View Full Version : chakira n (soe what u think off)

12-22-2005, 07:42 PM

anyone tried 1/4 of chakira n 1/2 of soe cuz i got pretty goods results with em. it seem girls were more friendy n

som of them were even flirty, by da way 21 black male n not bad looking but i don't think it depends on age or race

n e way, next i'm gunner try 1/4 alter ego n 1/2 soe

12-22-2005, 09:03 PM
has anyone tried

1/4 of chakira n 1/2 of soe cuz i got pretty goods results with em. it seem girls were more friendy n som of them

were even flirty, by da way 21 black male n not bad looking but i don't think it depends on age or race n e way,

next i'm gunner try 1/4 alter ego n 1/2 soe

age and race have a lot to do with it actually.

12-23-2005, 04:52 AM
In what way? age maybe but not

race i don't think

12-23-2005, 06:30 AM
Age and race both make a

difference in the way mones work for you. For instance younger guys usually produce plenty of -none themselves and

adding more does them little good and often is harmful. It can cause belligerance from other males. Often older

women will react or at least show their reaction to mones more openly. Younger women may be frightened or put off by

what they feel and run the other way.

Generally speaking, African American women respond better to higher levels

of -none than Caucasion women. Asian women seem to respond poorly to high levels of -none. It may be culteral or it

may be biological and it is mostly empirical but those are the general observations made by a lot of people over

time. There's a lot of information on the forum about it that you can probably search out. And, as always, your own

results are eagerly awaited.

12-23-2005, 11:51 AM
I dont know if African American

women are more effected by NONE or not but they definatly show it more.I have had many DIHL's from African American

women over the last year while wearing NPA,while caucasion women usualy dont react at all,with the exception of

women over thirty five or so.I havent had much exposure to asian women so I am at a loss as to the effect that none

might have on them.

African American men may have a higher natural none production than caucasion men,and from

what I have heard on the forums,asian males produce very little none.

By the way,I am a caucasion male,38 years

old,five seven and average to incredibly sexy, depending on who you ask.:think: But I rate myself as average.