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View Full Version : AE & building relationships - new at the game

01-15-2006, 11:46 PM
Hello people,
I have read ALOT about pheromones and how they work (now understanding that they

are not by any means the end-all be-all of developing relationships with the opposite sex)

Well I have a few

comments before I start on my adventure with using mones and experimenting with these things. From what i'v read,

Alter Ego seems to be the most effective, - manageable and well rounded product, as well as SoE for more friendly

"hits".. for my personality type I feel that AE seems to be the best bet as I already come across as the "friend"

(nothing less, but nothing more) type of guy, although I am not the joker of the group (more like the average guy)

in most regards, people do not see me as intimadating, but instead reserved yet funny and cynical at the same time.

I seem to come across as the mature, funny guy.

I am 22 years old, 170lb, mixed, 7.5/10 with a good job, and

alot of casual friends. I usually hang around younger people (17-22) I dont drink, or smoke and im not looking to

develop the personality of being a player or to look like all im interested in is sex. - Basically my reasoning for

being interested in this stuff is to enhance my aura so that more people would be interested in having a deeper

relationship and possibly raising interest and quriosity from the opposite sex to be more than just friends - I want

to create some sexual tension!. (I do already come off as approchable & I am easy to be friends with, but

because of that there seems to be no "mystery" or sex-appeal about me, or sense of being anything more than a


I often spend time around younger people because of the job that I have so I dont want to come off as

intimading / give off the wrong vibe to them, but also be able to wear my (soon to be recieved) AE through the


There are a few girls I want to develope a stronger relationship with who I get along great with, and I

often have time alone with them taking them places. So I usually have time alone to chill, sometimes we go out at

lunch, sometimes shopping together but it never seems to come across as anything more than friendship.

So, as I

will be recieving my bottle of AE in a few days I want to post you guys on the status of my first weeks of trying

this stuff out..

Any suggestions on dosage around 18-20 year old girls?

In particular also, I live in

an area of Canada which has a heavily mixed population, white/black/indian/aisan. However, I am more interested

in indian/mixed (black & white mixed girls). Does anyone have suggestions in regards to dosage & suggesting

other products which would complement / enhance my image?

01-16-2006, 01:01 AM
From what I read it looks like 3

drops is a good place to start and I would give it a week before you decide to go higher - that was my main problem

with mones (dont use too much - if you need to reapply wait about 4hrs) that has to be the hardest lesson in the


I have worked with drugs/chemicals for several years in psych and as a lowly narcotics transporter, one

interesting point here is that the same drug at the wrong dose is legaly and clinically ~a different drug~ due to

it's (action & effect)

01-16-2006, 01:27 AM
3 drops of AE/M works wonders

for me, for girls age 18 +

Toys (http://www.fucktube.com/categories/763/toys/videos/1)

01-16-2006, 08:01 PM
Well, here goes - my

first post as a phero user!

This evening I got home, noticed that my brother recieved the UPS package for me.

So, after tearing the package open i find the tiniest bottle of something i'v ever seen... Im feeling slightly

ripped off as I was expecting the AE bottle to be at least twice the volume! - - no matter, im not mad - - as I've

hered many good things which validate the expense for such a small package.. After all, good things come in small

packages right?

Anyways, tonight I had to go help out at the drop in center. So I decided to try 2 dabs of AE

with 1/3 of my sample SoE gelpack (expecting the SoE will round the edge of none in the AE)

I seemed to be

getting alot more attention (in general people noticing my presence, greeting me, everyone seemed to be in a good

mood), it may have been that there were alot going on at the place so I cant rule that out...It might be that I was

showing a bit more confidence (due to the dreaded placebo effect).

After greeting everyone I had a great

conversation with a younger girl (nothing sexual so dont think i'm a perv) but I had never been able to talk with

her before and it seemed that she was very open to talking tonight - She was figeting alot and flipping here hair

often... it might have been the pheros that made me seem easier to talk with - very interesting.

Also, this girl

i really like she definately seemed to be noticing me alot more, when I saw her she had this smile I havent seen for

a long time that I miss - - very cute :) - and through the time that i was there she definately seemed to be

noticing me. I almost couldnt keep from smiling when i talked with her for a few minutes...

Anyways, to

summarize it seems that this stuff works - - especially with the younger girl. Ill be trying more tomorrow as I will

be at the drop in center all day around the girl im interested in. (might try 2 dabs of AE + 1/3 Edge + 1/3 SoE

Maybe ill try ask her out to lunch tomorrow :)

01-16-2006, 08:06 PM
before going to edge, stick with this

current combo and make sure you can get a good feel for it. congrats on the results btw. some people have to go

through a lot more testing than that to see their first phero hits.

01-17-2006, 05:45 PM
I'd suggest just using AE,

instead of AE + SOE. I'd also suggest starting out at 2 drops. But hey, that's just me.

AE is $200 an ounce.

But it's really good stuff in my experience. I'll be buying it again.