no longer get puffy eyes.
2) I no

longer feel mildly threatened for no good reason.

The general mood started off very pleasant and went way up

fast. Everyone was super giggly, jokey and flirty. I felt pretty confident coming off of yesterday of course.


Based on my prior concert experience, I'd brought my own wet bar in the back of the car. Everyone was

incredibly enthused by this idea and I poured the drinks a little heavy.

The first big hit, besides the general

up atmosphere (I would say mainly the SOE based on prior posts I've read here), was when the ladies came out of the

ladies room and ran their hands all over my back as a joke and then let me do the same to pay them back.

Woman #1

made a lot more eye contact all night and kept flipping the shirt up on purpose to show me "g" rated skin. She

also went for the hug at the end which she hasn't done since she freaked out. I was happy to accomodate. She's a

cutie pie.

Woman #2 kept sitting next to me all night where on prior outings she would always end up further

away. She also made a lot of minor incidental contact and was enjoyed it in return which was new.

Overall, it

was definately an SOE dominated outing with a sensual overlay. It was more than just talk with a lot of


Personally, I noticed a mild increase of confidence and "I don't give a crap" attitude on my part. It

felt like I was being wittier and everyone was laughing easier at the wit too.

I still havn't purchased NPA but

it is on my short list now. I've become a real believer based on wierd things (like the talky canadian guy when I

was heavy soe).

It is *really* wierd to think something you can't even see or really smell has such a noticable


07-31-2006, 12:41 AM
heya maxo,

What does Alpha -

7 smell like. Anyone notice the stink in that? Just curious.


07-31-2006, 12:45 AM
I use unscented.

It has a

strong alchohol + weak dirty sock odor when it goes on.

I use 1 gravity drop of essential sandalwood oil to


I have gotten comments about how good I smelled and had females want to hug me while I'm pretty dosed up

so I assume I don't stink.

It used to make my eyes feel puffy when I first used it (even tho I've never applied

it higher than mid chest.) That doesn't happen lately.

07-31-2006, 01:16 AM
thanks maxo :)

Cullmanz Own
07-31-2006, 10:26 PM
Deff. get NPA. It works

great for me. Better than TE. It's concentrated more so I use less. I cover that with 3 sprays of Chikara and some

SOE gel and I'm good to go.

08-01-2006, 12:21 AM
How many drops do you do of NPA

Cullmanz ?

08-01-2006, 04:28 AM
And do you use the thingy

that's inside the bottle or without it???

Cullmanz Own
08-01-2006, 04:32 PM
I go with 4 dabs. And no I

took that out. I wasn't getting the amount I wanted.

I ALWAYS cover it with Chikara. It's just my mix I


08-03-2006, 04:53 AM
Ever tried NPA with a good

colo:kiss: gne.Mixed in atomizer. This is what works for me, and i have had great hits with this one.

1 -2 drops

of Npa, mixed with 3-7 drops of quality cologne cool water , dolce cabana etc. On the neck.

Throw in some soe,

either side of neck and a few sprays a chikara. Good stuff. Although i do find the chikira does not last that long.

Any reports on alpha-7 and LT. As stand alone first, and or mixes?

08-10-2006, 02:09 PM
So I get this email


You have a way about you that has been haunting me since last I saw you.

I did not get

stuff like this before mones.

08-10-2006, 10:55 PM
Well goddamn it , make the most of

Glad to hear things are going well for you.

08-11-2006, 08:32 AM
So I get this

email today...

You have a way about you that has been haunting me since last I saw you.

I did not

get stuff like this before mones.

What mix caused that, ghost MTex?

08-11-2006, 10:07 AM
I have been using:


about 18 inches (back of neck, carotid arteries, wrists)
Andro7- 4 sprays on body- 1 on clothes.
Chikara- 2 sprays

Cover with 1 gravity drop of essential oil in all areas where I sprayed.

I recently ordered NPA,

Liquid Trust, and something else which I will be experimenting with.

I've had a fair amount of positive hits

with this level- probably 10+ in 3 months from seven women- three of them complete strangers who came up and touched

me and started talking to me (two from behind so I didn't even see them coming til I felt a hand on my back- one in

a food line at a concert and another on the lawn at a concert).

I've had one negative hit- she got a headache

(which she attributed to her drink but that hasn't happened before) and was irritable all evening.

I'm 6'4-

45- fit- and have had low testosterone (test cancer surviver) so my natural mone's are probably low.

This one,

who I have been intimate with for eight years has just gone bonkers lately tho. Mones are part
- it's possible

she's getting some teste ruboff
- it's possibly the new glass toys
- and it's possibly new tantric techniques

(the "lion's roar" was cool and had big effects on me).

But the comments she makes have been very scent

specific or spooky like the one above so I attribute it to the mones. I'm just lucky that she reacts strongly to


She is very happy about it too- she's also said she feels giddy lately when she thinks about me- not

sure if I will ever bring it up or not.

I know it's my brain behind all this that is making it work so I

don't have issues about whether it is "me" or not.

So I feel- why break the goose that lays the golden egg.