View Full Version : Danger of OD's with multiple pheromone wearers?

12-31-2005, 08:32 PM
Okay, here's a question. Most of the posts here on the forum assume that there is one person wearing a

pheromone product (usually the poster), and the wearer is encountering or dealing with a single other person or

groups of persons often ranging from office co-workers to parties to crowded bars, none of whom are wearing

pheromones. And the OD questions are almost always limited to what that one person is wearing.

But I've also

seen posts where pheromone-wearing poster is off to a gathering or whatever with another pheromone-wearing buddy in

tow, and, I hate to say, pheromones are also getting around enough that there is an increasing possibility that you

may not be the only one in the group wearing them.

So what might happen if you are wearing your optimum mix and

find yourself in close proximity with another user also loaded with similar pheromones. What's the likelyhood that

the two (or more) of you, each projecting your own "phero cloud" could actually end up ODing those who happen to get

caught up in your combined output?

Now maybe you say it's unlikely, but I can see situations where more than

one pheromone wearing person closes in on the rare "hottie" in a group. Like flies to honey.


Observations? What say?

12-31-2005, 10:09 PM
hmmmm....thats an excelent

question.And,since I know almost everything (Im being humble) I should have an answer to that.But saddly....I

dont.Although the logic is sound and would kinda indicate that there is a potential risk in a situation like

that.Although I am not sure how you would end up with a situation where there are multiple pheromone users and ONLY

one hottie.In a club or something like that...I suppose it could happen on a slow night,like a wednesday or

something.Maybe we should get a few of the forum members together in one place and see if anything


01-01-2006, 12:06 AM
I know of at least 8 people in my

town that use pheromones. And this town isn't that big. I can imagine there are plenty more. And most of them

probably don't stick with it.

01-01-2006, 01:18 AM
Your personal chemistry adds to

the uniqueness of your phero enhancement and thus will be different than other users. You could ask the same

question in any crowd of people as we all emit pheromones. It wouldn't overwhelming unless you're in a locker-room

full of sweaty guys. I can get short circuited in close quarters with lots of attractive women. Cops overload and I

start to wig-out.