View Full Version : Safe amount for 21 year old male. +covering

04-11-2006, 06:30 PM
I am basically a 21 year old male, slim figure and just wondering what would be a safe dosage of SOE or

TE to start with.

Also when it comes to conceiling the smell with cologne, should you spray directly were you

applied the pherno product or around it instead.


Cullmanz Own
04-11-2006, 06:52 PM
Yes. Apply a cover to where

you applied ur TE or SOE. I don't cover SOE cuz I think it smells quite pleasant but TE is no question. COVER IT.

It smells good to me but to others it smells like ass. For TE start out with 1 or 2 dabs. Record ur results mentally

or on paper and move up each day until you know you've oded. Trust me you'll know. You may not feel it physically

but others will react to you either pissed off, distant or very strange even scared. If you do feel it, it'll be

tired, headache or eye pains. SOE is a lil different. It's hard to OD on it. Sometimes it's fun to do it on

purpose just to see what happens. Start out like TE. Couple inchs of the roll or if u have a gel pack start out with

a pea sized drop. Read up to get more info. Hope this helped. Good Luck.