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View Full Version : musc power?

04-05-2006, 06:25 AM
just one question from

france..i havent received yet (grrr very long) my ae, my chikara, my mpa but recently i have bought in paris a pur

bottle of musc..i have put two tabs on my wrist...and i like the effect on my aura and my sensation..please someone

can give me some informations about the musc? its not pheromonal but its good for the smell

question..sometimes i say myself and i understand beauty is not really physical..i have a friend very good looking

but not really sexy in his aura..month after month, i think beauty is invisible, its before all a question of

energy..may be bruce could be give some comments..

best regards

04-05-2006, 02:52 PM
Remy, I assume you mean MUSK.

If so or not, what is the name of the musc, in which I'm SURE no one has ever heard of?

04-06-2006, 01:36 AM
yes moble its musc here in france

and MUSK in anglo langage..i bought my musc on bodyshop herewith.. :


usk&u1=q (http://search.thebodyshop.com/?cm_re=-_-Topbar-_-search&i=1&jsessionid=JAUQO3AJ1PCBBULSIIWVAFOROJBC2UP4&q=mu
