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04-29-2006, 11:21 PM

tried Eros for men tonight and noticed that it started making me angry for no reason and the people around me

started getting angry,whats that all about?

04-29-2006, 11:52 PM
Yeah, they claim it's a "small,

secure, real-time microkernel with orthogonal persistence" but that's mostly bull. So I got pissed too when I

installed it. It's not nearly as reliable as they say.

05-03-2006, 10:01 PM
It's the rone. This stuff is

rather variable in the reactions it brings out in people. In SOE, it is usually and enhancer but it doesn't always

work out that way.

A-nol is the safest stuff to wear, just about everyone feels friendly around it. A-none gives

you either sexy hits, BO reactions, or hate and hellfire from PMSing women.

05-03-2006, 10:36 PM
you know mabey it is the

rone, cause awhile ago i think i made a thread about how i od most the time when i wear not even alot of rone. but i

don't ever od on none (not with girls atleast)

05-04-2006, 02:00 AM
Like 'none, I seem to be able to

swim in 'rone to no ill effect. I've been playing with the chem set 'rone for a couple months now and my

impression is it relaxes me and those around me. I've used it before two major concerts in the last week and it

certainly helps combat stage fright. I've also mixed chem set 'nol and 'rone 4:1 in an atomizer. It blends with

colognes much better than the oily SOE.

05-04-2006, 02:32 AM
sure its propably the rone . for me

its the same story with npa..when i put some drops of npa i m very very angry, bad and really strange..the rone is

not my product...chikara is the best for me ..relax and sensual

05-05-2006, 03:23 AM
Yeah, they claim

it's a "small, secure, real-time microkernel with orthogonal persistence" but that's mostly bull. So I got pissed

too when I installed it. It's not nearly as reliable as they say.

LMAO I love your sense of humor!

05-05-2006, 06:38 AM
A-nol is the

safest stuff to wear, just about everyone feels friendly around it.

That is, until it converts.

05-05-2006, 06:44 AM
I've used it before

two major concerts in the last week and it certainly helps combat stage fright.

Does it


Where do you apply it and how much does it take?

05-05-2006, 08:16 AM
Like 'none, I

seem to be able to swim in 'rone to no ill effect. I've been playing with the chem set 'rone for a couple months

now and my impression is it relaxes me and those around me. I've used it before two major concerts in the last week

and it certainly helps combat stage fright. I've also mixed chem set 'nol and 'rone 4:1 in an atomizer. It blends

with colognes much better than the oily SOE.
Oh yeah,
I forgot about that one. Was using it

with Vanilla a couple of years ago to settle my nerves. Worked a treat,too. ...Wasn't so sure about the masculinity

of Vanilla though.

Might play with it again. :thumbsup:

05-05-2006, 11:34 AM
I used SOE and and 3 or 4 drops

of rone rubbed on neck and hands. It's the chem set rone so it's pretty concentrated. The problem with

experimenting is I'm only truly nervous before a major performance, so I can only test it a half dozen times a

year. Small gigs and causuals don't rattle me so extra rone doesn't make much diff except under high stress.