View Full Version : I thought too much pheros causes OD????

12-02-2005, 12:31 PM
Im new to pheros and recently just bought a bottle of AE. Ive been reading alot about people mixing AE

with SOE/NPA etc... However, I thought that putting on too much pheros would repel women? whats the deal with mixing


12-02-2005, 12:48 PM
Yes, too much of a pheromone

can repel people. Mixing can be a good and bad thing.The point is to create a combination that better matches your

own pheromone signature to enhance your attractiveness. Since you are new to pheromones and probably have little

idea about what you need to enhance your natural signature you should not mix. Spend some time methodically testing

individual products and learn what works for you before you try mixing. It may take longer but the chances are much

better for success.

12-02-2005, 12:48 PM
First the :welcome:

Now for the

required harassment:
"Ah! the lost art of critical thinking!!:think:

Now for the answer:
The idea isn't to put

on a "lot". The idea is to balance through trial and error your own personel signature using varoius ~mones in

lesser amounts. :blink:

Good Luck!!

12-03-2005, 10:08 AM
Too much also doesnt equal to too

If the total quantity is within reasonable limits (so that the wearer doesnt, for instance, smell like a

circus tent full of yaks in mating season), then the number of components doesnt really matter