View Full Version : would gay men react as strongly as women

04-26-2005, 09:50 PM
i was just wondering dont ask me why .. if a gay man is attracted to a man pretty much like a woman

would be than is it a good hypothesis to say that walking into a gay bar wearing mones is going to make a straight

man suffer even more.
im only asking because id like to play a joke on a friend of mine. for

my last b-day my friend woody told me to meet him at this nice lounge. well my other buddy and i got there early and

realized we were sitting in a gay bar. it wasn't my friends fault as he is just stupid enough not to realize it was

a gay lounge. SO his b-day is coming up and im planning my revenge on him.

04-26-2005, 10:37 PM
There needs to be attraction for

the 'mones to have something to enhance. In other words, you friend needs to be puttin' out good vibrations in

order to get gay men in his personal space. Then and only then will the 'mones have a chance to work their spell.

Otherwise you could spray NPA on a mannequin and watch a fag feeding frenzy.

04-27-2005, 08:19 PM
Unpublished (in press) research

findings show that homosexuals produce distinctively different natural body odor compared to heterosexuals and that

homosexuals prefer the natural body odor of other homosexuals.


04-27-2005, 08:47 PM
"Unpublished (in press)

research findings show that homosexuals produce distinctively different natural body odor compared to heterosexuals

and that homosexuals prefer the natural body odor of other homosexuals."

I'm sure gay men usually

prefer other gay men. Nevertheless, many a gay man has come after me and I'm as heterosexual as it gets! Shucks,

mayhaps they were lowering their standards with me! I got the impression it was more of a visual attraction as they

observed me from afar and eventually moved in to try their luck. Some of them, even after I made my sexual

orientation clear, still pestered the hell out of me.

04-28-2005, 05:53 PM
yeah i figuered gay men

would be attracted to the scent of other gay men. was wondering if the higher mone levels could give a false sense

of readiness b4 the approach came and showed the heterosexualness.