View Full Version : OD = horny...?!?!?

02-06-2006, 04:19 PM
I'll as always

keep it short but here it is. Last week I thought about ODs and IOIs (Indicator of Interest). In the seduction

community it is commonly thought that an angry chick is a horny chick looking for a sexual challenge, so one should

preced to convert her rage into sexual energy.
So then I whats the difference in a phero OD versus a social OD?

Why not simply assume that an OD is a sign of interest/arousal? Well not 100% of the time but to an extent this must

be true. Why didnt I think of this sooner?:frustrate

So I OD on NPA, Impi and go visit my traditionally willing

but submissive FB known for her good nose. Not surprisingly she goes nuts within 3 minutes of me entering her

appartment, for no reason. I 'finally' take it as an IOI, although it was a gamble as for me this is a very foggy

territory. Long story short her kitchen is a huge mess right now. And she "dosent have a clue what came over

As a side note I figure to try this mostly with someone you were already comfortable with, as stranger

might really be pushing it into 'sexual assault' area...

02-06-2006, 05:37 PM
I od'd on PI a few weeks ago by

accident and had pretty much the same effect as you... She was very bitchy and angry for about and hour then it was

all on!
This was from a friend I've been seeing for a while and knows me very well , she kept on saying sorry

all night for her bad mood "I don't know whats up with me tonight etc.." Even I was surprised at her attitude as

she is normally a lot of fun and a great friend , I think a bit more then the usual dab came out of the bottle.

It's hot here at the moment, around 25 c and 95% humidity so i think even though i keep my bottles in a coolish

cabinet the temprature has effected the viscosity. (Just a guess, it could be me!)
Usually 2 or 3 dabs of PI is

fine but lately I've noticed it seems to intimidate people, nothing else has changed with me apart from working out

a bit more and trying to eat healthier , umm maybe my mone signature has changed and i need to go back to wagg-n or


(White male, mid thirties and I tend to suffer from the clint eastwood effect, strong silent type etc..

but a small dap of PI has a great response, or wagg-n x2 drops)

03-09-2006, 11:44 PM

Hey. Have you

been keeping up with this strategy? There is this girl I'm trying to hook it up with who has been getting

intimidated sometimes (I think it's by the mones cause I don't think I was intimidating at all, even maybe

overcompensating a little to reduce intimidation). My question to you: How do you think this strategy would work

with other levels of OD besides anger. For example, intimidation? Or trying to avoid you? Aggresiveness?

03-10-2006, 02:08 AM
Soaked in NPA, I too experienced

the bitchy and angry woman several times that suddenly turned hardcore: exhibition, masturbation in car and sex on

side of road and in office. The sex was hot but I didn't enjoy the extended bitch sessions. It's a turnoff--my

dick sucks back in my body--and it took a lot to get me in the mood after all that. Watching her beatoff made up for

it. However, she was really pissed at me the last time it happened and we ended up breaking up. She even confessed

everything to her husband and made a really big mess.

Incidentally this same woman became frightened and fled

my office the first few times we met. She'd call up afterwards but quickly hang up. Once she felt safe the NPA

fever became boldness and hornytoad city.

03-10-2006, 04:09 AM
Soaked in NPA, I

too experienced the bitchy and angry woman several times that suddenly turned hardcore: exhibition, masturbation in

car and sex on side of road and in office. The sex was hot but I didn't enjoy the extended bitch sessions. It's a

turnoff--my dick sucks back in my body--and it took a lot to get me in the mood after all that. Watching her beatoff

made up for it. However, she was really pissed at me the last time it happened and we ended up breaking up. She even

confessed everything to her husband and made a really big mess.

Incidentally this same woman became frightened

and fled my office the first few times we met. She'd call up afterwards but quickly hang up. Once she felt safe the

NPA fever became boldness and hornytoad city.It just depends on what you're into, doesn't it? Nice idea

by icehawk, though. We've all seen a ton of movies where just this sort of thing happens. But I'm with Gegogi,

if I understand him correctly. It's not worth it. I'm just not turned on by dumb, unjustified bitchiness in the

slightest. In fact, I don't deserve to be treated that way, and will not put up with it. I want to know how

to help a deep hearted woman share some of that. By the same token, I don't want to wear a chemical

concoction that will irritate someone to that extent. That part is my responsibility.

Oh by the way, guys, be

careful with mistaking your bottle of PI for a314! The other night -- poured on two huge drops of PI by mistake

and had four or five aggressive reactions thrown at me (e.g., minding my own business and huge drunk guy asks me if

I want to fight).

03-10-2006, 06:06 AM
IF I may ... everyone sounds

correct, and yeah Doc & G a SECOND CLASS attitude should never be accepted.:whip:


THINK that depends on the pesonality of the woman. I turned to 2 drops of PI and 2 drops of NPA mix 1:1 to

one side of the neck and 1:1 to the other, when I was really into testing. I always made sure I sat at the corner of

the bar where everyone had to walk by me. I've had several women walk up to me and say, "you make me nervous."

I've never met any of them, but my common sense tells me that IF they were scared, they wouldn't have said

anything. With the same dosage, I was standing in line to get me something to eat in a mall, and this cute little

lady (25+) walks by me with her friend, stops besides me, and is standing there looking into my mouth while I'm

placing my order ... not trying to hide it, but right in front of me like a little kid does when two grown ups are


Anywho, Hawk, OD = horny ... maybe. :blink: And just maybe, since everyone likes to be in control of

themselves/actions, the anger is simply caused by not understanding the strange urge/feeling that has all of a

sudden shown up. ? :blink: ? Just a thaot!:run:

03-10-2006, 08:13 AM
IF I may ...

everyone sounds correct, and yeah Doc & G a SECOND CLASS attitude should never be accepted.:whip:

On the

SUBJECT of OD/IOI, I THINK that depends on the pesonality of the woman. I turned to 2 drops of PI and 2 drops

of NPA mix 1:1 to one side of the neck and 1:1 to the other, when I was really into testing. I always made sure I

sat at the corner of the bar where everyone had to walk by me. I've had several women walk up to me and say, "you

make me nervous." I've never met any of them, but my common sense tells me that IF they were scared, they wouldn't

have said anything. With the same dosage, I was standing in line to get me something to eat in a mall, and this cute

little lady (25+) walks by me with her friend, stops besides me, and is standing there looking into my mouth while

I'm placing my order ... not trying to hide it, but right in front of me like a little kid does when two grown ups

are talking.

Anywho, Hawk, OD = horny ... maybe. :blink: And just maybe, since everyone likes to be in

control of themselves/actions, the anger is simply caused by not understanding the strange urge/feeling that has all

of a sudden shown up. ? :blink: ? Just a thaot!:run:

Sounds about

right to me :cheers:

03-10-2006, 08:51 AM
So once again the less in best theory

seems to be fading, judging from the posts.


03-10-2006, 01:43 PM
So once again the

less in best theory seems to be fading, judging from the posts.

DCWMore like less is still best, but if

you get too much there may still be some sexual benefits, if you don't mind a lot of bitchiness and getting your

@$$ beat. :trout:

03-10-2006, 01:48 PM
Im with Doc on this

one...knocking off a piece is nice but where does the relationship end up going after that?Its great if you are late

for an important meeting but if your trying to impress the woman of your dreams it could end up backfiring on


03-10-2006, 02:07 PM
Bitchy women are a weakness of mine

lol its just the agro/competitive/mucho wannabe/ass kickin guys i've gotta watch out for

03-10-2006, 02:26 PM
Never encountered any ill will from

the fellas, in fact the oppsite seem to be the norm.
My buddy joked that the mones are attracting men.

it's the alcohol but I finds strangers (men) seem to buddy up to me in bars. :cheers:
I think I had a post

about this before.


03-10-2006, 02:36 PM
Oddly I've never gotten--not

one--aggressive guy come after me when wearing OD levels of NPA. I merely toned it down--save a few special

days--because I don't want to deal with aggressive and bitchy women as a daily thing. The extra nookie ain't worth

all the grief although it's funny at first, but grows old fast.

03-11-2006, 07:21 AM
Oddly I've never

gotten--not one--aggressive guy come after me when wearing OD levels of NPA. I merely toned it down--save a few

special days--because I don't want to deal with aggressive and bitchy women as a daily thing. The extra

nookie ain't worth all the grief although it's funny at first, but grows old fast.


it funny how we look at nookie with age?:think: I THINK most young ones don't care about the

bitchy-ness/griefy-ness as long as they get laid. I didn't take my nuts back until I was in my early 30 ... now I

can say NO if their personality/attitude sucks, no matter how good they look! :thumbsup:

03-11-2006, 08:53 AM
i'm 30 but I still think like a 18

year old :twisted: :lol:

03-11-2006, 11:06 AM
i'm 30 but I still

think like a 18 year old :twisted: :lol:

It's definitely nothing to be ashamed of, Mick. :drunk:

You're not :nono: alone! :thumbsup:

03-12-2006, 04:57 PM
I can't think of any instances

of male aggressivesness towards me either, not really anyway. It is possible that they are being more aggressive

AROUND me though.

03-12-2006, 05:19 PM
I've never had guys get

aggressive with me but I have noticed that they would get aggressive with guys around me. For example during my

senior year of high school I wore PI every other day and noticed that one of my teachers always gave the guy in

front of me a really hard time about homework, notes, talking during class etc but he let me get away with all the

same things. The only negative reactions I have gotten from other males is fear and annoying drunks that try and be

your friend.

03-13-2006, 08:31 AM
I've definitely had males

get aggressive on me, one time a bit scary, it was two lumberjacks just in from the deep forest on a Friday night

and had already been kicked out of one bar. I was just sitting at the bar with my girlfriend and not really doing

anything but talking to her. Luckily, the bartender threatened to call the cops if they didn't leave. I've also

(and, it's nearly as annoying) had guys that really liked me due to the mones (not a gay thing I don't think) and

start up conversations when I just wanted to be left alone or was hoping for a hit from a female. Bars can be


03-14-2006, 06:28 PM

Hey. Have you been keeping up with this strategy? There is this girl I'm trying to hook it up with who has been

getting intimidated sometimes (I think it's by the mones cause I don't think I was intimidating at all, even maybe

overcompensating a little to reduce intimidation). My question to you: How do you think this strategy would work

with other levels of OD besides anger. For example, intimidation? Or trying to avoid you? Aggresiveness?

You gotta be congruent with it. My mind works real fast on NPA, and Impi gets me to move kinda slower like smooth

cat with a quick head, ha. But you got to feel comfortable in your own shoes. Poured some TE one time on a buddy as

a quick get laid cure. Didnt work, he got all angry and paranoid, and people could tell. He smells agressive but

cant handle it. Like a drunk guy picking a fight. :think:
The older crowd here obviously dosent appreciate the

raging energy of the none OD. :) Me too actually. But for those times when you're feeling frisky and youre sure

you can handle whatevers commin? Sure go for it. Let the dice fall where they may:thumbsup: