View Full Version : Finally Got My Bottle Of Score.

03-29-2006, 08:35 PM
Finally Got My Bottle Of Score.

Well i finaly got my bottle of score that i bought. i'm

gonna go run a few small erans and then probably hit the book store or somethin like that just to see what kinda

reaction i can get.

then later tonight ill head out with my buddies, ones a chick and i'll try an see what

kinda hits i get.

i'll keep ya'll posted. wish me luck

03-29-2006, 08:46 PM
well i went to the book store for

a good hour or so, sat next to some chicks. didn't notice anything outta the norm. so i guess i'll have to wait

tell tonight.

what was funny was i asked my mom to smell and tell me what she thinks of my new "cologne" she

smelt it, and then told me it smelt like "cat piss" i lmao right there.

03-29-2006, 09:38 PM
You can't just sit next to

girls and expect something to happen, even if you looked like Brad Pit, just sitting next to girls won't do

anything. This stuff, assuming that it works, will just amplify any existing attraction, it does not create anything

that is not already there or drive girls to do stuff out of the ordinary. If you're at a bookstore and you talk to

a girl and she likes you, the mones may help increase the attraction she has for you and may make her more

responsive to you, but won't cause girls to approach you no matter how attracted they are to you unless they're

the type of girl who approaches guys a lot. In other settings, like a club or party where girls can be more outward,

it is possible that the increased attraction that may be caused by this stuff could get you some looks from girls

that may have otherwise just walked by, or may cause a girl to get a lot more physical with you that night if you

approach her. So if you want to actually see if this stuff makes a difference, go to a setting where girls are

generally less inhibited and can act on their attraction and talk to them and see if anything happens.
This is all

assuming that this stuff actually works, but there really is no way to know for sure. I have had great success on

many nights while using mones, but there could have been hundreds of other factors other than or in addition to the

mones that caused that and I've had many great nights without them so who knows. I keep using them because some of

my best nights recently have been when I've had them on. But it could all be a coincidence or just a placebo

effect, but either way I generally wear them out just in case they are actually doing something.
Good luck.

03-29-2006, 11:07 PM
i appreciate the insanely long

post, lol jk

ya i know, i've done my fair share of research, i'm not just some noob who saw this shit and

thought "why not?"

i've expermented with recommend pheros and more. and i've gotten a good amount of hits and

dihl's with them.

only reason i got this product was cause it was discontinued. and it was praised in its time.

plus it was hella cheap. and i don't have money for my usually chiakra and TE

04-03-2006, 04:19 PM
Well not to long ago i got a bottle of score, i'v been testing it out and trying to find the right

amount. first i tried 2 sprays and didn't really notice much, then i tryed 1, and it seemed to be much


now i know its better to put pheros in the hair, but do u guys think its a good idea to try it with

score? i'm probably gonna do it anyway. but i just wanted ya'll to know and to get your guy's general idea on


04-03-2006, 04:46 PM
bloot, putting pheros in hair?

might as well put them on your clothes... i personally believe skin is best, until u find the right one to mix with

your own chemical signiture

how about guys that have beards? a bikie type guy can add some in thier beards

heavy in .none and ride his harley, bikie chics would just love that i think