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View Full Version : The science of pheromones....

02-09-2006, 12:20 AM
Does anyone know how the pheremones actually work , or is it still unchartered territory?

I know they stimulate

the senses, but I guess I'm asking about the psychological aspects.....if the results are more fleeting than

impactful. For instance, when you use the pheremones and somebody gets all hot and bothered, are they still going to

view you favorably next day, or are they going to think "What on earth did I see in him/her?" Same goes for work

and social relationships. Are their opinions of you going to vary depending on phero usage? If that's the case,

then aren't pheros really just a quick drug, sort of like a temporary alcohol haze?

And going a little further

with this, what's the impact on really close people like family. Will there be a weird sexual vibe with them using

pheros, or perhaps a subtle relationship change?

Then finally, body chemistry effects of pheromones. Does it

alter your own mone levels, or cause brain/physiological changes? And what about the buildup effect.....how long

does it take to come off completely, and do you go back completely to your normal self?

I know it's a lot of

questions to swallow at once, but I thought it would be easier to do it one post than multiple. I also checked the

FAQ section but didn't find any answers.

02-09-2006, 01:31 AM
If you want the straight sh!t,

check out Mr. J's book and website.


02-09-2006, 04:28 AM
I think you are over

calculating again. Sometimes pheromones work and sometimes they don't. I don't get hits everytime I wear


Do not under estimate first impressions. They are pretty powerful. A lot of books are atually based

on first impressions and how they stay permanent in the mind. So don't even worry about that probability where a

guy says "what did I ever see in her". There is always a possibility that the guy will leave you the next day

because he is a pig and all he really wanted was to bed you. Even if that happened, at least your pheromones did

what they were intended to do which is attract the guy that you wanted to be spend the night with. It still doesn't

mean he saw something wrong with you, he is just a pig and a person who is afraid of commitments.

You shouldn't

worry about people's opinions varying with different dosage. I don't think pheromones are powerful enough that

they change people's opinions at different dosage. But try your products and see what happens. Anything is

possible. Also ometimes people OD and get bad reactions.

02-09-2006, 07:38 AM
I’d say it’s mostly uncharted

Over time, it’s hard to draw the line between changes that are based on pheromones and changes based

on improved confidence. I leave that for scientists to figure out, and focus on the whole self-enhancement

From my experience, pheromones tend to make a strong impression and a lot of what happens the day

after depends on how you took advantage of the increased attention while the pheromones were working their magic.

You probably won’t hear a lot of people say this, but I personally believe that they can become a crutch or

an escape — if that’s how you use them.
I haven’t noticed any weird sexual vibe with my family, but there

have been subtle relationship changes — all for the best.
I don’t know what they do to your own mone levels

but they can affect your mood, energy and confidence. Not to mention some of them can make you very aroused. I’m a

minimalist — I wear small amounts with the theory that it entices people to get closer to me — so I don’t notice any

residual effect after two days of being without them. And the self-arousal seems to go away after about 8 hours.

I’ve never gone back to my “normal” self, but then again I started martial arts training right around the time I

started using pheromones — hard to say which is the greatest confidence builder. But other people do tend to ignore

me if I’ve gone two days without the stuff.

Hope some of this helps, and do check out JVK’s book.

02-09-2006, 09:24 AM
Alot of territory regarding

pheromones is still in the part of the map marked "beyond here there be monsters." But that doesnt mean that there

isnt a wealth of data concerning the pheromones we use here.The pheromones that J.V. Kohl talks about and included

in Scent of Eros-the product, are heavily researched and well known to people in the field of study.Copulins are a

well known and understood pheromone as well and the effects that have been reported are the result of huge amounts

of testing in a lab setting.Same with androstenol,androsterone and androstenone.There are zillions of compounds that

are still being tested to see what,if any effect they may have on human behavior but these are the best known and

most studied...in large part because even scientists are more interested in sex than anything else.

There are

people trying to figure out if there are such things as "fear pheromones" and all kinds of stuff that has little to

do with sex.But the ones we use are the ones that are known to have a predictable influence on sexuality and scocial


02-09-2006, 10:15 PM
The pheromones that

J.V. Kohl talks about and included in Scent of Eros-the product, are heavily researched and well known to people in

the field of study. ...the ones we use are the ones that are known to have a predictable influence on sexuality and

scocial behavior.

I will add a direct quote with regard to marketing claims about the human

vomeronasal organ (VNO); sixth sense; and other concepts through which marketers have attempted to stake their

worthless claims.

"The traditional distinction that common odours are perceived through the olfactory pathway

and pheromones by the vomeronasal pathway is dead." -- Shepherd, G.M. (2006). Behaviour: Smells, brains, and

hormones. Nature 439, 149-151.