View Full Version : Funny, yet Tragic, Story

10-02-2005, 03:02 PM
I posted a

thread a while back but I think a hit story of this magnitude is worth another one.

I'm new to mones and had

bought some SOE just to try it out. I applied a good sized amount (not too much) to my neck and arms and went on a

date with a friend of some months to see how it would turn out. I undertand this makes you seem more friendly, and

my time with her did not seem exceptionally different. But after the date she invited me into her house, and was

clearing off a couch (where we were going to sit and perhaps do something else) when her MOM walks into the room and

begins talking to me about some VERY personal issues! I am only 18 but obliged her. She continued talking for A

WHOLE HOUR despite the fact I wanted to break it off and did not say as much as a word for the last twenty minutes.

Anyways, by that time it was almost midnight and my friend was quite bored/tired out because her mom was not

including her in the convo. So she politely suggested I should be going.

All I can say is CURSES! The mones

worked, but on someone else! She walked into the room after I had walked through the house and I'm guessing she was

attracted to the mones.

Oh well, all you can do in a siutuation like this is laugh. Hopefully I will have better

luck next time!

10-02-2005, 04:24 PM
Well you never know. It could

turn out to be a Mrs. Robinson love triangle. Besides, it's not a bad idea to let an older woman "break you in" so

to speak. When I was an undergrad I learned some righteous strokes from an older neighbor woman. Later I was able to

thrill sweet young dorm girls to no end (instead of quickly cuming on their leg like most beginners do).

10-02-2005, 05:34 PM
She continued talking for A

WHOLE HOUR despite the fact I wanted to break it off

:type: Didn't seem like you (or your friend) were

able to let her know verbally that you had other business to do than talk to her. A lesson learned? Seems like one

of those situations where you feel you're being rude if you dismiss her, but the one really being rude is her. But

then again since you're in fact sending out these HUGE friendly vibes, then who's to blame her? Not that you're

friend was helping either..:rolleyes:

So did it go better next time you met your friend? If she didn't apologize

for her mom then, you could point out that you tried not to be rude and felt stuck. Then she'd see the point and

you could continue from there..

I guess it takes confidence to just say it straight forward. I've experienceed

people just talking too much myself, even blabbering to me when I'm on the phone:box: But have never been in any

situations where it was crucial to me that they'd stop.

10-05-2005, 10:53 PM

Didn't seem like you (or your friend) were able to let her know verbally that you had other business to do than

talk to her. A lesson learned? Seems like one of those situations where you feel you're being rude if you dismiss

her, but the one really being rude is her. But then again since you're in fact sending out these HUGE friendly

vibes, then who's to blame her? Not that you're friend was helping either..:rolleyes:

So did it go better next

time you met your friend? If she didn't apologize for her mom then, you could point out that you tried not to be

rude and felt stuck. Then she'd see the point and you could continue from there..

I guess it takes confidence

to just say it straight forward. I've experienceed people just talking too much myself, even blabbering to me when

I'm on the phone:box: But have never been in any situations where it was crucial to me that they'd stop.

i would say things went well. the mom thing is nothing to worry about just an inconvenience. a

really big one. at least you got to really see how soe can open people up into chatterboxes.


have to agree with the Funk. i remember being in that situation at your age and most people couldn't tell their

moms straight out "to go away your bothering us". i did learn a trick when moms used to be chatting my ear off when

i was trying to get some action at your age.. excuse yourself to use the restroom even if you don't have to go,

anything like getting some water will do. as long as you give them a minute or two alone so maybe she'd feel more

comfortable to tell her mom to go away.
if it happens again you could even say politely the mom

"i'm sorry i don't mean to be rude but it's getting late and there are a few things i want to discuss with her

before i have to get going."

10-08-2005, 02:13 AM
learn all her mothers inner

secrets u might be able to find out some things - and being in the good books with mum can help when u want to get

her hot daughter in the sack :)

10-08-2005, 08:13 AM
MANNERS ... almost a lost art.


If you are at her house (her mom's house), the bathroom try is your best and ONLY bet ... hoping her mom

leaves the area. Do not, I repeat, do not try to be grown by asking her to get lost in any kind of form. If was the

mother, it would be your last time in my house. If her daughter doesn't ask her mom to leave, let it be.


P.S. I'm old school ... kids get away with lack of manners/respect these days. It's like

being out in public using filthy language in front of elderly people because they consider themselves grown.

Well, just because you're grown doesn't mean you CAN'T respect other people!:run:

10-08-2005, 10:24 AM

... almost a lost art. :rant:

If you are at her house (her mom's house), the bathroom try is your best and

ONLY bet ... hoping her mom leaves the area. Do not, I repeat, do not try to be grown by asking her to get lost

in any kind of form. If was the mother, it would be your last time in my house. If her daughter doesn't ask her mom

to leave, let it be.


P.S. I'm old school ... kids get away with lack of manners/respect

these days. It's like being out in public using filthy language in front of elderly people because they consider

themselves grown. Well, just because you're grown doesn't mean you CAN'T respect other people!:run:

i agree manners do seem to have dissapeared. opening your mouth at that age to a mother could be a

big mistake. got too caught up thinking about a 23 yearold i was seeing when i had to tell her mommy to go away.

totally different scenario.

i think we need to abandon the time out thing and just go back to an oldfashion

whooping:whip: worked for me