View Full Version : mones helped you to get THE man?

10-23-2005, 01:53 PM
hi everyone,

i have placed my first order today - the beginners kit. i have read that most of you had good

experiences with this and i hope i will too. i will be meeting this guy next week. i have fancied him for 3 years

and everytime we meet there is a very strong connection between us. we have kissed but nothing more. i hope that

pheromones will give me that extra something so that he shows more interest in me.
have any of you experiences

like this? have you liked someone for a long time and then when you started using mones did you hit it off with him

(relationship or just sexual)?
would appreciate any comments.

hope you are all well. x

12-12-2005, 07:58 PM
Something to remember about men

is that we usualy try to connect sexualy befor me connect emotionaly.Pheromones will almost certainly help you get

his interest.And a horny guy is as interested as a guy gets in the opening phases of a relationship.How you handle

his advances will largely determine where the relationship ends up going.If you sleep with him too soon,you run the

risk of ending up with a passing fling.If you make him wait too long,you run the risk of him loosing interest.One of

the biggest mistakes I see women make is jumping in too soon.Be patient,let the pheromones do thier stuff...and

above all...have fun.