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12-04-2005, 03:51 PM
I put SOE on my

promotion application (20 page essay with supporting data!). I don't know if it helped but I got

The thread was being talked in another topic. As it is half a year old (that means potentially

many new members on the forums and even more new tricks!) and just a great thread, I decided to bump

Furthermore, I have a question to Gegogi.
So, Gegogi, of course you most probably were not promoted becuase of

the SOE, but it still might have helped a bit. How much did you put on the application? I will have to apply to an

University, soon, so the information could be very important. Also, how long does the effect of SOE last on a piece

of paper, in a closed envelope? Any idea? On paper, it does not convert, though, right?

To everyone else: share

your tricks and ideas related to pheromones!! Let us not let the great thread "die" again :)

12-05-2005, 12:34 AM
Have you actually done

this? I'm a guy, but honestly if I was a girl and someone made this offer to me I would just give him a funny look

and buy my own drink.

I was out practicing some pool shots last night and 2 very pretty girls came and sat down

beside my table and were deep in conversation. They were pretty preoccupied, or I would have considered asking if

they wanted to play against me...I was going to offer that for every turn I get they each get one, on a team,

and if they win I buy them drinks. Either I get them drunk and get to teach them some things, or I have some good

competitive play, win-win...and more fun than counting. ;)

I like it! :thumbsup:

12-05-2005, 01:43 AM
Premizen, sorry I don't recall

the exact amount of SOE as it was over a year ago. However, realize SOE is oil based and will stain paper, looking

unprofessional. I used a q-tip to apply small amounts to the inner binder and plastic inserts (for photos and CDs).

The document passed through a half dozen committees and individuals over a 5 or 6 month period, so I doult the

'mones were potent through much of the process.

12-05-2005, 09:45 AM
Hmm that gave me an idea,

pheromone SPRAY! Why not try Chikara? Is supposed to be great for business, and no oils? Also you can get it without

scent. I just tried it onto a CD and a sheet of paper, the scented version, worked like a charm! At least it didn't

stain, or smell too much with one spray on each. To see if it gives results needs testing! :)

12-05-2005, 10:45 AM
Where I live, one (very

important) part of the exams that have be done to graduate and to get into an university, is to write an essay

on the premises. We have three hours to write an essay of 4-5 pages. But how much points we are getting, it depends

on the person (usually a professor, female) that is going to check it. So it might be quite subjective! I am sure

spilling some right 'mones in a right dosage could get me a bit extra. I am quite good at the essays anyway. Great

I still have some time until I have to do that. Until that, I will try to put some 'mones on every essay I

write to see whether it does something or not.

12-05-2005, 04:46 PM
Ask her to smell the spray

bottle, see what she thinks of the scent... then at the end of her inhalation, spray some right on her nose. Talk

about your DIOS (Deer In Outer Space) response... followed quickly by the DIH (Deer In Heat) response... I did that

with some 'rone and she went berserk. Said it was like being on E without the drugged feeling. She was getting

off on giving ME a massage! Too bad I couldn't let it go any further than that.

12-05-2005, 08:03 PM
I'm too lazy to read all the posts

so If I'm reapeating let me know.

How about putting some pheromones on the passenger seat of your

While your pumping gas, picking up concert ticket or whatever she getting a primer dose of



12-05-2005, 08:49 PM
How about the trick that all the

realy successful men have used for many generations? Ask her to dance.After a few minuets of this sort of activity

you should get some kind of response and its usualy considered fairly normal for a guy to ask a woman to

dance.Unless of course your on the bus or standing in line at the DMV.In those cases I try to get as close as I can

without invading thier space and strike up a conversation.That will usualy get someone within striking distance of

any secret weapons I am wearing,and since I am a resonable good conversationalist I can keep them there long enough

to get something out of them.

12-06-2005, 08:31 AM
Yep, definitely gotta find

someplace to dance around here.

12-07-2005, 10:39 AM
Actually, asking someone to dance

while in line at the DMV may be a great icebreaker... You'd probably certainly stand out from the rest.


even make the evening news when they come to take you away. Great publicity? Heh?

12-18-2005, 01:32 PM
Ahh yes... Holiday gift giving

season is here...

I think I'll add a bit of this "holiday scented" spray to the wrapping on these gifts for my


Be kinda cute if I take the stick on bow I sprayed with the scent off the opened wrapper and

playfully stuck it on her shirt front in range of her nose too...

OOPS I grabbed the Perception atomizer by


Can't let that kind of thing happen again can we!??

Well, let's try freshing up this bit

of lounge/sleepwear I'm giving my favorite hottie.

OOPS, that was the Pheromax container... Darn. Did it


Now where did that TE sprayer go...?


12-18-2005, 04:09 PM
I'm too lazy to read

all the posts so If I'm reapeating let me know.

How about putting some pheromones on the passenger seat of your

While your pumping gas, picking up concert ticket or whatever she getting a primer dose of seduction.

I sometimes keep my pheromone pouch in the car (sometimes for days at a time) so I can apply them

while stuck in traffic on the way to work or school. I always get compliments about how good my car smells from

women (never really from the guys). One day I picked up a girl from school and she made the usual "wow you're car

smells nice comment" Out of curiosity I asked her what it smelled like, and told her I had a bunch of old air

fresheners lying around my car (I do). She said that it didn't smell so much like an air freshener...she said that

my car smelled like me, and it smelled good.

After that day, I got ideas of opening up one of those glade

scented oil bottles and dropping some NPA and SOE in it, but feared possibly OD'ing in the car if I already had

either of the two on while driving with someone. Might be a good idea though.

12-18-2005, 10:41 PM
Ahh yes... Holiday

gift giving season is here...

I think I'll add a bit of this "holiday scented" spray to the wrapping on these

gifts for my girlfriends...

Be kinda cute if I take the stick on bow I sprayed with the scent off the opened

wrapper and playfully stuck it on her shirt front in range of her nose too...

OOPS I grabbed the Perception

atomizer by mistake...

Can't let that kind of thing happen again can we!??

Well, let's try freshing

up this bit of lounge/sleepwear I'm giving my favorite hottie.

OOPS, that was the Pheromax container... Darn.

Did it again....

Now where did that TE sprayer go...?


LOL! Thanks for the laugh! I am

thinking, maybe I should get my girlfriend some perfumeand accidentally spill some pheromones into the bottle?

Hmmm... I wonder which pheromone would be best for that...

By the way, I had an ideacome to me not long ago that

would be really cool to try out. Simply spray some pheromones on the blades of a fan in the area and turn it on.

Voila! Directional dispersal of pheromones. This could be very interesting when used with overhead fans, as well

as fans designed to cool a specific person, or cool a room while someone sleeps...

12-24-2005, 11:51 AM
Also, I read in another thread

recently that after cleaning a lightbulb, you can apply a carrier oil mixed with scent and when it is turned on,

disperses the scent with heat. Sounds like a good idea for room-wide dispersal.

12-25-2005, 09:55 PM
Also, I read in

another thread recently that after cleaning a lightbulb, you can apply a carrier oil mixed with scent and when it is

turned on, disperses the scent with heat. Sounds like a good idea for room-wide dispersal.

You can get

ceramic rings that will set down on top of a standard lightbulb at many places that sell room freshener type things

(like most grocery stores in the US). I've not seen anything that is designed for CF type lamps

01-10-2006, 03:14 PM
After I get my recent order,

here's something I'm going to try. A waitress I know is a dead ringer for the actress Elisha Cuthbert. Elisha

played Kim on the tv series 24.

I keep telling the waitress that the two of them look similiar, but since

she works nights, she has no idea who Elisha Cuthbert is.

Well, I'm going to print out a picture of Elisha,

and while wearing my 'mones, show it to her and hopefully get into a prolonged discussion of the physical

similarities between the two.

02-01-2006, 07:33 PM
I recently spotted a suggestion

elsewhere about using one of those room deoderizer type fans to distribute say a -nol based product "secretly" at

parties and gatherings. (The Oust brand battery operated fan was mentioned.)

I'm not sure how practical that

idea is, or what might be necessary to modify the refill thingie to take a pheromone product (or if you have to

fabricate your own "refill" insert). It's a glass bottle with a wick. But I think I'll investigate it. Might be



02-01-2006, 09:13 PM
Seriously Rbt, that might even be

a great product to make for sale! :cool: :cool:

Zz like the ad goes

"Instant home party success!"

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
