View Full Version : Mystical question about "action of buy"

05-13-2006, 02:40 AM
Ok i try to give a good explication. My english must progress. So ok. Sometimes i notice a strange

state. and you? whats this natural phero? Imagine, when you buy a new shirt, a new tunic, or what you want. You walk

in the street and during one or 2 day, in wearing this new clothe that you like a lot, you feel yourself very proud,

very good looking, very attractive.. strange cause everybody look you and and is attracted by you. you are

attractif. so attractif. so in my mind, i say myself, why? Why during these 2 days, i 'm so strong and so good

looking? Conclusion : in the action of buy, may be we communicate a natural pheromone ..whats your opinion?


05-13-2006, 04:13 AM
hmm i think that just like

wearing something new, or getting a new haircut, you are expecting reaction from people. So with that in your mind

you look around and once you notice people looking at you, you connect that with the new shirt or the new haircut.

but whats really happening is that things are going on around you like everyday but now you are expecting something,

and you get a stair or a look. and you think, hmmm cool these girls are checking me out, but really they would have

checked you out anyway, but before the new shirt or the hair cut, you are not looking for reactions so you don't

notice it much. but think about how many people you pass by everyday, (if you actually think about it, alot!!) but

your mind catches some pasative ones, and you think, whoa cool, im liking this shirt even more or this is a sweet

hair cut.

it depends on what your mind set is tho, if you have insacure about the shirt or the hair cut, your

mind is going to be looking for negative reactions (subconcitouslly ) and when you notice acoupple of em, your mind

makes the connections that hmmm this shirt sucks, or this hair style sucks. eventho its acouple out of hundreds if

not thousands of people you see in a day.

what im saying is, the way you look at the world depends on you,

because things that are on your mind or your consearn are yours and yours alone. other people are lost in thier

worlds too. you migh be worried about if your hair looks ok, and while you are looking you might notice acoupple of

reactions that catches yoru eye and make a connection right? well guess what for all you know while that person is

looking at you, another though migh be going througe thier head that makes them smile or flintch. but its not about

you. who knows they migh not even give one ounce of though about you. cause think about it, do you know how many

people you just scan througe out the day wiht out even giving a 2nd though about them but they migh take you looking

at them as a signafagent meaning or take it deeper then what it needs to be.

its all about how you see the

world, thats why people that have a pasitive outlook about eventhing have a much happier life because thier mind

isn't "makeing up" negative meanings to everything and vice varsa. i can talk about psycology forever but i won't

get off topic.

oh by the way, did you know that by typeing this i have one message that im trying to get across,

and everyone else will read the words that are on the screen and make up thier own meaning depending on thier

identaty, values, beleives and just the way they think, and guess how many different people will get different

messages out of this.

if you are confused don't be, just read it over and you'll realize that all this makes

perfect sence. (sorry about bad spelling)