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05-24-2006, 10:47 PM

Glad to be here. I've read through the Pherolibrary, etc, and the Newbie threads. I recently ordered some

SOE, NPA, and AE.

I'm 21 (turning 22 soon). 5'9" ...I've never tried pheremones before, but the whole

getting checked out, approached, and etc has happened to me a lot in the past. I've also gotten the "DIHL" plenty

of times...so, I'd say I'm fairly good-looking and been told it. Though, I am thin, and currently bulking/lifting.

I'd been out of the game lately and missing out on the things mentioned above (I just haven't seen them?

I've moved to a new town also, so that's part of it). In other words, I hadn't been approaching women like I used

to...but I am doing so again, and I'm noticing those things slowly again. Possibly because I wasn't as

relaxed/confidence the past few months...and now I am again.

Anyhow, I also have reason to believe my natural

pheremone levels are high. I take ZMA each night, take fenugreek daily, eat/sleep well, lift, haven't masturbated

in 40 days (for self-discipline), and shower less than I used to.

The reason I'm convinced pheremones


Especially on days when I haven't showered, I notice more of this 'magnetism' or flirtatiousness from

girls. On one occasion last weekend, I hadn't showered in a week and I literally felt like a magnet, it was

unbelievable..and weird (though lasted only a few hrs). I've also noticed times I find myself being attracted to a

woman and I don't know why...because she's not necessarily physically appealing, but I am horny around her. So

there's gotta be some underlying chemicals in our nature...

Perhaps what I'm expecting from adding synthetic

pheremones is an increase in the signals I already receive from women. I don't want/need anything outrageous...I'm

just doing this for fun to see what's possible. This is the thread where I'll do all my


<forget about experiment #1 ...as I just got my order in the mail; and btw, respect to Bruce for

requiring a signature for the delivery>

05-24-2006, 11:02 PM
girl: ohh what kind of

cologne do you wear?
you: ball sweat.........
girl: .....................

05-29-2006, 04:39 PM
girl: ohh

what kind of cologne do you wear?
you: ball sweat.........
girl: .....................
Yeah, I've

decided to ditch that "experiment," as it's really too much of a bother.

I do want to note however, that I

don't and continue to refrain from showering daily. I initially noted that I see certain "magnetism" when I don't

shower as often...and another reason is because it's simply more practical to shower on days that I hit the gym,

rather than every day. And I don't stink by the way.

So, on Wed/Thurs/Friday I'll be trying out some SOE and

perhaps some AE one of those days...I'll report back with results.

05-29-2006, 04:58 PM
yeah i think thats a better

way of going at it. then spreading ball juice all over your face.

also if you don't take shower atleast give

your self a rinse down wiht jsut water.

05-30-2006, 10:52 PM
yeah i think

thats a better way of going at it. then spreading ball juice all over your face.

also if you don't take shower

atleast give your self a rinse down wiht jsut water. okay, I won't take it too far.

I just used some

SOE today. Well, I'd received my package on Saturday but missed the delivery so I picked it up at the post office

this afternoon.

I'd ordered SOE, NPA, and AE, and the freebie gel packs (samples).

I rolled on some SOE.

The scent of SOE is so weak, I barely smell a thing. I just walked around my apartment...and I'm a pretty social

guy with everyone, so I'm not sure how SOE will effect me if at all. My roommates were surprisingly nonsocial

actually...though I think it's because they were pissed about the dirty dishes and rotten food I left sitting

around, lol, my bad. But I guess I'll be using it more to gauge overall chattiness of people around me.


only extended exposure I had was with my Dad...who I usually talk a lot with anyway. We had some lengthy

conversation, but I'd say that's normal.

I'll be trying it more tomorrow again. I've read somewhere that

applying a cover cologne can extend/intensify the effect...?

I'll report back soon.

05-31-2006, 04:47 PM
I tried some SOE today, and

perhaps I used too much.

I rolled on my chest, neck, arms, wrists, behind my ears, and my cheeks. Then I sprayed

some pherlure (which I only use as a cover) on top.

Pherlure is crap, and I don't think using a cover with SOE

works well...at least not with Pherlure.

I actually re-applied once or twice (every 4hrs)...and it seems the peak

of the 'effect' is about 30min-1hr after applying it, when you can't smell it any more.

I noticed a few

glances during the day but nothing out of the ordinary. My boss seemed just as talkative as normal, and there was a

guy at the sandwich shop that randomly started talking to me...which happens on occasion anyway. I was extremely

tired and feeling like shit today just from stress, so that's a variable.

I also need to take a shower today,

and shave, either of which I haven't done in a few days, lol.

05-31-2006, 04:53 PM
throw the pherlure in the

rubbish, a product just shouldnt make you this stressed! its not fair!

05-31-2006, 06:24 PM
hey, try some AE tomorrow!! i

love AE

05-31-2006, 07:21 PM
throw the

pherlure in the rubbish, a product just shouldnt make you this stressed! its not fair! yeah...I think it was

two things.

1) I probably used too much SOE...I think I noticed the girl at work rub her nose while I was closer

to her. And if it means anything, people have been more social with me after the time I'd figured the stuff rubbed


2) Overall, I was more social and had people be friendlier with me once the pherlure scent had rubbed off.

either way I just emailed pherlure to see how I can ship their garbage back to them. I recently bought some

Armani Black Code, Gucci Envy, and Coolwater on ebay...should be getting them soon (and my Liquid Trust froim


hey, try some AE tomorrow!! i love AE I'll be trying (a little) SOE again tonight

when I go study at the library. And I'll test AE tomorrow. I definitely get what you guys are saying now though,

about less being more!

thanks for the tips/avice.

06-01-2006, 07:30 PM
I put on 2-3 drops of AE this

morning. 1 rubbed on my neck, 1 between my wrists, and .5 on my wrists that I rubbed behind the back of my ears. I

also sprayed 1 spray of my Tuscany cologne on my shirt.

Here's what I noticed today (just observations,

perhaps coincidence, who knows):

In morning class, I sat in the back of the class, behind a girl. As the

class filled up, a girl sat to my right and left. Later, the girl to my right asked me for a pencil.

Later in

the same class, for a little while in lecture, it seemed my prof. (a guy) had his eyes glued on me. Then after that

he barely made eyecontact with me...weird.

edit: I didn't mention this earlier, but after reading some body

language posts and searching the forum more, I think it's worth mentioning...when I was in lecture, the girl

sitting in front of me fidgeted a ton with her ear, and kept turning to her left almost to look back at me while

playing with her ear. Damn, now thinking back on it, it was surely a hit.

Nothing to write home about at


Then on one bus ride, the female bus driver (who I've talked to a little before), was quite chatty. And

she is my mother's age probably, but I noticed her getting easily distracted...she actually stepped on the gas

while at a red light (though very briefly and realized her mistake).

On the other bus, I was sitting in a

2-seater by the window. As the bus stopped to let a crowd of people on, I noticed one damn hot girl, a 9, stood out

from the rest. She walked on the bus and was about to pass me almost, and nearly hesitated, but then sat beside me.

Odd, because there were plenty of empty seats further in the back. Then, when I was looking out the window to my

right, then turned slightly to my left, I nearly hit my face into hers! She was leaning into my neck pretty visibly

and I think a few others on the bus also may have noticed this. She was totally in my personal space. A hit maybe?

...but at 2pm (I applied at 8am)?

I'm a believer...if that was attributable to mones. I figure you guys are

right...they make girls who are already attracted to you more turned on, not just random girls.

Other things

I noticed:

SOE worked for me last night, at least, I got some odd glances from guys/girls in the


I noticed AE makes me a little edgy. I usually don't get "nervous" much. Also, it has a strong smell

but is tough to spread on the skin. I just now tried putting water on myself then applying the mones...works much


Anyway, I'll keep testing and updating. So far so good, nothing spectacular, but I'm liking it.

06-02-2006, 01:38 AM
I don't know if anyone

here remembers me, but I was very successful with my targets using AE while at work, younger men seemed very aroused

and made specific advances, although I prefer to select targets myself and then see what happens.

06-02-2006, 03:16 AM
I remember you very well! :box:

Glad to see you back.

06-02-2006, 09:22 PM

don't know if anyone here remembers me, but I was very successful with my targets using AE while at work, younger

men seemed very aroused and made specific advances, although I prefer to select targets myself and then see what

happens. interesting. Yeah, I definitely think AE is a great product.

So...today I tried AE + SOE, but I

didn't notice much. Of course, it should be noted that I go to work in the morning and have little to no human

interaction for several hours, so it's tough to really say if the mones worked because my interactions are mostly

with a pc.

I did the AE a bit different though, applying water first to my skin, then rubbing around the AE.

Bad idea, because once I sweat it rubbed away quickly.

The only reaction I got was in the morning (before I

sweat most of the mones off) from a woman, probably in her mid 20s, who was standing at the corner of a street. I

was walking in the direction towards her and made eye contact and we maintained it for about 2 seconds (long enough

to seem like she was going to say something?), then she looked down and smiled. I could have and should have

approached that one.

Overall, I don't think I'll do SOE + AE again. I think AE does a fine job by itself. I

think for me, AE is best when used little of...for me, 2-3 drops works best, and on my neck. And no more rubbing it

in with water, that's a waste.

Tomorrow I'll try a DD1 mix (SOE + NPA)...it's so talked about here I can't

help but try it. I'm going to go downtown for the day to study etc...so I'll be around more people than


By the way, today I wasn't as edgy with AE, but still nervous, and I also noticed that I get irritated

easily...as in, I feel like a bad-ass over the smallest things. I'm usually quite laid back. edit: perhaps I

OD'd this time...I know I used around 4-5 drops. It also seemed the effectiveness dropped, and perhaps it got

people around me a bit nervous.

06-04-2006, 12:02 AM
I tried mixing SOE+NPA today.

I must have used the wrong portions.

I put my index finger on top of the NPA hole and turned it upside down then

right side up again...to make 1 dab.

I figured it wasn't enough, so I used 3 of those.

Then I applied what I

had left of an SOE gel pack...probably 1/6 of 1 pack. Then I also applied 4-5 dabs of SOE (took the roller off)


figure I either OD'd on NPA or on SOE, or both, or got the proportions wrong.

How the heck do you do 7:3 without

using at least 3 drops of NPA? Or pre-mixing in an atomizer or bottle of some sort?

Anyway, I went out to eat

with a friend at a really crowded cafe...I noticed nothing. I made a joke with the cashier, and she laughed (was

receptive), but that could have just been from the SOE.

When we got back about an hour later, I dabbed 2-3 drops

of AE (neck, wrists, and behind ears)

First off, I'm noticing I can't smell the AE as much as before.


went to a study lounge to study. Again, not much reaction from the girls there. However, when I went to get some

snacks the vending machine wasn't working, so I asked a few of the girls standing there if they knew how to work

it. They seemed quite friendly and took my dollar bill and tried to put it in the machine for me. I'd say that

could also be the SOE at work. (didn't seem flirtatious enough to be AE related)

When I first applied the

NPA...all I could smell is the alcohol. It didn't make me nervous either like the way AE does.

I might try DD1

again, but I guess it's a tough one to pinpoint. I may also try NPA alone with a cover scent.

So far, I am by

far most satisfied with AE. I've had the most hits with it.

06-04-2006, 12:28 AM
^ I was just searching the

forums now for SOE/NPA reports...and I noticed that I did something different?

I applied the NPA first, then put

the SOE on top of those application spots. Not sure if this makes a difference? I won't put SOE directly on the

NPA next time.

06-04-2006, 03:54 AM
I made a joke with the

cashier, and she laughed (was receptive), but that could have just been from the SOE.

Or maybe you she

thought you or what you said were funny.

06-04-2006, 08:35 AM
i think that AE is made to

give off the badass vibe and SOE is made to give off the friendlly vibe. so when I use them togeater, they seem to

cancle eachother out. (its not just what kind of mones are in it, its a science of the ratios of the mones that give

its different vibes.)

if you like how you got hits from AE and you can play along with the badass vibe,


think that you should try AE+NPA. first what i do is i dap the NPA 2x with out the dropertop. and take 2 drops of AE

and cover each of the NPA spots.

and don't worry oding (you must try it) , i have gotten more approaches from

girls with this then other mixes. and i just got my LT so im thinking about useing this mix with LT.

06-04-2006, 08:48 AM
Or maybe you she

thought you or what you said were funny. LOL.

Yeah, you're probably right. Perhaps I've been

attributing too much to the mones lately.

One thing I did notice though, is that it was supposedly cold in the

restaurant, and my friend was freezing. A few of the guys who walked in were also very cold, shivering. But I was

warm...I'm usually the first one to say I'm cold, and get jittery, but I didn't feel that way at all. I searched

some old threads and apparently 'heat' is a common reaction with NPA...that's sweet.


think that AE is made to give off the badass vibe and SOE is made to give off the friendlly vibe. so when I use them

togeater, they seem to cancle eachother out. (its not just what kind of mones are in it, its a science of the ratios

of the mones that give its different vibes.)

if you like how you got hits from AE and you can play along with

the badass vibe,

i think that you should try AE+NPA. first what i do is i dap the NPA 2x with out the

dropertop. and take 2 drops of AE and cover each of the NPA spots.

and don't worry oding (you must try it) , i

have gotten more approaches from girls with this then other mixes. and i just got my LT so im thinking about useing

this mix with LT. I just noticed your response. That's interesting what you say about SOE and AE


Thanks...it seems so far you've been on spot about the AE thing, so I'll try that mix you

suggested. By the way, do you have any particular application spots that you recommend?

Sweet, yeah, I should be

receiving my LT by Monday hopefully. Let us know how your experiences turn out.

06-04-2006, 08:55 AM
AE was the first product i

ever tried and is still my main product i use so i have alot of exp with AE.

normally i put half of the mones on

my neck ( back of the neck seems to be better at getting hits then front of the neck, i think its cause its hotter

back then but i put it on the front of my neck cause i like to smell the mones my self. ) and the other half of the

mones on my wrists cause when you are talking and useing hand motions and gusters you are actually fanning the mones


06-04-2006, 09:10 AM
normally i

put half of the mones on my neck ( back of the neck seems to be better at getting hits then front of the neck, i

think its cause its hotter back then but i put it on the front of my neck cause i like to smell the mones my self. )

and the other half of the mones on my wrists cause when you are talking and useing hand motions and gusters you are

actually fanning the mones everywhere. Okay, thanks. I love the smell of AE also (on front of the

neck)...but I guess back I'll try back of the neck then.

Oh, and I was also wondering, are you also one of those

people like me who cannot smell the -none in NPA?

06-04-2006, 10:04 AM
its kind of weird with me

because, sometimes i can smell it sometiems i can't so i don't know how that goes. but when i do smell it tho i

know that im smelling it.

my sence of smell varies day by day.

06-04-2006, 04:24 PM
Uh...I tried the suggested 2x

NPA and 2x AE over the same application spots.

First off, when I was doing this, I spilled 2/3 of my NPA bottle!

And it's the 10ml! Most of it spilled on my right hand, which I washed right away with soap. But I can still smell

the alcohol on my fingers (4.5hrs later!)

Second, when I was walking to go study, it was hot and sunny outside.

So hot that I was sweating quite a bit. Perhaps that rubbed off the mones. I've noticed sweat really hasn't been

helping me lately. I'm going to read more about sweat problems.

When I finally got to the library I didn't

notice anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps the only thing unusual was a girl who suddenly covered her nose and

mouth as I was passing by. Then after I sat down I think I heard her and her friends say something like "that guy

stinks" ...I'm assuming somewhat because I couldn't make out the words exactly. They left shortly after bursting

into laughter and saying a lot of words that started with "s" that I couldn't quite make out over the loud fan.

I'm pretty sure I OD'd.

The scent of the AE began to wear off, and all I could smell was the alcohol. When I

ate my sandwich I tasted the alcohol smell.

I was just so damn hot, and it was hot in the library...


I ever try NPA at all again, I'll use it at night or when it's cooler outside. I don't think I got the badass

vibe at all either. AE is by far my favorite now, I'll stick to it.

Btw, Slickracer, what age range of girls

are you targetting? How old are you, what's your build, etc?

06-04-2006, 07:50 PM
ohhh man that suck for you.

don't feel bad tho almost everyone here has spilled mones before. i know i did like 3 tiems. from what i read, you

probelly od. might have ether splashed some on your cloth or you didn't use anti-becterial soap. or its just not

the mix for you. (but im pretty sure you didn't get the 2x2 ratio so you should try that again)

alittle bit

about myself. im burmess. dosn't produce alot of nones but produce lots of rones. im 19 and with AE i seem to get

lots of respect from older women and have a blast teaseing younger girls. i know how to deal with most girls so i

can pretty much get any age of girls. yesterday i was haveing a blast with this girl until i found out she was 15


you sound like you gave up on NPA already. just because of one little mishap don't let that

discourage you because if you ever learn how to use none products you'll have so much fun.

mabey you should

try NPA all by it self before trying to mix it first to see what your limits are.

other then that you should try

that mix again, but if you don't want to go that heavy with Nones again, use some of the eadge you got from the

sample package and put ae over the eadge.

oh i'll tell you how i apply this mix, first i take the NPA bottle

and close the opening with my wrist (left one) and dap it, then rub it on the other wrist. then dap it on my thumb

and split it with my pointing finger then rub it down both sides of my adam apple. for the ae i drop one drop on my

wrist then rub wrists togeater then do another drop on my fingers and go over the spot that i applied the NPA on the

neck. (i sometiems sub NPA with the eadge but i mainly use NPA in this mix.)

oh i hope you are not doing the not

showering thing while useing mones cause i put mones on 15 mins after takeing a shower. and use anti-bectial soap

cause that gets rid of everything off your skin where regular sope leaves stuff behind.

06-05-2006, 12:08 AM

thanks for

giving info about yourself...i'm glad to be getting advice from you since you are closer to my age than most of the

members on this board. LOL...yeah, girls these days sometimes you can't tell how old they are.

yeah, I

definitely got a bit discouraged after today.

i hope you are not doing the not showering

thing while useing mones cause i put mones on 15 mins after takeing a shower. and use anti-bectial soap cause that

gets rid of everything off your skin where regular sope leaves stuff behind.
...crap! I didn't shower

today. No, I'm not doing the not-showering thing any more, I just forgot to shower this morning.

I also read

this thread recently:


wthread.php?t=8114&highlight=npa+sweat (http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8114&highlight=npa+sweat)

...it's about "pheremone build-up" ...so you're on point about the

anti-bacterial soap thing. I haven't used anti-bacterial soap...just regular. And perhaps that's why I haven't

had good hits since that one day that I first tried AE...I've probably been OD'ing since then because of not using

anti-bacterial soap, the mones have stayed on my skin.

Anyway, just about a few hours ago, probably when the

mones were getting weaker, I noticed girls looking at me like they were scared. It almost seemed like girls

distanced themselves from me, and this one cute girl at the pizza place made eyecontact with me a few times but

seemed nearly terrified...i didn't know what to think of it.

I do have some anti-bacterial sanitizer lotion that

supposedly "kills 99.9% of germs in 15 seconds or less" ...so I'll rub that all over myself and then take a shower.

It should do the trick. I'll be sure to get some anti-bacterial soap soon also. good


mabey you should try NPA all by it self before trying to mix it first to see what your

limits are.

other then that you should try that mix again, but if you don't want to go that heavy with Nones

again, use some of the eadge you got from the sample package and put ae over the eadge.

oh i'll tell you how i

apply this mix, first i take the NPA bottle and close the opening with my wrist (left one) and dap it, then rub it

on the other wrist. then dap it on my thumb and split it with my pointing finger then rub it down both sides of my

adam apple. for the ae i drop one drop on my wrist then rub wrists togeater then do another drop on my fingers and

go over the spot that i applied the NPA on the neck. (i sometiems sub NPA with the eadge but i mainly use NPA in

this mix.)

oh i hope you are not doing the not showering thing while useing mones cause i put mones on 15 mins

after takeing a shower. and use anti-bectial soap cause that gets rid of everything off your skin where regular sope

leaves stuff behind. thanks again for thoroughly explaining the mix.

...for now I'll try the

anti-bacterial thing tomorrow then a shower, then I'll try the mix again. I'm going to keep trying until I get it

right...I'm confident that if it works for you, it will work for me.

06-05-2006, 12:30 AM
by the way, one last

question...just curious how long the mix lasts for you? do you re-apply, or does it last all day? otherwise I guess

I'll see for myself.

06-05-2006, 09:55 AM
i never re-apply mones untill

i take a shower. that has always been my rule. so pretty much i take a shower when i wake up and put mones on and im

done for the day. but if i want to change what im waering i wash my app points first then put mones back on. this is

just my rule tho, plus i never experiamented with re-applying so i don't know anything about it, and i don't plan

to cuase im happy with my system, and it works for me.

the only thing i have re applyed with is LT, but thats

only when im working tho. oh by the way i like LT.

oh hey by the way...... you should def take showers if you

are going to be useing mones. if you think about it most poeple don't do that to keep thier natural mones and such

but they take time to built up but now you are useing artifitial mones at optimal dosage the min you put them on.

and after awhile they do stink. espetially if you put them in one spot.

06-05-2006, 01:06 PM
I don't

know if anyone here remembers me, but I was very successful with my targets using AE while at work, younger men

seemed very aroused and made specific advances, although I prefer to select targets myself and then see what

happens.Hey, you!

Welcome back!

- Bass

06-05-2006, 04:34 PM
I have only one thing to say

about this mix,

A M A Z I N G !

I used my antibacterial lotion this morning, rubbed it all over my body, and

it stung too! Then I took a shower with regular soap (unscented), and lathered my skin well.

I did the 2xNPA and

2xAE just as you rec'd. Except, a drop of AE fell on my desk, and I dabbed my fingers in it and used it to rub

behind my ears. So, technically, I had the mix down, plus 1 extra drop of AE behind my ears (I just didn't want to

waste it). Anyway, it seems like everywhere I went today, girls would look at me and smile...I have to say, it was

quite an ego-trip.

So, here's what happened:

-in the morning (probably 20min after applying) went to the

sandwich shop as usual to buy my lunch. first off, when I walked in, one of the girls just locked eyes with me

(about 12 feet away) and said she'd take my order. and another guy, who is usually very indifferent to me, but who

I've talked to before, greeted me. he's never said anything to me unless i initiate. anyway, as the girl was

making my sandwich, i asked her what music was playing in the background. she blushed and smiled a lot as we chatted


-I went to sit and wait for the bus. As people passed by...1 or 2 girls looked and smiled


-Then I went to go to the restroom by the coffee shop. When I turned the corner I noticed a hot

blonde girl with her eyes literally so wide, it looked like she was a walking zombie. If this is what a DIHL is,

then I certainly have never had this in the past. I'm just not positive, because is there like a radius of

pheremones that hit her before I saw her around corner? Perhaps, because when I saw her, she just stared straight

at me, without blinking. :blink: I looked away cause it was just weird. When I looked back, her eyes slowly

drifted off me and straight ahead...itt also seemed like she'd been walking but slowed down as I neared. Whatever

it was, it was surely out of the ordinary (very weird). It makes me wonder though, when that happens, do they get

extremely horny to the point where they are frozen? What exactly is going on in their minds that causes them to just

freeze up?

-On the bus, the older female bus driver, turned around to make extended eye contact with me. I think

it's significant because the only other time it's happened is when I had that great day with AE. Other than these

2 times, she's never turned to look me in the face that way.

-At Starbucks, an older lady, probably in her 60s,

walked by me, fairly close and and nearly stared as she walked past. When I looked in her direction she smiled wide

and looked down. Gosh. The cashiers were rather flirty there also.

-Then on the bus, I noticed a girl reading and

approached her. She made a lot of eye contact, but I guess for the most part she was busy with studying and didn't

want to be bothered, so I let the conversation die. Later, still on the bus, a cute girl got on, sitting in the very

front. She looked back and me, held eye contact and smiled. Then she started to fiddle with her pen, and I noticed

her looking back at me a few more times after that, though I didn't really make eye contact with her. (she was

about 8ft away).

Well, that's about it. I think there were more girls who looked and smiled, but I don't

remember all of it. Thank you very much slickracer for this killer combo! NPA works, I'm a believer!

06-05-2006, 04:44 PM
i never

re-apply mones untill i take a shower. that has always been my rule. so pretty much i take a shower when i wake up

and put mones on and im done for the day. but if i want to change what im waering i wash my app points first then

put mones back on. this is just my rule tho, plus i never experiamented with re-applying so i don't know anything

about it, and i don't plan to cuase im happy with my system, and it works for me.

the only thing i have re

applyed with is LT, but thats only when im working tho. oh by the way i like LT.

oh hey by the way...... you

should def take showers if you are going to be useing mones. if you think about it most poeple don't do that to

keep thier natural mones and such but they take time to built up but now you are useing artifitial mones at optimal

dosage the min you put them on. and after awhile they do stink. espetially if you put them in one spot. that

sounds reasonable. Yeah, after the reactions I got today, I've definitely learned the importance of showering, for

sure. If anything, that's probably why I have ever had any inconsistent results.

Hygiene is very important for

us pheremone users, you're right.

thanks again.

btw, as for the effects on myself, I felt very confident

today. I mean, aside from my normal self, I was nearly delusionally confident. I think my ego got quite a boost

too, so that's part of it.

06-05-2006, 08:28 PM
im glad you like it, i been

useing this mix for about 3-4 months now. i think that AE and NPA goes really well at giveing off the 'badass'

vibe i talked about. i have tried 3 npa + 2 ae before (best time i had at the mall, but i havn't tried it at that

ratio again sence i don't need that type of attention all the time or i'll never get anything done, you probelly

knows what im talking about from what you saw today right? ) but i have never tried 2 npa +3 ae sence when i first

started useing ae i found that 3 drops of ae sometiems got me in debates with femanist girls (even tho its not an

argument, i always had power strugles with this famanist girl that i had a crush on so i never used ae over 2 drops.

but i think i just migh try that 2:3 ratio tomorrow)

because is there like a radius of pheremones that

hit her before I saw her around corner?

btw, as for the effects on myself, I felt very confident

today. I mean, aside from my normal self, I was nearly delusionally confident. I think my ego got quite a boost too,

so that's part of it.

yes, this mix dose give me alot of confident too, and the confident seems to

escalate after each smile and eye contact dosn't it? i think even if the girls are out of the effective radius, i

think they can see or sence the confident on you and draws thier attention in. thats the only thing i can think of

because i have gotten looks and smiles as soon as i walk into a room and sometiems things don't make sence at


do you want to know what goes really good with this mix? ............................ ok this migh take

alittle time to master but, when you do you'll be even mroe amazed, learn to not look away when you see girls

looking at you and hold your EC. let the tention built up and right before you feel like she is about to look away,

WINK. it'll take some time to learn when to wink when holding the EC but after awhile you'll feel it. another

thing, learn how to flirt with your eyes. it'll save you so much efforts.

06-05-2006, 08:35 PM
I don't

know if anyone here remembers me, but I was very successful with my targets using AE while at work, younger men

seemed very aroused and made specific advances, although I prefer to select targets myself and then see what



:welcome: back! Long time, no post.


06-05-2006, 08:43 PM
do they get extremely

horny to the point where they are frozen? What exactly is going on in their minds that causes them to just freeze


hahaha they are not freezeing up, its a flirting tatic. when they slow down when walking its

giving you more time to check her out. i use that all the time, well actually i walk slow all the time. and i tell

my friends to slow down thier walking but they always just say i got short legs so i just stop trying to teach them


when useing just pure NPA girls do seems to get horny tho. first day i worked at Abercombi & fitch i

had just 2 daps of NPA on and by the end of the shift the girls were like "omg we been so nasty today" "all of our

minds been in the gutter" "can we plz stop talking about sex" at first i just though they were abunch of whores but

then realized it was the stright NPA that caused it after i got to know them more.

06-06-2006, 12:58 AM
Well, I just learnt that the

mix doesn't work with 3xNPA and 3xAE. I used anti-bacterial lotion and took a thorough shower. I went to a crowded

study lounge and got no responses. I think the extra drop of NPA went overboard with the -none. I'm pretty sure I

can tell from other people's reactions when I OD. Girls literally distance themselves as if I am repulsive.


think I'll stick to one application per day...no need to re-apply like you advised




that, for sure, this mix is solid. Yeah, I know what you mean, the attention is just overwhelming.

shoot, I

can't wink. But perhaps I can practice maintaining the eyecontact and smiling. I didn't smile back at any of the

girls/women who smiled at me today, partly because I was so surprised at the positive responses. That tip about

learning to flirt with the eyes is also nice...I'll work on it.

its a flirting tatic. when

they slow down when walking its giving you more time to check her out.oh really...I
would have never

figured if you hadn't said so. I actually walk pretty slow too, but I just walked past the girl because I was

belwildered. I'll know for next time though. Btw, do you consistenly get DIHL's with this mix?

I gotta try pure

NPA one of these days also (w/ a cover). I just bought some Armani Black Code, Gucci Envy, and Coolwater...which do

you think is best as a cover for just NPA...and do you apply the 2xNPA to the same (neck, wrist) spots? ...how do

you do this application..

06-06-2006, 05:19 AM
when you say 2x npa do you

mean drops or dapping wiht out the dropper top? when i use it, i dap with out the dropper top.

so you didn't

get any reaction wiht 3x3? did you jsut add 1x of each at nigh or did you take a shower and put the 3x3 on? so mabey

im thinking with this mix you can only go ether 2x3 or 3x2 but the basic is 2x2. (i havn't tried 2x3 like you did

but when i tried the 3x2, like i said, i got so many girls undressing me with thier eyes then i can count with 10

poeple's fingers. also i got guys checking me out i call them respect hits. hahaha.

i don't beleive in DIHL.

how do you judge which hit is a DIHL or just a regular hit. but yes i do get lots of looks and smiles when im on

this mix the basic is the 2x2 and thats what i use all the time. but like i said im going to try this with some LT

to see what happenes (hopeing to have girls drop thier barriers sooner and their panties too haha)

i havn't

tried gucci or cool water but i got black code from my ex and i'll tell you girls loved that smell. i personally

don't like it as much as girls do but it works and plus it was free. i like very sexy 2 for him better then black


06-06-2006, 05:38 AM
Well, I just

learnt that the mix doesn't work with 3xNPA and 3xAE. I used anti-bacterial lotion and took a thorough shower. I

went to a crowded study lounge and got no responses. I think the extra drop of NPA went overboard with the -none.

I'm pretty sure I can tell from other people's reactions when I OD. Girls literally distance themselves as if I am


I think I'll stick to one application per day...no need to re-apply like you advised




that, for sure, this mix is solid. Yeah, I know what you mean, the attention is just overwhelming.

shoot, I

can't wink. But perhaps I can practice maintaining the eyecontact and smiling. I didn't smile back at any of the

girls/women who smiled at me today, partly because I was so surprised at the positive responses. That tip about

learning to flirt with the eyes is also nice...I'll work on it.

oh really...I
would have never figured if you

hadn't said so. I actually walk pretty slow too, but I just walked past the girl because I was belwildered. I'll

know for next time though. Btw, do you consistenly get DIHL's with this mix?

I gotta try pure NPA one of these

days also (w/ a cover). I just bought some Armani Black Code, Gucci Envy, and Coolwater...which do you think is best

as a cover for just NPA...and do you apply the 2xNPA to the same (neck, wrist) spots? ...how do you do this


Hey bro i want you to try that same mix you tried before <the one that worked>. Lets see

if it was a solid mix thats good for you.

06-06-2006, 07:02 AM
dapping wiht

out the dropper top? when i use it, i dap with out the dropper top.
yeah, same here, just as you


I took a shower and then put on 3x3

But, I the order I did it may have been bad. Because I put on 2xNPA

and 3xAE like last time, then I put an extra 1 dab of NPA on my neck, over the AE. I also think that last dap of NPA

was a bit more than the other two, so it could have been 3.5xNPA in that mix.

but when i tried

the 3x2, like i said, i got so many girls undressing me with thier eyes then i can count with 10 poeple's fingers.

also i got guys checking me out i call them respect hits. hahaha. yeah, the 3:2 seems impressive, I

definitely want to try it some time.
I got a few of the 'respect' hits yesterday too, lol.

but yes i do get lots of looks and smiles when im on this mix the basic is the 2x2 and thats what

i use all the time. but like i said im going to try this with some LT to see what happenes (hopeing to have girls

drop thier barriers sooner and their panties too haha) sweet, i really hope the LT is a nice add. please do

tell how it goes

i got black code from my ex and i'll tell you girls loved that smell. i

personally don't like it as much as girls do but it works and plus it was free. i like very sexy 2 for him better

then black code great, so I'll go with the Armani. I'll buy some of that very 2 sexy also, sounds good.

btw, civic, for sure, try out the 2xNPA and 2xAE, I highly recommend it! Be sure to follow the instructions

slickracer gave.

06-07-2006, 01:00 AM
Okay, I'm convinced my body

just can't take pheremones 2 days in a row. I must have some natural pheremone production, or my body retains


Anyway, I did the same 2:3 NPA and AE mix, but got little to no results from girls today. I think I had

some NPA left from earlier probably on me (regardless of using antibacterial lotion and showering), and that made

this application more intense.

Overall, it seemed girls were intimidated or nervous around me for the most

part. Heck, even guys seemed intimidated or scared.

In my first class, I notice my professor was almost

scared of me.

I got some extended eye contact from one chick, possibly a DIHL, but she had sunglasses on, I

couldn't tell. She was about 10ft away, and just stared, holding her ear, with her head sort of tilted to the

side, as I walked by...I looked at her a few times and her head just was fixated in my direction it seemed. But

that's the only "sexual" reaction I may have had all day.

From that point on, it was intimidation all the


Myself, I felt an unshakeable confidence today like I have never felt before. Whether or not it was a

placebo, or the NPA coupled with my own growing ego or what-have-you, it was quite intense. Then, back in my room,

I watched a short film called "the Secret," which has changed my life forever. After that my confidence was more

than I could ever even explain. I seriously felt high on myself.

I approached a girl on the bus (the same one

who blushed as we chatted at the sandwich shop yesterday)...today she seemed nervous and scared...had her arms

crossed across her chest. The bus was pretty crowded and other people gave me occasional hostile glances.


ran into a girl I know, and she introduced me to her friend. The girl I know seemed to want to talk to me more, but

her friend looked at me like she was terrified?

Then, I just walked past some girl who seemed to give me good

eyecontact and greeted her. She shyly greeted me in return and smiled.

I got my Liquid Trust today also I put

on 3 sprays, and some Armani Black Code (smells good), and went back out.

People seemed more receptive/friendly

after this. Perhaps the LT, or maybe just the NPA wearing off...who knows.

I broke the ice with a cute girl

who works at the coffee shop. I'd seen her somewhere before, and in the past we've flirted with eyecontact on

several occasions. She seemed happy/flattered that I had talked to her.

Perhaps the most exciting and

interesting experience today and yesterday has been my unwavering ability to concentrate. I took a test this

morning and the extra confidence played an immense role in my performance. If anything, whether I get hits or not,

NPA seems like it helps me study and focus better. I can't believe it, because I've never studied so efficiently

before. Especially being sooo tired, I would usually procrastinate...but I've constantly kept my focus and kept

pushing myself.

Lastly, I think the thing that will help me get consistent sexual hits with NPA is sweating.

That's right, I think if I sweat off my mones, then anti-bacterialize and shower, I will surely start fresh with a

clean slate the next day. I noticed I haven't been sweating much lately, and sweating is actually healthy...I've

been slacking and not going to the gym much lately. Time to get back into it.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to try

the same mix with 3 sprays of LT added. I'll post back.

Btw, slickracer, what kind of anti-bacterial soap do

you use to shower with?

06-07-2006, 09:56 AM
i use a dial anti body luquid

soap thing.

i tried the 2x3 that you tried and its not as intense as 3x2, you should atleast try 3 npa and 2 ae

(2 daps on both my packs with black code, 1 dap of npa and 1 drop of ae on my neck and 1 drop between my wrist.,

tahts what i did at the mall) or even you should try 2x2 and see out of those 3 see what works.

as for the

effectiveness going down with day by day use, you should even try 1x1 if you want. i do that sometiems if i don't

have anything big planed but just want that confadant boost.

other then that experiament with it and see what

works "BEST" for you.

tell me alittle bit about your self.

06-08-2006, 05:08 AM
i have that same problem with

the face. lol. the only thing i figured is that if i chew alot more, it migh make my jaw lines more defined! i think

it migh be working tho.

mone' adddict
09-17-2006, 04:34 PM
Results of new test at a

bar by myself last evening Im never the loan wolf type so already npa helped with the dont give a shit attitude.One

drop npa divided behind both ears, 1/2 gel pack of ae on back of neck and wrists covered with 1/3 gel of chik

freshened every three hours. I noticed that my alpha male side came out more than anything Im usually somewhat

passive.I was standing at the bar and this guy came up and stood about one foot in front of me and leaned up against

the uncrouded bar with his back too me normally i would have moved feeling uncomfortable but i just stood there

about 20 seconds later he turned around and said he was sorry about 4 times for getting in my way.Nothing was said

to him for him too think that he was in my way at all(kick ass) i love this stuff.All night he and his buddys would

come up too me start conversation and shake my hand and ask me where all the single girls were.I wasnt really in the

section of the bar to get a good read on the girls but when they would walk by they would smile and sometimes look

back once they had walked by. I guess the most difficult thing was this is a local bar with mostly regulars sitting

in big groups of 20 or more so hard to tell who was single.Cool bar but not the place to test mones.All in all good

night for npa/ae/chik gels.Any ideas on what colonge would work best with ae gel and npa, my sense of smell isnt all

it should be, im thinking of just axe of some sort what do you think?

09-27-2006, 10:58 PM
bumpity bump!



I left a while ago because 'mones were getting me too much female attention that I couldn't get

anything done.

Fast forward to now, school's back in session and I want that female attention again. In fact,

I'm looking for love.

That's right. Last time I was just experimenting, but this time it's down to business.

I'll be trying new mixes...ie, PI, PI with SoE, etc..but now I'm going to seriously take advantage of the edge,

rather than just feel the ego boost.

I'd consider myself fairly experienced with NPA at this point, but I

really want to start using PI. I've read too many good things about it...

Anyway, I'm going to try it out

tomorrow, I'll report back.


Results of new test

at a bar by myself last evening Im never the loan wolf type so already npa helped with the dont give a shit

attitude.One drop npa divided behind both ears, 1/2 gel pack of ae on back of neck and wrists covered with 1/3 gel

of chik freshened every three hours. I noticed that my alpha male side came out more than anything Im usually

somewhat passive.I was standing at the bar and this guy came up and stood about one foot in front of me and leaned

up against the uncrouded bar with his back too me normally i would have moved feeling uncomfortable but i just stood

there about 20 seconds later he turned around and said he was sorry about 4 times for getting in my way.Nothing was

said to him for him too think that he was in my way at all(kick ass) i love this stuff.All night he and his buddys

would come up too me start conversation and shake my hand and ask me where all the single girls were.I wasnt really

in the section of the bar to get a good read on the girls but when they would walk by they would smile and sometimes

look back once they had walked by. I guess the most difficult thing was this is a local bar with mostly regulars

sitting in big groups of 20 or more so hard to tell who was single.Cool bar but not the place to test mones.All in

all good night for npa/ae/chik gels.Any ideas on what colonge would work best with ae gel and npa, my sense of smell

isnt all it should be, im thinking of just axe of some sort what do you think?

hey good report by the

way, and welcome to the boards. I think AE does a good job of covering NPA when used together. But AE alone goes

best with Polo Sport in my opinion.

My most used mix is NPA covered by Armani Black Code. I love Black Code,

and girls love the smell too ;)

09-28-2006, 09:30 PM
bumpity bump!

I'm back...

hey good report by the way, and welcome to the boards. I think AE does a good job of covering NPA

when used together. But AE alone goes best with Polo Sport in my opinion.

My most used mix is NPA covered by

Armani Black Code. I love Black Code, and girls love the smell too ;)

So ... tell me Smoothy ...


AE:NPA ...

2:3 AE:NPA ...

2 dabs of NPA covered by ABC ...

... which of those ruled in your


Thanks! :thumbsup: :run:

09-28-2006, 10:41 PM
So ... tell

me Smoothy ...

2:2 AE:NPA ...

2:3 AE:NPA ...

2 dabs of NPA covered by ABC ...

... which of those

ruled in your experimenting?

Thanks! :thumbsup: :run:


By far the best AE/NPA combo mix

was 2:2.

That means 2 'daps' of NPA + 2 drops of AE.

The keys to getting it right...

1) make sure you

shower with anti-bacterial soap prior to applying. and apply approximately 15min after drying off.

2) here's

what you do. take off the dropper top that comes with the NPA. it sucks.

just take the open NPA top and stick

it to your left or right wrist. Stick it right to it, and flip your wrist, so that NPA bottle is upside down. Do

this quickly and turn it right side up again. This is 1 dap. Put the NPA bottle down on a table, and rub the NPA

that is on your wrist onto your other by rubbing both wrists together.

For the second dap, put your thumb over

the the NPA bottle opening and flip it over. Flip it back right side up and touch your thumb to your index finger.

With your index finger and thumb in what appears to be a 'pinching' position, rub the NPA onto your adams apple on

your neck.

Then you apply the AE. Just squeeze 1 drop onto 1 wrist, and rub your wrists together. Then

squeeze a second drop onto your thumb. Again touch it to your index finger, and use the two fingers to rub the AE

onto your neck, over the NPA.

The AE acts as a cover for the NPA.

By the way, I'm a big fan of LT also.

I've had sexual hits from LT alone, and I think it can work magic in lots of situations.

I do 4 sprays onto my

clothes. 1 spray on each shoulder, 1 spray on my shirt near the upper chest area, and 1 spray on my shirt in the

middle chest area.

good luck

Actually, you asking about the AE/NPA makes me want to use it again...I'll do

that tomorrow..

09-30-2006, 11:29 AM

By far the best AE/NPA combo mix was 2:2.

That means 2 'daps' of NPA + 2 drops of AE.

The keys to

getting it right...

1) make sure you shower with anti-bacterial soap prior to applying. and apply approximately

15min after drying off.

2) here's what you do. take off the dropper top that comes with the NPA. it sucks.

just take the open NPA top and stick it to your left or right wrist. Stick it right to it, and flip your wrist, so

that NPA bottle is upside down. Do this quickly and turn it right side up again. This is 1 dap. Put the NPA bottle

down on a table, and rub the NPA that is on your wrist onto your other by rubbing both wrists together.

For the

second dap, put your thumb over the the NPA bottle opening and flip it over. Flip it back right side up and touch

your thumb to your index finger. With your index finger and thumb in what appears to be a 'pinching' position, rub

the NPA onto your adams apple on your neck.

Then you apply the AE. Just squeeze 1 drop onto 1 wrist, and rub

your wrists together. Then squeeze a second drop onto your thumb. Again touch it to your index finger, and use the

two fingers to rub the AE onto your neck, over the NPA.

The AE acts as a cover for the NPA.

By the way, I'm

a big fan of LT also. I've had sexual hits from LT alone, and I think it can work magic in lots of situations.

I do 4 sprays onto my clothes. 1 spray on each shoulder, 1 spray on my shirt near the upper chest area, and 1

spray on my shirt in the middle chest area.

good luck

Actually, you asking about the AE/NPA makes me want to

use it again...I'll do that tomorrow..

Thanks for taking the time, Smoothy! :wave:

10-01-2006, 05:30 AM
im glad you are enjoying the

badboy 2:2 mix. thats what i use all the time. hey mobely if you have a chance read this whole thread, it'll give

you some idea of what to expect with this mix.

10-01-2006, 09:07 AM
im glad you

are enjoying the badboy 2:2 mix. thats what i use all the time. hey mobely if you have a chance read this whole

thread, it'll give you some idea of what to expect with this mix.

Done deal, annnnd ... With

pleaaasure, Slick! :thumbsup: