View Full Version : Newbie needs some help

12-15-2001, 07:38 AM
OK, I\'m very new to this whole pheromone thing. And I was just wondering what each pheromone does, and what kind of person should use each pheromone. And also which products are for which kind of person, ex. male/female, teenager/adult, etc.

12-15-2001, 08:57 AM
Most of the info can be found on a post on Nov. 30, titled \"-none, -nol, -rone --what each of them does...\"

-none has better luck with women mostly over 21, but sometimes as young as 17. To much can intimadate them, mainly the younger ones.

-nol, i think allows the women to get closer to you with out being intimadated.

-rone inhances both of them.

12-15-2001, 01:09 PM
I still wonder what\'s the underlying reason for -none affecting younger and older women differently. For instance, is it really age or sexual experience?