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View Full Version : Is my SOE spoiled?

04-24-2006, 09:16 AM
I had not used

mones for some time. One day I decided to apply some SOE, but noticed that it is quite fuzzy. It has always been

pretty transparent before. Does it mean it is spoiled? How? Why?

Fortunately it is quite empty



zzy0xe.th.jpg (http://img50.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fuzzy0xe.jpg)

04-24-2006, 10:44 AM
Interesting, im more interested

on how you added a photo in the forum than your question sorry... I think you might need to direct your question to

the Inventor-Manufacturer of the product, Jvkhol, inorder to get a concrete answer.

By the way, looks like

semen in a bottle, sure its not a sperm donar vial? I am joking...

04-24-2006, 11:08 AM
Bronzie, click here:



How does it smell? Where have you been

storing it.

No jokes about friction and heat for those that understand... ;)

04-24-2006, 11:33 AM
I have stored it in my drawer

together with all my other products (10+) of which SOE is the only one that seems a bit "damaged".

I would not

say there is too much heat in my drawer. No direct sunlight on it or anything.

It smells like alcohol. The smell

has not changed. It is the unscented version of SOE, by the way.

04-24-2006, 05:15 PM
Does anyone else notice that SOE

seems to not work as well once it gets down to the last bit of it? I don't know if its all in my head or what.

04-24-2006, 05:25 PM
did you by anychance spill

water when the lid was open or something (if anything).

04-24-2006, 05:42 PM
Looks like contamination from

application. As you roll the product onto your body you quickly and surely introduce all matter of contaminates to

the bottle: skin cells, sweat, hairs, bacteria, etc. My experience is the bottle always looks like your picture

50-75% through the bottle.

Now I load a limited amount of SOE in an empty bottle for daily use, refilling as

needed. That way I don't contaminate the mothership.

04-24-2006, 05:53 PM
Looks like

contamination from application. As you roll the product onto your body you quickly and surely introduce all matter

of contaminates to the bottle: skin cells, sweat, hairs, bacteria, etc. My experience is the bottle always looks

like your picture 50-75% through the bottle.

Now I load a limited amount of SOE in an empty bottle for daily use,

refilling as needed. That way I don't contaminate the mothership.

Thats what I was suspecting as well.

I do like the idea of the empty roll top bottle though

04-24-2006, 10:00 PM
So do the contaminates

neutralize the pheromones? At least it seemed that the SOE did not work at all anymore.

04-25-2006, 01:13 AM
I suppose that would depend on

the individual contaminate, age and amount. A large amount of highly acidic male sweat, dead skin cells and

accompanying bacteria can't be good. So it depends... It's best to keep it clean.

04-25-2006, 09:37 AM
I have never had an SOE go like

that and I've gotten through a fair few bottles. I haven't used bottled SOEu but I doubt that makes much


I have noticed that on some occasions when I've had a new bottle of SOE and one that's nearing

emptiness, the new bottle smells better and gives me a better "vibe". This may mean that potency is slightly reduced

when nearing the end of its use, maybe from contamination.

04-25-2006, 09:33 PM
The cloudiness is most likely

contamination with skin cells; it's probably still good. Yellow color is more likely bacterial contamination (e.g.,

overgrowth). Only bottle I've ever had go bad (e.g., yellow color) was due to leaving it in my parked vehicle over

a period of several days in the Las Vegas, Nevada summer heat. Forgot where I'd left it, of course. Probably best

to keep the bottles out of direct sunlight or more heat than room temperature.

I vaguely recall reading that

any fragrance product should be discarded after a maximum of one year. This may have been a general marketing ploy,

but it makes sense to me. Might even throw away that Old Spice I got for Christmas from my sister back in 1969

someday soon.


04-26-2006, 06:28 AM

vaguely recall reading that any fragrance product should be discarded after a maximum of one year. This may have

been a general marketing ploy

Especially when they sell such large bottles of the stuff at an

average of $50 a pop! Since most colognes come in sealed atomizer bottles now, I wonder if it's really a problem

anymore. I have noticed that some colognes that I put into smaller atomizers for portability sake sometime turn

color after awhile. So I only transfer a small amount, the same as Gegogi in his reference to the


Might even throw away that Old Spice I got for Christmas from my sister back in 1969

someday soon

Hmmm, maybe I should pass on that bottle of Hai Karate I found on eBay. :think: