View Full Version : the A314 turbo crank.... New Jack City

10-22-2005, 08:05 PM
here in nose lab rust never sleeps and behavior is always asuumed to be modificable ( izatta word ?)... soooooo...

took one of the tiny little 2 mil vials, filled it halfway with A314, the some drops of -dienone, -none, and

alpha-nol, and rubbed a little bit on the back of my hand. The results were...... were.... were..... different and

rather unusual and wacky and ok.... there is this hard core lesbian I do some exercises and workouts with... she is

100% into women, but has no issues with men.... anyway we're doing some stuff and she takes my hand and puts in on

her thigh, the inside of her thigh, pretty far up her thigh, and thinks nothing unusual about it and is in the

sweeeetest mood... just like a happy uninhibited kid.... I'm a tiny bit thrown, go with it and behave myself... we

had a good exercise... then there is this other woman, middle aged and bummed about it, and she got an unannounced

need to suddenly massively unload her, ahhhh, issues in my humble direction... everyone else within earshot was open

mouthed... holy freakin' crap whut wuzzat ? I think whut wuzzat wuz that she felt herself getting turned on and no

thanx to her abrasive personality that was once upon a time accepted as "brassy energy" and has now been rebranded

as "scary bitch" and male guys no longer sustain meaningful eye contact with her her default mode is the Primal

Vulva Rant.... sheesh, I know this great dyke I could hook her up with...

10-23-2005, 04:36 AM
rofl well my suggestion is hook

her up with this dyke - gawd keep using that bloody mix ive made a note of what u have used hehe

10-23-2005, 08:01 AM
Sounds like not too off from AE

mixed with AA314, but with the added A1. The A1 probably made her feel all warm and giddy.