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06-03-2006, 01:07 PM
something weird happened

last night,I used "alter ego" and 4 different women (at different times) came up to me and started talking to

me,winking, etc but as soon as each one started getting in my face 4 or 5 men would appear and start hitting on the

woman and would take her away from me,THAT HAPPENED ALL NIGHT WITH 4 DIFFERENT WOMEN!!!! it was irritating,and to

top it off every time I tried to approach the women there was always some guy that would block my way so i couldn't

get to her and when I tried looking at her someone would purposly block her view and when I moved he would move,it

happen to all 4 of them and it ticked me off,this was the strongest hit I ever had and some men had to ruin it for

me,in fact I bought a drink for one of them and every guy that went to her bought her a drink and she had 5 drinks

sitting in front of her,of course after that I didn't buy the other 3 women drinks,so I left...does anybody know

what that was? it was bizzare!!!

06-03-2006, 01:30 PM
Pffffff, dude calm down. A

lot of times when guys hook up with girls, theres a bit of luck involved in the circumstances... you just had bad

luck that night. Either that or you just need to be able to hold a convesation longer so the girl really wants to

keep on talking to you. Its hard.

You ever notice how when you go out on the town really hoping to hook up with

a girl, it never happens? Then when you just go out trying to have a blast with friends that the girls seem to flock

to you. There's something there in your body language, demeanor, etc etc.... its something, and I'm trying to

figure out what that is. Its like they can pick up on it and flock to it. This could be amplified by pheros.

06-03-2006, 01:53 PM
josh, alter ego is a tried and

tested product, doesnt suprise me you got the hits you mentioned, as for the guys, in night club lingo, what they

did to you is called "Grass Cutting" ,its pretty common. In these circumstances you need to assert an alpha male


06-03-2006, 02:21 PM
add a little pi or npa and

nobody will want to mess with you, its kinda scary seeing its effect on other other guys lol

06-03-2006, 05:23 PM
Hmmm... Well, the other

possibility is that you had a mild OD, causing aggressive reactions from guys. I guess all you can do is experiment

with the dose, one dab this way or that. Sounds like you're in the ballpark, but I'd try a tiny bit less


06-03-2006, 07:48 PM
add a little

pi or npa and nobody will want to mess with you, its kinda scary seeing its effect on other other guys lol

what are good "pi" or "npa" brands?

06-03-2006, 08:07 PM
PI (Primal Instinct) and NPA

(New Pheromone Additive) are brands. Check the LS store or click the Reference Library link in the upper right hand

corner of the page to learn about the products.

06-04-2006, 03:49 PM
I've also found that RM (Rogue

Male) works very well in giving me the aura of "Dangerous Alpha Male. Do Not Piss Off!". I've had guys 2-3 times

my size clear a path for me.


06-04-2006, 05:09 PM
Grass cutting...never heard that

one befor.You may have also triggered some kind of competitive response in the men around you which encouraged them

to try thier luck on your turf.You may simply need to be more personaly asertive and make moves to snare a woman

into your clutches befor another predator out competes you.I see it in birda all the time.One bird has something and

all the others try to steal it.Even if its something totaly useless.