View Full Version : Update on Exam Situation

06-20-2006, 09:57 AM

made a thread in here earlier about what to wear at my exam to help me..

I made my decision and took only SOE

I went inside and did what I was supose to do..
I went faily good!!
And I got 9 out of 13..!! Wee!!


And something was a little funny that day..
The guy before me should into his exam about the same

thing, just to do it in another way..
And he only got 8 out of 13, and after what I could tell by what he told me

about his exam, he actually did better than me, but still I got 9!!

I'm so


I've never belived I would get 9!!
I was the only one who

feared I should flunk, but I made the best grade of the day..!!

Thanks everybody!!