View Full Version : pheromones are not just about sex

10-12-2005, 10:38 AM

been using pheromones for quite some time and am having a ball using them and experimenting with different combos.

One thing which I would like to point out is that pheromones (particularly those containing nol and even A1) are

very powerful weapons in getting people to open up to you. I've had people (male and female) devulge to me all

kinds of information without me asking them while wearing SOE, A1 and others. Information that is usually not

devulged unless they know you very well tends to come out relatively easily. This brings up a thought... police

interrogators and others involved in intelligence operations (i.e. FBI, CIA, military, etc.) could use these as

powerful tools if they don't already.

10-12-2005, 11:09 AM

human mind is a big context processing machine.... pheromones work best in appropriate contexts, expecially where

other parties have some prior expectation that is alligned with what the pheromone is about. I have observed when

the context switches, it is easy to snap out of the pheromone state, much more so than with drugs or alcohol. If

there is a predisposition to be communicative and extra pheromones are present, you can go further in that

direction. If people are feeling tentatively sexual and there is a strong pheromone dose in the air, they may

amplify their sexual feelings, or they may counter-react and fight their sexual feelings, becoming hostile,

defensive, or distant. I've had people open up and share their deepest thoughts only to find I was listening to a

lot of half processed dimwitted blather, although sincerely delivered half processed dimwitted blather... this is

most distressing when it emits from a beautiful woman who should have invested more energy in her education

10-12-2005, 02:03 PM
surfs up i totally agree the

social side of pheromones of course is linked to peoples sexual side as well - the two are always interactive from

the guy that is an alpha and he gets respect - its a sexual competition from guys (unless gay) and from women even

in a social context they are still competing for attention of blathering their inner most thoughts but where sexual

interaction is in the background and its more social in context then yeah mones are very useful for getting

sometimes useful - interesting information and other times dim witted blather

10-12-2005, 07:29 PM
My experience is pheromones

won't make someone do something they didn't really want to do in the first place. Freewill is still at play.

Pheromones are not a truth serum. However, people want to confide in a trusted friend. Products like SOE and WAGG

seem to enhance perceptions of social status, trust and likeableness. I get confessions from people all the time

with or without 'mones. I have the face of a priest I guess. However, it's very easy to destroy that trust with a

few careless words or actions. I don't think pheromone use among police interrogators will make much difference.

Maybe a few retards and those predisposed to confess will respond. The rest don't want to go jail and therefore

will not spill the beans no matter how trustworthy and likeable the officer is.

10-13-2005, 02:45 AM
think of mones if used properly as

a social lubricant it loosens em up and in a lot of siutations makes intereactions easier.