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View Full Version : Qstn for Phero-experts I have 3 female targets (which mone/s for who)

Australias Hitch
03-06-2006, 01:57 AM
:type: Hi all, Ok so (in short) the story is; I broke up

with my g/f a week ago (mutual break-up, still on very friendly terms, were dating for 6 months) and I have three

primary female targets.
I have chikara and find it has helped a lot,


need some phero experts to present to me a combination of pheros for each girl and an application/opportunity in

which I should use them. My typical textbook dating pattern is;

#1 Casual coffee

#2 then movies, coffee and game of pool,
#3 then

Dinner and kiss
#4 Dinner again, DVDs @ my house,

generally put serious moves on @ #4)

Target #1 'Jess' :kiss:

21, Brunnette, extroverted, sporty type, full time worker.

* Romance, possible relationship

In my favour
* We live together
* Have had

several sexual oppurtunities with her (prior to living with subject) however was too intoxicated each

* Has asked my friends why I haven't put any moves on her before

We share a touchy-feely flirting relationship, very open


* Occasionally she will come into my room (late) & sit on my bed while

i'm watching a DVD on my TV, sitting @ my computer and engage me in conversation
* We often

go out drinking to same places and catch a cab home together.

Target #2

21, Brunette, very extroverted, uni student, part time worker,

has b/f

* Casual sex, (would consider


In my favour
* work

* Touchy-feely flirting relatiopnship
* openly stated she finds

me attractive and respects my honesty
* has told another collegue she wishes she didn't have

a b/f for a week so she can have sex with me
* recently invited me to lunch (In lunch break @

* recently joked about having casual sex with me
* Has shown keen

interest in meeting me outside work clubbing



* During lunch brk arrange to informally meet whilst

* invite her out for coffee, from there transition into movie

Target #3, 'Leah':kiss:
20, Blonde, Introverted,

Part time worker, possible boyfriend (did have one however im now unsure as she is moving interstate),

* Temporary casual sex, one night stand

In my favour
* Work collegue
* I got her

number the day I met my ex (@ work 6 mths ago)
* That day she showed interest in accompanying

me to go and see a DJ
(however I declined because I had another girl lined up {my ex's

* Has informed me how she believes she is the horniest chick she knows and she can't

stop herself from 'skipping bases' when dating a guy.
* several weeks ago she told me she

wishes she was single

Foreseeable opportunities

Invite her for whilst we are in lunchroom together, transition from there to Dvds @ home

Arrange to meet 'out' one night at the clubs, invite her to stay

:twisted: Now I

understand the moral implications of chasing girls w/partners however I believe in the 'out of sight, out of mind'

philosophy and am prepared to except any consequences (just like the vast majority of honest single Males out


*:drunk: I should also note I have a very attractive wing-girl @ my disposal who


21, brunette, Very extroverted, High social intelligence, post uni full time worker

03-06-2006, 08:39 AM
Target #1 'Jess' :kiss:
21, Brunnette,

extroverted, sporty type, full time worker.


Romance, possible relationship

In my favour
* We live

* Have had several sexual oppurtunities with her (prior to living with subject)

however was too intoxicated each time
* Has asked my friends why I haven't put any moves on

her before
* We share a touchy-feely flirting relationship, very open

forseeable opportunities
* Occasionally she will come into my

room (late) & sit on my bed while i'm watching a DVD on my TV, sitting @ my computer and engage me in

* We often go out drinking to same places and catch a cab home


You don't need to use anything. She's already throwing herself at you. just go for


Target #2 'Kate':kiss:

21, Brunette, very extroverted, uni student, part time worker, has


* Casual sex, (would consider


In my favour
* work

* Touchy-feely flirting relatiopnship
* openly stated she finds

me attractive and respects my honesty
* has told another collegue she wishes she didn't have

a b/f for a week so she can have sex with me
* recently invited me to lunch (In lunch break @

* recently joked about having casual sex with me
* Has shown keen

interest in meeting me outside work clubbing



* During lunch brk arrange to informally meet whilst

* invite her out for coffee, from there transition into movie

While i would never step on another man's toes, i understand you have no such moral issues.


with her you don't need 'mones. She's been dropping enough hints as it is... A little flirtation and she's


Target #3, 'Leah':kiss:

20, Blonde, Introverted, Part time worker, possible boyfriend (did have one

however im now unsure as she is moving interstate),

* Temporary casual sex, one night stand

In my favour
* Work collegue
* I got her

number the day I met my ex (@ work 6 mths ago)
* That day she showed interest in accompanying

me to go and see a DJ
(however I declined because I had another girl lined up {my ex's

* Has informed me how she believes she is the horniest chick she knows and she can't

stop herself from 'skipping bases' when dating a guy.
* several weeks ago she told me she

wishes she was single

Foreseeable opportunities

Invite her for whilst we are in lunchroom together, transition from there to Dvds @ home

Arrange to meet 'out' one night at the clubs, invite her to stay

Talk to her about her

horniness, ask her if she goes apes#it wild all night. If she says "yes", just tell her to prove it. ;)


don't need 'mones for any of these ladies... They're already yours.