View Full Version : Help... Primal Instinct & APC

HW 3x
01-27-2006, 08:30 PM

a few months back i purchased Primal instinct after noticing zero luck with the Androstenone Concentrate /Men... and

i noticed zero luck with the Primal Instinct also.. i was wondering what i could be doing wrong and how to fix it??

i am going to order some samples from love scent but any recomendations for a total noob would be much


01-27-2006, 08:59 PM
You should have returned it to

where you got it if it didn't work.

HW 3x
01-27-2006, 09:03 PM
You should have

returned it to where you got it if it didn't work.

i didnt care about that. and that had nothing to

do with anything... your answer that is, amkes no sense, as i asked for some help assuming that i might be doing

somthing wrong... whats the best place to apply the stuff, and how much...:frustrate

01-27-2006, 09:13 PM
You have to experiment.

Everyone does it differently. Some people apply products directly. They dab it, smudge it, take a drop or spray it.

However most people have their own mix which works for them pretty well. They achieve this by experimenting also but

you can try some of the popular product mixes at the library.

01-27-2006, 09:59 PM
I'm messing with the same two

products right now, and while I have yet to see anything extraordinarily great, the effects are largely positive. I

managed to OD on PI+APC at a club last night, when 3 drops of of APC came out instead of one, so it is a mix you

have to be a bit careful with. Experimentation is the key to success though...I'm going on my second week of

testing with different PI mixes, and I still feel like I've got a ways to go before I find my sweet spot with PI.

01-27-2006, 11:38 PM
hello, a few months

back i purchased Primal instinct after noticing zero luck with the Androstenone Concentrate /Men... and i noticed

zero luck with the Primal Instinct also.. i was wondering what i could be doing wrong and how to fix it?? i am going

to order some samples from love scent but any recomendations for a total noob would be much


APC is a -none product with a very low -none concentration and PI is one with a

very high one. For PI a good place to start around is two drops max. For APC 4 drops at the very least and work

your way up (I think 10 drops of APC is equal to 1 drop of PI). Ideal application spots are behind the ears, sides

of neck, under each wrist, arms, and chest.

Happy experimenting!


01-27-2006, 11:56 PM
I can wear plenty 'o 'none with

little or no ill-effects. Makes women befuddled and horny. However, many guys have negative reactions due to their

body chemistry and/or persona. The safest and most universally effective product is something full of 'nol, e.g.,

SOE. You may need to use a low app of 'none coupled with SOE for best effect. Perhaps you're better off with only

SOE. You have to experiement with different dosages and combos to know for sure.

01-28-2006, 05:04 AM
hello, a few

months back i purchased Primal instinct after noticing zero luck with the Androstenone Concentrate /Men... and i

noticed zero luck with the Primal Instinct also.. i was wondering what i could be doing wrong and how to fix it?? i

am going to order some samples from love scent but any recomendations for a total noob would be much


Start at the begining. If you've been reading the forum you know we need to know

something about you to offer any help at all. Age, size, condition, appearance, grooming, social environment and

personality would be a good place to start.

01-28-2006, 10:14 AM
I think

10 drops of APC is equal to 1 drop of PI.


That's interesting, Signor S! Never even thought about that one! :box:

Has any of you math experts ever

thought about and/or figured that one out? :sick:

:blink: Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? :blink:

HW 3x
01-28-2006, 09:35 PM
Start at the

begining. If you've been reading the forum you know we need to know something about you to offer any help at all.

Age, size, condition, appearance, grooming, social environment and personality would be a good place to


well, i havent read that far but here it is... .im 20 ( soon to be 21 in a few months) about

6'1-6'2 , around 130lbs... On a scale of 1-10 (10 best), Im overall an 8/12-9 no issues there... , overall prep,

designer clothing and what not.. Clean cut, socially know quite a bit of girls... my only issue is actually

approaching girls that i find interesting, even if theyre super hot and im not interested i have no problems, just

if im interested is my issues, some sort of an ice breaker maybe... overall im super laid back i love to have fun

but then again im mature and not a reckloose..:cheers: .. hope thats better.. attracting girls around my age 19-23

or even upto 26

01-29-2006, 06:23 AM
If you have problems

approaching a girl then go get a wingman.

HW 3x
01-29-2006, 01:05 PM
If you have

problems approaching a girl then go get a wingman.

dude, you hit the nail rite on the head man... i have

no problems approaching some hotty but, if i find her interesting in like a certain way yeah then its hard to

approach her. but i think your rite man... il just get some help from my buds.... game, you tha man.. :cheers:

01-29-2006, 05:47 PM
hello, a few months

back i purchased Primal instinct after noticing zero luck with the Androstenone Concentrate /Men... and i noticed

zero luck with the Primal Instinct also.. i was wondering what i could be doing wrong and how to fix it?? i am going

to order some samples from love scent but any recomendations for a total noob would be much


HW 3x,

You might also want to mention how much of those products you were


Even without knowing that, I'll take a shot in the dark and figure you were probably using too little

APC and too much PI.
A guy your age could use around 8-10 drops of APC, but should only use a drop or even less of


Oscar :)

HW 3x
01-29-2006, 06:28 PM
HW 3x,

You might

also want to mention how much of those products you were applying.

Even without knowing that, I'll take a shot

in the dark and figure you were probably using too little APC and too much PI.
A guy your age could use around

8-10 drops of APC, but should only use a drop or even less of PI.

Oscar :)

APC doesnt have a dropper

on mine, just an open like bottle (would pour all out lol) but i tried 2 dabs of PI, havent used apc in a long time

ima try it again..:drunk:

01-29-2006, 08:38 PM
HW 3x,

I usually buy

dropper bottles from a local Essential Oils store. For now, I would recommend to start with at least six daps of

APC. As for PI it's really easy to OD so two drops is a good place to start, but you may have to wait about 1 hour

after application.


HW 3x
01-30-2006, 11:17 AM
il stick with APC for now, see how

that goes..

01-30-2006, 11:50 AM
NONE based products may not be the

answer. I have seen studies that show it helps and studies that show it repels.

HW 3x
01-30-2006, 02:38 PM
HW 3x,


usually buy dropper bottles from a local Essential Oils store. For now, I would recommend to start with at least six

daps of APC. As for PI it's really easy to OD so two drops is a good place to start, but you may have to wait about

1 hour after application.


After taking your advice i did about the APC... i did 3 dabs,

on neck behind ear(back neck area) a tiny bit.. i noticed, maybe it was just me, but i felt Super confident, i

usually am, but definately a little bit more outgoing than usual... talking and getting different reactions from

others... i just might believe pheros might influence some things a little bit, il have to test more tho.. but so

far im impressed..

ive read some good things with SOE , so il try the sample of it and see how it works, if its

good im going to buy a few bottles of it..

01-30-2006, 08:18 PM
After taking your

advice i did about the APC... i did 3 dabs, on neck behind ear(back neck area) a tiny bit.. i noticed, maybe it was

just me, but i felt Super confident, i usually am, but definately a little bit more outgoing than usual... talking

and getting different reactions from others... i just might believe pheros might influence some things a little bit,

il have to test more tho.. but so far im impressed..

ive read some good things with SOE , so il try the

sample of it and see how it works, if its good im going to buy a few bottles of it..

I usually notice

interesting rxn from asians at about 6 dabs. SOE is great stuff. About 12" total rolled onto arms, chest, neck and

behind ears should be a good start off point. Anyhow pheros do affect you too. Put too much of that -none on and

you'd feel like there was a 900 lb. gorilla on your back and breathing down your neck. I'm usually really super

friendly when I have SOE on.


01-30-2006, 08:24 PM
NONE based

products may not be the answer. I have seen studies that show it helps and studies that show it


Personally I believe it all boils down how you use them. I've gotten both extremely

positive and extremely negative hits with -none. SOE and -nol based products are very good, but it doesn't seem to

consistantly get the sexual oomph that -none does. In the end a good phero user will use what's right for the

situation as well as being skillful in the social and appearence aspects of dating.
