View Full Version : Mones and Personality

03-23-2006, 12:24 AM
Sometimes I’m confused on what kind of personality should be portrayed with mones.

Prior to mones, I honestly had not had that much success with the type of girls I would like to attract (not to say

I am unsuccessful in general with girls, though that may have some truth, lol). Now, I am talking to a few

different girls (not saying it’s just cause of mones, I also have given more time and interest to girls lately, and

have improved my game/personality). In general, mones make me more confident, as well as other effects. In

general, I’ve also noticed that I’m not laughing my ass off as much and feel I am not as nice of a guy and am not as

funny with friends. I’m not sure whether that last statement is totally bad though. I’m wondering, should I try to

generally maintain what my personality is without mones and go for mones filling in those parts I was lacking? Or

should I embrace the new persona? Please don’t give me the just be yourself speech as I think “yourself” changes in

life. Even yourself at say 25 is prob not the same self as it was at 24 ½. I believe the adage don’t be someone

your not, only to some extent…sometimes it is very beneficial to adopt or embrace an aspect of your personality that

you may be weak or lacking in. For example, thinking positive can have tremendous results. I understand that this

question might be hard to give an answer to, but does anyone have any advice?

03-23-2006, 02:19 AM
If knowing you have a secret edge

makes you more confident and a man on a mission, so be it. I often feel I can take a few more social risks when

doped up on SOE. However, any persona change is all in your head. Remember, you are in control, not the pheromones,

and, with practice, you can assume any reasonable persona for a given situation. When I step on stage I assume a

radically different persona than when I hang with friends or try to talk a police officer out of a ticket. I stay

flexible and do what's appropriate for the situation. If going buddha head or laughing like a freakin' monkey

floats the boat, roll with it.

03-23-2006, 08:47 AM
"You can change without

improving, but you can't improve without changing"

03-26-2006, 02:35 AM
Thanks for the responses . G,

it's not the knowledge of an extra edge, I believe its the actual effect on me that I was describing. I believe it

has an effect and have heard from others that say they have effects (maybe like yours with SOE). But I believe you

guys to be more knowledge with this than me, so is there really nothing to suggest that mones can't effect us

I was wondering whether I should I try to generally maintain what my personality is without mones and

go for mones filling in those parts I was lacking? Or should I embrace the new persona? It's confusing considering

I believe personality is complex, there are different ideas as to what personality traits may be good to have, and

to me, personality is both nature and nurture.
CPTKipling, just to play devils advocate to your quote, you can

essentially improve without changing. Just to give a random example, a shirt you wear may be more in style and

attractive in 5 years than it is now.

03-26-2006, 11:29 AM
I believe that you should do

what works. If that means growing and evolving then great.

What I'm saying is that you adopt the aspects of the

new persona that you feel are useful.

03-26-2006, 11:26 PM
If pheromones are working for you,

you have every reason to be more confident. And you don’t have to play the fool to draw attention to

Beyond that, you should be conscious of how the mones shape your mood. If too much NPA makes you

irritable... too much A1 makes you depressed... too much Rone makes you lethargic... your should cut back. How you

feel is going to shape how you act, in subtle ways that are very difficult to control.

The core elements of

your personality won’t change without major trauma or protracted effort. But you can always shape your persona

(the image you present to the world) to fit the circumstances. If you maintain awareness of how pheromones create a

particular “atmosphere” with people, you can learn how to adjust your persona to make the most of it.

For example: just about everybody notices chattiness and openness with SOE. If you can get women talking about

things that make them happy, excited, aroused... you can shape their feelings about you. If you take advantage of

their increased openness to get up close and personal, you can create warmth and stimulate arousal.