View Full Version : Putting NPA into a SOE bottle ???

02-03-2006, 10:18 AM

seems the SOE and NPA combo is one of the best/most popular ...... but I don't remeber anybody posting about mixing

the two ..... ??

I have a new bottle of SOE with the rolltop which comes off quite easily ..... would it be a

good/bad idea to pour some NPA into the same bottle ??

Do the two mix well ?? How much NPA should be put in

to get the correct proportions ??

Cheers :)

02-03-2006, 10:42 AM
Check the "DD#1" in the

Reference Library (http://pherolibrary.com/pheromone-guide/cookbook/cbpage3.htm#mixes)!

Note that the

inventor "DonaldDuck" now posts as "Watcher".

02-03-2006, 10:50 AM

I wouldn't do it.

Not with any appreciable quantity of mix anyway.

I'm assuming that you're talking about the men's fragranced

version of SOE.
SOE has a number of musky components in its fragrance, and over time these interact as fixatives

with the stinkiest aspects of NPA until the whole mix smells like a lightly citrus scented "A-None-a-polooza".

Those are two products that I would only mix on an "immediate needs" basis.

Similar thing happens if you add

just a little bit of EW to men's scented SOE.

Oscar :)

02-03-2006, 08:23 PM
lol i was planning to

empty my old cologne bottles so i can mixx soe and npa up and spray it on me....but iono

02-05-2006, 05:08 PM
Get an atomizer. You might get

a bad mix and waste the whole NPA and SOE bottles.

02-05-2006, 05:44 PM
Oh, I have just mixed in a small

atomizer, one drop of NPA and a couple of drops with SOE as well as other things. Will it go bad then Oscar?

Thanks :)

02-06-2006, 07:19 AM
Oh, I have just mixed

in a small atomizer, one drop of NPA and a couple of drops with SOE as well as other things. Will it go bad then


Thanks :)


It's not so much that the mix will "go bad", as it would be more

appropriate to say that it would just "go stinky".

Real animal musks have been used for centuries in fragrances

both for their own scents, and for their ability (as fixatives) to enhance and amplify other scent notes within the


There are now MANY synthetic musks included in fragrances, and they serve essentially the same

purpose. (Different synthetic musks have "preferences" as to which notes they'll enhance most while leaving other

notes essentialy unchanged.)
When composing a fragrance with musk components, whether real or synthetic, the

composer needs to allow the freshly mixed musk and other scent notes to sit and steep for a time until the synergy

that occurs between the musk(s) and other notes has reached an equilibrium, a point at which the fragrance has

become stable.

JVKohl mentioned in

this post (http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?p=10152&highlight=musk#post10152) that scented

men's SOE contains something like 87 different musk components.
Think of those musk components as though they

were hungry little molecules, waiting to pounce on any new scent that is introduced to the mix. Little amplifiers

waiting to be plugged in.
If the newly introduced scent note happens to be a stinky one, like the A-None in NPA,

they don't really care. They'll enhance and amplify the stinkiest of notes, such as NPA's A-None, as happily as

they would something sweet and pleasant like Rose or Gardenia.

My experience was that after mixing at 5:1 (SOE

to NPA) the mix smelled pretty good right away. A day later the NPA scent was more pronounced. A few days further on

even MORE pronounced. After two weeks the mix smelled as though I had mixed SOE and NPA in equal proportions, and

whatever little was left of the original scent of the SOE fell sorrowfully short of being able to mask the A-None

scent of the NPA which seemed to have come to dominate the entire composition.

Without starting off too far in

another direction, one might even say that A-None itself, as a "synthetic human musk" might in itself be acting as a

fixative on the other synthetic musk components in the mix.
Enough already!
Short answer: When mixing SOE and NPA

- mix small, use soon. ;)

btw: The "7:3" ratio for SOE/NPA is even more ridiculous than most of the other 7:3

mixes. In any 7:3 mix where the "3" is NPA, the "7" had BETTER be an undiluted Essential Oil, or you're NOT going

to adequately cover the scent of NPA. Think about it. 7:3 is just a hair more than 2:1.
The "legendary" 7:3 NPA

mixes were likely concocted by someone who was NOT able to consciously detect the smell of A-None, and are probably

responsible for as much wasting of pheromones (AND scoring opportunities!) as all the other ways of OD'ing on


Oscar :)

02-06-2006, 11:59 AM
Thanks Oscar for an outstanding

answer to my question!:thumbsup::thumbsup:

I'm surprized I haven't heard more of users mention problems about

this before. The NPA/SOE must have been the most common combo to mix.

My mix was composed with these


1 spray Chikara
1 drop SOE
1 drop A1
3 spray cologne

The very small amount of -none in Chikara

does seem to not harm at all, because my targets tend to steer their noses directly to my neck and tend to let it

rest there just as when I've applied everything "fresh from the bottles". My mix has been standing for


In fact I think I'll try not to mix the NPA in my atomizer mix instead just to avoid any potent issues

with this. Apply NPA to skin and spraying my mix on top of it. :thumbsup:

02-06-2006, 03:11 PM

It's not

so much that the mix will "go bad", as it would be more appropriate to say that it would just "go stinky".

Real animal musks have been used for centuries in fragrances both for their own scents, and for their ability

(as fixatives) to enhance and amplify other scent notes within the composition.

There are now MANY synthetic

musks included in fragrances, and they serve essentially the same purpose. (Different synthetic musks have

"preferences" as to which notes they'll enhance most while leaving other notes essentialy unchanged.)

composing a fragrance with musk components, whether real or synthetic, the composer needs to allow the freshly mixed

musk and other scent notes to sit and steep for a time until the synergy that occurs between the musk(s) and other

notes has reached an equilibrium, a point at which the fragrance has become stable.

JVKohl mentioned in

this post (http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?p=10152&highlight=musk#post10152) that scented

men's SOE contains something like 87 different musk components.
Think of those musk components as though they

were hungry little molecules, waiting to pounce on any new scent that is introduced to the mix. Little amplifiers

waiting to be plugged in.
If the newly introduced scent note happens to be a stinky one, like the A-None in NPA,

they don't really care. They'll enhance and amplify the stinkiest of notes, such as NPA's A-None, as happily as

they would something sweet and pleasant like Rose or Gardenia.

My experience was that after mixing at 5:1

(SOE to NPA) the mix smelled pretty good right away. A day later the NPA scent was more pronounced. A few days

further on even MORE pronounced. After two weeks the mix smelled as though I had mixed SOE and NPA in equal

proportions, and whatever little was left of the original scent of the SOE fell sorrowfully short of being able to

mask the A-None scent of the NPA which seemed to have come to dominate the entire composition.


starting off too far in another direction, one might even say that A-None itself, as a "synthetic human musk" might

in itself be acting as a fixative on the other synthetic musk components in the mix.
Enough already!

answer: When mixing SOE and NPA - mix small, use soon. ;)

btw: The "7:3" ratio for SOE/NPA is even more

ridiculous than most of the other 7:3 mixes. In any 7:3 mix where the "3" is NPA, the "7" had BETTER be an undiluted

Essential Oil, or you're NOT going to adequately cover the scent of NPA. Think about it. 7:3 is just a hair more

than 2:1.
The "legendary" 7:3 NPA mixes were likely concocted by someone who was NOT able to consciously detect

the smell of A-None, and are probably responsible for as much wasting of pheromones (AND scoring opportunities!) as

all the other ways of OD'ing on pheromones.

Oscar :)


This must be what

happened to edge arouser, huh?

02-08-2006, 11:31 AM
wat if i am using a unscented

version of soe? will nap + unscented soe work?

02-08-2006, 12:28 PM
wat if i am

using a unscented version of soe? will nap + unscented soe work?
Of course - the pheromone content in it is

exactly the same. However, it is highly recommended to cover it with a decent cologne.

02-08-2006, 12:45 PM
any idea of a decent cologne? i

currrently have polo raugh sports and davidoff echo
but when i mixed davidoff echo i seem to see particals whirling

ard in the mixture

02-08-2006, 01:40 PM
any idea of a

decent cologne?
The following threads might probably help



02-08-2006, 01:41 PM
Try Gucci Envy, ladies seem to like

it and it goes well with Chikara and AE.


02-08-2006, 02:20 PM
Younger women drool when I wear

Burberry Weekend, SOE unscented and NPA.

Getting back to the original post, I use NPA and SOE all the time.

However I never premix them in a bottle but, instead, apply separately. NPA mixes well with colognes but SOE has oil

in it and doesn't mix as well as alcohol based carriers. I'm thinking of using CS 'nol and rone so I can better

blend them with cologne in an atomizer.

02-08-2006, 02:23 PM
gorgi erm mind if i ask you the

steps of applying the soe and npa + ur perfume?

02-08-2006, 02:27 PM
I premix Weekend and NPA in a 3:1

or 4:4 ratio in an atomizer. I zap a few sprays on my clothing and hair and chase it with a couple 6 inches "rolls"

of SOE unscented.

02-08-2006, 02:29 PM
roger bro thanks for hte tip

will be trying it tomorro :P