View Full Version : Chikara 1 spray ONLY

10-27-2005, 06:53 PM
I've been

testing out chikara alot with different mixes I've used 2 to 6 sprarys...Yeah I actually used 6 sprays believe it

or not.

The past two days I've been wearing soe with ONE spray of chikara. The women at my work have always

been professional, but for two days in a row I have had atleast 2 women on each day...playfully twist some kind of

comment or situation and turn it into a sexual one.

Before I used to wear a lot of npa and ae mixes and I got

nothing at all like this at work.

But ONE spray of chikara is pretty "off the heazy".

2 sprays, for me, have

been a total bust.

10-27-2005, 07:39 PM
I'd say the ideal chikara spray

range from users on the forum is 1-2. Since chikara is low on Anone more can be sprayed, or you can use 1 spray and

add some TE or NPA to the mix for more sexual hits. What IMPI seems to do is replicate a similar effect of the

recently popular combo of Chikara/TE mix and some users of the new Impi batch report beter results than that

reputable mix has made for itself. Guess I got a little off track, but it still relates...sort of.

10-27-2005, 10:01 PM
often "less is better".

with the high doses you were wearing you got some reactions from a few people who's range you hit. now with the

lower doses you can reach a bigger multitude of people rather than a samll handful.

10-28-2005, 02:28 PM
I wear less than a full spray

-- a light spray -- but combine it with other things. It plays a good role.

10-28-2005, 03:28 PM
Yep, the original beta version

gave tiny sprays. People used about 2 of those, but thats probably very close to 1 spray of the current version.

10-28-2005, 07:08 PM
One spray or ten it makes no diff

when it comes to Chikara. I might as well be a stone buddha when I wear Chikara as it doesn't do jack for me. Add a

half dozen dabs of NPA and the results are kickass.