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View Full Version : AE+APC=Synergy

10-11-2005, 01:03 PM
I first started out

with APC a long time ago and had ok results with it, but after reading about it's uber low concetrations of Anone I

thought it probably had to do more with the smell than anything else. Ofcourse a little Anone is better than none at

all and will atleast have some effect.

I got into a long relationship and started using AE/m with APC and I got

very good results. My fiance at the time was always smelling my neck when she was close enough and making sexual

moaning(mmmm) noises and started kissing my neck and my lips. This seemed to always work whenever she got that close

to me and smelled me consciously. Subconsciously it seemed to work well also in terms of how things went and she was

a very dominant/independant kind of woman. So I believe the Anone and Arone helped keep me from seeming like too

much of a weakling and not get overran or left by her dominance, because I am a very layed back kind of guy. I did

notice however that when I didn't use the APC...ran out; the effects were not as good as with the two together. It

worked still, but just not as "moan/make-out" provoking as before. I don't know if it was because of APC's smell

and it combined well with AE/m or if the small amount of Anone helped further enhance the mix and overall balance.

Anyway...I used 3 drops AE/m total (one drop around neck area, one drop spread around ear lobes and ear area,

and one drop on my undershirt collar area) so that atleast one spot the pheromones lasted longer in its original

chemical state and didn't convert for a while longer. I covered about 2 dabs(tilt bottle on to finger) of APC

around my neck area.

The effects of the mix seemed to get me good sexual hits with social reinforcement. These

effects worked after the relationship with just that one girl and with others...some women responded more so to it

and some others less, but I never encountered a woman that i dated that did not respond positively to the smells and

pheromones of the mix. I'm sure others use this mix as well, I just haven't searched for the thread yet.


I notice you guys mention age, race and what not for experimental research purposes, because it may reveal the

targeted age groups, possible natural pheromone production, and etc.. (I'm 22, 145 pounds, 5'11'', lean

muscular, attractive, white male, and super sex drive)