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View Full Version : Dilluting EW?

06-14-2006, 01:33 PM
I recieved my bottle of EW

today, which I was first going to try without dilluting, but after taking a whiff of it, I decided against that lol.

I don't know if the women can smell it, but this stuff reeks man. Smells very womanly...in a lot of ways. Is

everyone here dilluting it (I know catlord is)? If so, in what ratios?

I also picked up some essential oils (to

use as a dillutant) at an indian import shop in town. I went in to pick up some sandal wood, but added in snow musk

and egyptian musk too. I only decided to get the egyptian musk after taking a whiff of the jar they had...it was

very uplifting...much like sniffing a phero product for the first time. Anyone have any other suggestions on other

good essential oils?

06-14-2006, 04:14 PM
I tried to use it 50:1 and

someone told me to do my laundry more often. I noticed that it mellowed out after a month or 2. It smells less like

cheese and ass and more fruity. I dont wear it any more I use it when I sleep to raise my T-levels.