View Full Version : The "Disaster squad"?

12-02-2005, 10:56 AM

have been reading through the forums and searching for information to help me know when I am getting hits, how

people respond to various 'mones, and so on, and I keep hearing about disasters. A search for this term turned up

some interesting stuff, but not what I am looking for - which is stories about disasters people have


Let's hear about your disasters! I'd rather learn from mistakes already made than make them

myself. So, what phero-disasters have you experienced, and what made them happen? I'd start off, but I'm too new

at this, don't have any disasters to report.

12-02-2005, 11:57 AM
Disaster is such a strong word

and is better reserved for wars, famine, tornados and the like. I can't say I've ever had an OD of epic dimensions

nor an uncontrollable hit. You can easily much make up for pheromone shortcomings with your wit and persona. In

other words, your successes and failures are mainly dependent on you and not your chemical enhancements.

12-02-2005, 01:58 PM
there is a percentage of the world out there with paranoid disorders and

another with histrionic disorders, the paranoids have a problem of excess or highly guarded boundaries, if they

suddenly feel a lowering of their boundaries they may stage a "freakout" to re-establish a safe emotional distance

and regain (what they believe to be) an appropriate level of control, and histrionics, who clinically have low

boundaries, and inappropriately swamp other people's psychic turf, may possibly go completely over the top and

stage a grand drama, creating what they crave most, lots and lots of attention focused on them.

12-02-2005, 06:16 PM
'nother cool post surfs up!

12-05-2005, 06:27 AM
there is a percentage of the world out there with paranoid disorders and another with histrionic

disorders, the paranoids have a problem of excess or highly guarded boundaries, if they suddenly feel a lowering of

their boundaries they may stage a "freakout" to re-establish a safe emotional distance and regain (what they believe

to be) an appropriate level of control, and histrionics, who clinically have low boundaries, and inappropriately

swamp other people's psychic turf, may possibly go completely over the top and stage a grand drama, creating what

they crave most, lots and lots of attention focused on them.

Sounds like my brother. Though past 40,

he still has "middle child syndrome" and partially blames that for his failures in life. Just a couple of weeks ago,

he goes out and totalls my dad's new pickup while partying with some sort of wanton woman, on the night before my

sister's wedding.

I can't help feeling that he subconsciously did that to bring attention to


He's also left a restaurant before eating with family after I arrived wearing pheromones.

12-06-2005, 03:55 PM
So... back to that disaster

thing... lol

How many of you have ever intentionally overdosed just to see what would happen? And what

happened? Was it just people steering clear? Did someone start a fight? Speedmouth airhead explosion? What?

12-06-2005, 04:43 PM
I've tried to OD many times. The

worse I could muster was endless babble and fasciation from affected females. Nobody steered clear nor became rude

or hostile. Some women were more forward--demanding--sexually but that's about it. I suspect if you soak yourself

in 'none and act rude and aggressive you will quickly invite like behavior. If you act confident, kind, mellow and

sensuous you tend to get the same in return.

12-07-2005, 04:22 AM
No. 1 disasters for me

have to be putting on NPA/m at work. I wore the old NPA/m/WAGG/PI/m mix (1:1:1 ) and even though WAGG is ment to

restrict bad reactions, I had a coworker go off at me as I sounded like 'I knew everything' when trying to sell

something to a customer (I was in Sales at the time). Things were never completely patched up with that coworker,

maybe because I found it hard to trust him again after he lashed out at me like that. Overall I did get some good

sexual:thumbsup: and respect-type hits from that mix, but a little bit too much intimidation and exarcebation of the

lone wolf effect too (bad for work obviously).

Other disasters have been generally been wearing NPA/m around

people such as my mum and step-mum.

Of course Gegogi will blame the way I acted etc. for the negatives but Ill

tell you what Im doing pretty well with the ladies at the moment being very careful with -None and NPA/m.


12-07-2005, 12:02 PM
Hey Vis, you juz gotta learn to

wear Buddha face when all 'moned up.

12-07-2005, 09:52 PM
I'll share three disasters

with you.

1) When I was first experimenting with pheromones, I put an extremely powerful product on my shirt

sleeves (it was not for application on the skin). I'd had some good results with a skin-applied pheromone and I

thought I'd use them both at the same time. There was a particularly cute girl at work who had come on to me and

then backed off a few months before. I was using the pheromones to try to entice her to be interested again.

So, I put the new stuff on my shirt, went to work, and saw her down at the end of the hallway. I started walking

toward her, confident in my manliness. She started walking toward me, intent on some personal errand. As we

approached our eyes locked, she started to smile at me, I felt good, and then .... she gagged and choked as we

passed each other. I was too embarrassed to say anything and never wore that particular product again.

2) OD'd

on something, maybe The Edge, and went to work. In those days, I OD'd regularly and generally had a good time

doing it. But something twisted my mood and I was angry all morning. Snapped at people right and left, including

one girl (a different one) I'd been flirting with for several months. When she reacted in surprise as I snarled at

her, I realized I had better calm down. Not knowing what else to do, I touched up with some APC. My mood changed

almost immediately and my day improved after that.

3) I have taken dance classes for several years. I recently

started sitting in on some Ballroom Dancing classes. Not knowing what I'd run into, I decided to wear a strong mix

of The Edge, Natural Attraction, and APC. Got to the class, saw a really cute Asian girl signing up, and thought,

"This could be fun."

Then we paired off and the tall guy next to me got the cute girl. "No problem," I thought.

"I'll torment her from afar and get her in the rotation."

Problem was, my partner turned out to be about twice

my size (but not quite as tall as me). Now, I admit to be a little prejudiced against extremely heavy women/girls.

I feel strongly for them that they struggle with that weight. It's not healthy and many people cannot take it off.

But the heavier they are, the more likely they are (in my experience) to grope.

So, wearing a strong mix of

pheromones proved to be a bad decision that night. Yes, the cute girl could not take her eyes off me, and several

times she tried to veer in my direction, but the heavy girl was always there, staking out her turf and ensuring she

got as close to me as possible.

The dance teacher saw I was being overwhelmed by the massive assault so she

finally suggested a partner rotation. The cute girl, unfortunately, didn't move quick enough, so the next heaviest

girl in the class snagged me and she proved to be even more aggressive than her friend....

12-08-2005, 08:03 AM
The dance

teacher saw I was being overwhelmed by the massive assault so she finally suggested a partner rotation. The cute

girl, unfortunately, didn't move quick enough, so the next heaviest girl in the class snagged me and she proved to

be even more aggressive than her friend....

Only you, Signor Friendly! Only you!

Always a pleasure!

Hoping all has been well, as I can see by your other post ... semiserious relationship.

12-08-2005, 08:28 PM
I'll share

three disasters with you.

2) OD'd on something, maybe The Edge, and went to work. In those days, I OD'd

regularly and generally had a good time doing it. But something twisted my mood and I was angry all morning. Snapped

at people right and left, including one girl (a different one) I'd been flirting with for several months. When she

reacted in surprise as I snarled at her, I realized I had better calm down. Not knowing what else to do, I touched

up with some APC. My mood changed almost immediately and my day improved after that.

Thanks for

posting your disaster stories!

I have a question. You're saying you probably overdosed on TE (which is

'none, and from what I understand, 'none overdose causes that sort of response) and fixed it by using APC (which

is also 'none)? That doesn't seem to make sense. Did you mean SOE instead of APC? Or was the scent of APC

calming for you?

12-08-2005, 11:46 PM
Thanks for

posting your disaster stories!

I have a question. You're saying you probably overdosed on TE (which is 'none,

and from what I understand, 'none overdose causes that sort of response) and fixed it by using APC (which is also

'none)? That doesn't seem to make sense. Did you mean SOE instead of APC? Or was the scent of APC calming for


Odors can trigger memories. The APC scent is soft and rich for me, and it has a very calming

effect on my moods.

I posted a much more detailed account of this particular event around the time it happened,

but I have a high enough post count that I didn't feel like searching for the original version to check my facts.

I am pretty certain it was an Androstenone OD. I know for a fact that it was the APC which brought me down.

12-08-2005, 11:51 PM
Only you,

Signor Friendly! Only you!

Well, I am sure she is a sweet girl, but she pushed me up against the wall at

one point. I wouldn't wish that on my best friend.

Well, maybe him....

Always a pleasure! Hoping

all has been well, as I can see by your other post ... semiserious relationship.

A long time comin'

semi-serious relationship. Still not sure where it's going to go. This is a very traditional, conservative

Vietnamese girl and she is about 20 years younger than me. A friend of mine (Chinese lady) met her recently and

advised me to continue taking it slow. I'm less prone to do something stupid that way.

And I've been busy at

work, very busy. But the relationship has caused me to lose almost all interest in other girls. I sort of have to

force myself to flirt with them. It's funny, too, because knowing they don't have a chance with me, I find myself

being more relaxed and light-hearted with them than with my girl. With her, I have to take a deep breath, remind

myself that she won't stay around if I don't relax and have fun with her, and it just seems like a lot more effort

is required to hold myself back.

So, the fact I am struggling with myself tells me I still need to take it


Anyway, I use the pheromones for her more than for anyone else. I gave her a little stuffed animal a

couple of months ago and put some APC on it. She says it reminds her of me.

That's the way to do it. Money

for nothin' and your chicks for free....