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View Full Version : Pheromones Work for Old Farts Too!!!

07-10-2006, 08:33 PM

I've been an occasional purchaser of yours for several years now and I have been delighted by the site

and the service. But I had not begun seriously using your goods until the past half year or so. My marriage of

almost 40 years had fallen apart and I found myself back out on the dating scene...one I had not been in since

before many of your customers were born.

I'm not a bad looking guy...but I am somewhat overweight. And there

are far snazzier looking guys out there. And I knew no single women. So I started getting involved in singles

groups to meet women. And I started using my pheromones in earnest. A couple sprays of The Edge, with a few drops

of Alter Ego.

I was blown away by the response!

I do try to be an attentive date...I try to be interested

and interesting. But that can't be the complete answer to what happened. Every woman I dated wanted to see me

again. We quickly got to some great levels of communication and they were attracted.

Recently I met someone

15 years younger than I am. We got along very well in preliminary emails and phone conversations. But when we

first met---it was fireworks! She has mentioned several times that she loves my smell...and that she gets turned on

every time she gets close. And she is gorgeous!!!

I hope this relationship continues because I am quite taken

by her also. But if it does...I may have to inquire about purchasing my The Edge and Alter Ego by the case...to

keep from running out.

You run a fine business, Bruce. You give real value for the money. And I can't help

but think that you have helped make my life far richer with what you offer.


07-10-2006, 08:39 PM

I've been an occasional purchaser of yours for several years now and I have been delighted by the site and the


You run a fine business, Bruce. You give real value for the money.


I second


07-10-2006, 08:58 PM
And I started

using my pheromones in earnest. A couple sprays of The Edge, with a few drops of Alter Ego.

I was blown away by

the response!

Howdy, Grey Fella! :wave:

Few drops of AE = ?

Where do you apply your few

drops of AE & sprays of TE?


07-10-2006, 09:50 PM
Dem dar youngins' don't need no

fear-o-nomes! Dey gits plenty by nature. Its da old furts dat needs fear-o-nomes replacement therapy, hair

transplants, lipo 'n like dat.

07-10-2006, 10:22 PM
Dem dar youngins'

don't need no fear-o-nomes! Dey gits plenty by nature. Its da old furts dat needs fear-o-nomes replacement therapy,

hair transplants, lipo 'n like dat.

Dats fer true. :sick:

07-11-2006, 06:08 AM
I put a couple drops of AE on

each wrist (where you take a pulse) then rub on the neck under each ear. Same with The Edge. Then one spray of The

Edge down the shirt front. All about 15 to 30 minutes before a date.

07-11-2006, 10:37 AM
Greyguy, do you use anything else

to cover the TE, or just the AE?

07-11-2006, 09:20 PM
I put a couple

drops of AE on each wrist (where you take a pulse) then rub on the neck under each ear. Same with The Edge. Then

one spray of The Edge down the shirt front. All about 15 to 30 minutes before a date.

That sounds

like 3 sprays of TE, yes ... or is it 2 (1 spray shared between or 2 + 1 sprays to the shirt)?

Thanks for the

info, GG. :thumbsup:

07-12-2006, 09:45 AM
Pheromones Work for Old

Farts Too!!!

Indeed they do! Lord knows they've gotten me out of the wheelchair on occasion.