View Full Version : Excellent place to buy-your-own Base Products

06-29-2006, 02:00 PM
This is an excellent resource to buy your own base products to make your own concoctions.

It's a great way to make your own moisturizer (for example) with just a plain, natural base cream to add your own

EO's, Phero's, Fragrances, etc. from Love-Scent. That way you don't have to buy your own heavily-fragranced skin

or cosmetic products and try to figure out which products won't be cancelled or counter-acted by the existing


Just an overall EXCELLENT resource:

06-29-2006, 05:24 PM
Where is the resourse and who

sells the products?

06-29-2006, 05:51 PM
Hmmmm.......the link was right there and now it is gone~!!! (???????????????) What happened? Did I miss

something??? I wasn't posting a link of any type of company that would be in competition with Love-Scent. In

fact, I HIGHLY-RECOMMEND Love-Scent. This particular company specializes in base-products to make your own

cosmetics and skincare. I thought it would be HELPFUL for others to use when making their love-scent product


So what happened??? I see lots of members posting messages with URL's and links to other

websites for lots of different reasons.

Very Confused....... Moderator ?????????

Anyway, you can

also PM me, I guess, for the information.

06-29-2006, 06:12 PM
I have posted links of other

companies if I believe they serve the common good of the forum members, pheromone related or indirectly related to

pheromones. Moderators in general do a good job in deleting posts that they deem inappropriote.

try writing

the link in your post, so members can cut and paste.

06-29-2006, 08:49 PM
Thanks Bronzie. I'll

try again....... The website is:

gardenofwisdom (with the usual wraps)

Hope that helps. I think alot

of Love Scent Phero users will find it helpful in creating their own concoctions without having to use other store

brand products that are already loaded with unwanted fragrances or potentially irritating ingredients.