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View Full Version : Question about the chikara gel packets.

04-18-2005, 01:09 PM
Hey i would like to buy the chikara gel packets..Anyone try them before. if so please tell me result you got from

them. i mainly want these instead because the chikara bottle is to expensive.

04-18-2005, 01:20 PM
Do a search, there's lots of

info on them.

04-18-2005, 01:25 PM
Well if the gel packs are like

the spray version then they will have a great scent. I personally have never gotten hits from wearing Chikara alone,

but it smells so good that I bought another bottle. I'm still testing with Chikara and with increased dosages I

noticed a friendly vibe coming from women (but it take 3-4 sprays), but I get better chatty responses from SOE and

WAGG. I'm going to up the spray amount and see if that works any better. I also have the gel packs, but I'll save

that for vacation so I don't have to carry my bottle around. I don't know if it more concentrated than the spray

though. I think at the very worst you'll have a great smelling cover scent.

04-18-2005, 01:36 PM
I wore a Chikara gel pack out to

a bar. I sat down with my arms dangling down the sides of my chair.

A woman standing next to me

(attractive, tall, mid-thirties) kept edging closer to my chair. I soon realized that the outside of my arm was

being used as being used as a resting spot for her buttocks.

04-18-2005, 01:41 PM
lol nice. haha

04-18-2005, 03:37 PM
I've tried the gel pack and the

bottled stuff. They are slightly different scent-wise, but pretty close. Only tested one packet so far. I have

gotten what I think may be positive reactions with the spray during a two-week test, getting up to about a 2 spray

application (though not as good as my arm being a butt-rest...or better. Darn it)

Gel packs are a good way to

start, and as you notice, more portable (as long as you don't sit on an open pack...).

Hound Dog
04-18-2005, 03:50 PM
I've found the effect fairly

subtle. People tend to be more chatty and friendly around you. You'll get more respect in general, with

occasional competitive behavior from other males. You'll probably turn a few women's heads too.

04-19-2005, 03:30 AM
I haven't tried the spray, but was

very pleased with the smell of the gel packs. ...kinda makes me hungry though. lol