View Full Version : Yet another newbie thread!

02-09-2006, 08:12 PM
Alright, first off, I'm a male, full Chinese, 20 years old, 5'9, around 120 pounds and I tend to go for a

balanced diet (Chinese and Japanese food mainly). Average looks. I tend to have a eccentric personality though, so

people tend to keep away till they get to know me. :P And in case it wasn't obvious, I'm getting pheros for a

little confidence boost. It's not that bad. I might be taking to many carbs recently, but meh. :P

Anyway, my

target group pretty much are Asians around my age, and I've got myself the sample pack. I don't want to "waste"

the packs, so I haven't opened them yet till I figure out how exactly I should go about experimenting.

I tried

reading the previous threads for information, but some stuff really just flew over my head. -nones? -mones? -nols?

All I really got was that experimentation was important and pheros don't make you a walking aphrodisiac. XD


I'm looking for suggestions for pheros and combos, as well as ideas on how to go about experimenting.

02-09-2006, 08:34 PM
SOE is a great place to

start. I have been playing with pheromones for 2.5 months and for someone who is new to pheromones, young and kind

of shy, It is hard to go wrong with Scent of Eros. It is the only thing i can say for sure works at this point but

my experimentation is very limited at this point.

02-10-2006, 09:55 AM
Quick question.
Asian in Asia or

in one of the Western countries. If in the West, first generation targets or later?

Ya' I know, that's 2


Oh yes, and :welcome:

02-10-2006, 08:11 PM
Asian, Asian. :P I live in

SE Asia with a good mix of Asians, but mainly made of Chinese.

02-11-2006, 09:52 AM
hey yoz underachever i am a

chinese living in singapore wat about you? maybe we can share results based on asian in asia? i have not have any

hit with soe alone 12 inches :(

well still gonna try some more maybe i try 24 inches? as to asian have less


02-11-2006, 06:53 PM
12 inches? 24 inches?

What's that mean? :X

Anyway, I'm from Singapore too, so yeah, I wouldn't mind sharing results once I start

testing. I'm looking at nol products right now though.

Impi seems good nonetheless.

02-11-2006, 11:43 PM
theres this singaporean

girl in one of my classes...ive always had a big crush on her(one of reasons i got phermones)..man what id do to be

with her :sad:

02-12-2006, 01:20 AM
underachever i am no expert

here too but 1 inch of soe mean 1 inch of soe applied to ur skin,

if i have like 12 inch of soe mean i have apply

maybe 2 inch of soe on my wrist 2 inch of soe on my neck and so on

02-12-2006, 05:22 PM
evobenny is referring to SOE in the

roll-on topped bottle, where application is often measured in "inches" (or maybe in Asia you should translate that

to a metric measure like centimeters...)

underachiever: if you have the samples you have the gel packs, which

are applied differently. The recommended beginning application is about 1/2 of a gel pack (you can use more or less

if you wish, but that is a starting point).

It sounds like gegogi's posts/opinions may be one of the best

"reference" sources for you both.

02-15-2006, 07:32 AM
underachever how any results?

add me on msn evobenny@hotmail.com maybe we could share and discover results among chinese asians b4
