View Full Version : DIHL vs. Phero Clouds

12-04-2005, 08:02 PM

people! :wave:

I've been assessing my whole phero usage and approach lately and keep thinking about the

thing described as the phero cloud. Well, everyone would want to have the strongest mix possible, but we'd sure not

want to get the room cloudy giving the men next to us all the benefits that we are supposed to have as our own


What's your experiences with the "phero cloud"? Were you able to control it with adjustments to

your dosages?

What's your view upon the proposed statement that the ultimate dosage would be under OD level,

under maximum level, in fact slightly under phero cloud level?

Which pheromone does give the biggest

cloud? The one to be particularily aware of?

As for me I'm able to get real good results now, consistently,

don't ask about combos or amounts as I haven't perfected anything yet, but I am not sure of how to know or see

signs of the phero cloud. I can impact females 20ft across the room quite rapidly. This then makes me wonder if I'm

also lending other males in the same range to be given the same benefit without knowing it? Or are they actually

sensing it coming from me? I have experienced to "fill up a room with good vibes (chattyness and laughs), but I've

yet to experience ne1 "staling my hits"! I've even been clubbing with a friend wearing 2 sprays of C7 each, but we

still maintained to not get any confusion around us.

The king of dosages on this forum must be Gegogi. Those who

preach under the "less is better" banner I agree most likely have very right in this, however I've yet to read from

any of Gegogi's NPA-showers giving him a phero cloud! I mean if you'd pour and pour pheros on a corpse you'd

at least bring a cloud in the room!!:blink:

C'mon people, share your experience and views on this!

:thumbsup: ;)

12-04-2005, 08:54 PM
I can pretty much pour on the NPA

and everyone around me is all grins and business as usual. I can usually control reactions with my persona. The

'mones merely amplify what I project. However, it does certainly give some women the itch and befuddlement if I

rope them into my personal space for more than a few minutes. I almost hate to say it but "more is better" seems to

ring true for me when it comes to NPA, TE and SOE.

Perception and Chikara are the only 'mones I tried that

didn't seem to do anything no matter how much or little I used.

12-05-2005, 09:49 AM
G, maybe U need to be used as a

experimental rabbit by the industry? The search for the ultimate working mix? Maybe DrSmellthis needs to DrSmellYOU?

:smite: :D

Good, so now we've sort of documented rapports that the two of us are able to wear high doses without

making a diffuse and confusing cloud around us.

Now I'm surprized not more peepz has replied to this

topic:blink: I mean, most of you search for best of a dose as possible, surely you must have some experiences and

opinions on this?:think:

Com'on y'all, let's hear all the details! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

12-05-2005, 10:38 AM
I'm the same as geoggi - I wear

much more none that most people would deem "safe". The benefit of such is that its much easier to control both the

positive and negative effects to none, hell I wear none to school and work sometimes...gives me a good edge. The

only times I've ever OD'd, I did it intentionally to see how much I could tolerate before it went sour. The

downside to all this is that I probably go through NPA three times faster than most people here lol.

I initially

thought that being Asian I was more of a pheromone 'blank slate', producing fewer pheromones naturally than other

ethnicities. Based on my experiences with WAGG, however, I'm starting to think that I might produce a good amount

of the friendlier mones, and need to apply them more thoughtfully. I've always been real easy going and made

friends real easily even before I started messing with mones.

As for the phero cloud effect, I only really see

this happening happening when I wear SOE, and the whole room seems to start buzzing on the -nol. One day I wore a

quite a bit of SOE to see what would happen, and me and the other 4 guys working with me broke out into delirious

laughter for no particular reason. No one knew what was so funny after a while, but I attributed it in my mind to

the SOE.

I think none and rone is sensed in a more directional fashion than some of the friendlier mones like

-nol....from what I can tell at least. I don't ever see instances of other guys 'stealing my hits', in fact for

me, a good -none or -rone reaction is obvious because so much of the attention is dead-set on my presence when I

enter a room. When you start seeing multiple DIHL stares, you'll know that you got it right that day. You'll

especially know its working if you catch a DIHL from a woman thats walking around with her guy. I think thats a

fairly good indication that women can tell where their reactions to none are coming from. I've had a couple long

distance DIHL staredowns, but I can't conclusively say if the nones were working at such a long range.

12-05-2005, 12:40 PM
As for the 'mone' cloud making

it difficult for people to determine who is creating it,I can see that happening.Especialy if the visual cues are

backwards.If the guy standing next to you is taller and better looking,it would be fairly easy to understand some

confusion as to exactly who is producing the cloud.All the more reason to wear alittle less and draw them in close

so that the signature is attributed to you instead of Brad Pitt standing next to you.As for Gegogi's ability to

bathe in NPA for weeks and not confuse and irritate people,that could only be the fact that his persona doesnt

attract that sort of response.

Gegogi,when you are around large groups of people,are you in a position where you

are naturaly somewhat seperated from the rest of the herd?By that I mean as a speaker in a room full of people,you

arent alone,but you are seperate from the others.If that is the case it would be alot easier for people to localize

your "fragrance" and identify its scource.

12-06-2005, 01:54 AM
5 days a week I work in lecture

halls, small conference rooms and one-on-one in my office. The results are fairly consistant just as long as I

control my persona. I can be fairly charismatic and entertaining in a group, and the 'mones usually amp it up. I

haven't experienced "transference" of my 'mone signature to a nearby male. However I'm good at not getting

upstaged in my own territory.

12-07-2005, 10:00 PM
Only once or twice did I feel

that someone else benefitted from my phero cloud, and I have gone out just absolutely reeking of pheromones (4-6

sprays of The Edge, Chikara, etc.). Usually, I can get attention from women within a 20-foot radius, give or take.

But I also dress well and clothes help get a lot of attention from women.

These days I've scaled back on the

pheromones because I'm in a semi-serious relationship and I don't want girls coming on to me all the time.

Nonetheless, most women still change their attitudes when I get within 10 feet of them. Only a few really tough

ones don't react well.