View Full Version : Some specific questions from a newbie to the scene if you don't mind

03-23-2005, 09:59 PM
I have a few questions as I'm new to this scene.

First I'm wondering if

someone who takes synthroid which is thyroid medication
should be using pheromone's & Chikara?

& this thread

was a bit concerning


.php?t=11817&highlight=thyroid (http://pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11817&highlight=thyroid) regarding
liver health. Could these be related?

I am into bodybuilding

having played football. Although I have never done
anabolic steroids I do know the negative long term effects of

usage as many of
my teammates were & still are steroid users. & I almost took an 8 week cycle of

Suspension & I was going to take Clomid afterwards.

Now I ask for your recommendations.

I am debating

between Chikara or a pheromone. If I go with a pheromone, which one would you guys recommend?

As for Chikara

what type of results would I have on women I don't know or am just meeting? I am already a good looking, well

dressed guy. My sexual skills are at the top of their game as I know how to please a lady, & I know how to treat a

lady. I just got out of a long term relationship so my game is a bit off & part of my problem is getting the woman

or girl I'm into to notice me. I guess I got used to being with one person for so long.

I know what to do once

I get the woman/girl to notice me. Just that I've been out of the dating scene for almost 3yrs I guess you could

say I'm a bit rusty. So some of my problems are just getting certain women/girls to notice me.

I've also

read that some ppl have reactions putting these different perfumes directly on their skin. Would I still have the

same effect if I spray it directly into my clothes instead?

So Should I go with Chikara or a pheromone? & if

so which pheromone? I'm only looking to buy one product as of now to try out.

I'm basically looking to attract

females between twenty to forty years old. Thanks for your opinions. Take care.

03-23-2005, 10:46 PM
I am

debating between Chikara or a pheromone. If I go with a pheromone, which one would you guys recommend?

Chikara contains a balanced selection of pheromones. To date, I think only one person has claimed any problems

with Chikara (he believed he had experienced an OD situation every time he used it).

Pheromone products combine

with your body's own chemistry and produce unique results. You have to be patient, observant, and willing to try

different applications under different situations. It may take you a while to settle on a product or products which

you feel work best for you.

That said, I think Chikara is great for a first-time encounter with new people,

especially girls. I had a girl come on to me just the other day in front of a room full of people, in a situation

where I didn't think she would respond to my flirting at all. I was wearing Chikara at the time and I am sure that

helped knock down her barriers (although I was also a little gutsy with her at the right moment).

As for

Chikara what type of results would I have on women I don't know or am just meeting?
My experiences with

Chikara indicate that it works best over a series of encounters. It's like the women sense something at first and

their curiosity just grows and grows, and eventually they cross a line where they crave more and more physical


It may not work that way for everyone. The girl I mentioned above came and sat down beside me to

initiate a conversation with me after she had come in and out of the room several times and responded to my flirting


I guess I got used to being with one person for so long.
That's the way it usually


I've also read that some ppl have reactions putting these different perfumes directly on their

skin. Would I still have the same effect if I spray it directly into my clothes instead?
I don't recall

anyone posting that they had some sort of reaction. Some people are afraid of buildup. They read about buildup,

don't know what it is, and become apprehensive about possible negative effects of it. If you experience any

buildup, you can counter it by discontinuing use of the products (and cleansing your skin) for several days to a


I'm basically looking to attract females between twenty to forty years old. Thanks for your

opinions. Take care.
If you want immediate, sudden, sexual interest from that broad a range of ages, you

may want to try NPA or The Edge. I would recommend The Edge first, as it is weaker than NPA.

03-23-2005, 11:07 PM
I have a few

questions as I'm new to this scene.

First I'm wondering if someone who takes synthroid which is thyroid

should be using pheromone's & Chikara?

I take 0.2 mg levothyroxine daily and have for 27

years, no thyroid. No problem with pheromones either.

03-24-2005, 06:43 AM
Thank you for the 2 replies so


So for a pheremone you recommend The Edge?

Which one do you think I should go for, for a first time

As I said I'm looking to get women more interested in me sexually.
You guys all know how your game can

suffer after being in a long
term relationship with one person. You don't have to worry about
flirting or

impressing anyone else b/c you've already gone through
that with her.

As I said I'm already a good looking

well dressed guy (very often I do
go casual in a nice pair of jeans, a regular shirt, & sneakers), humorous,
& my

sexual game is at the top of it's peak. I know how to please & treat
a woman once I get them to notice me.


both of you think there really is no chance of liver damage or interfearance for ppl taking thyroid medication?

So which one would you recommend?

Sometimes I run into women that I don't see again, & I'd like to try & get

their attraction & them to notice me immediately so I don't lose out on an opportunity.

So should I go for The

Edge or Chikara is the question? I'm only looking to buy one at the moment.

So I'm just wondering if whatever

you're using
if you just spray it onto your clothes, will it still work?

Thanks again for your time.

03-24-2005, 06:55 AM
Personally, I prefer Chikara.

Rather than deciding right now, why don't you get some of the gel packs which are often offered free (plus postage)

and use that to decide? You would be much better off that way.

03-24-2005, 09:50 AM
Chikara is the more complete

product, though either would be OK. With Edge alone you might get more sudden sexual attention but less overall

success. They're good combined.

03-24-2005, 10:47 AM

The way I see it is that $5 or $10 that I would use to buy a sample pack could've gone towards a $40-$60 bottle

of something more permanent.

True enough. If you buy a $60 dollar bottle and don't like it, you can

return it but the net cost for postage is about double. The samples give you some variety to work with to get an

idea what you like and what works for you.

03-24-2005, 12:00 PM
Thanks for your opinion


So what do you think I should go with?

The majority of the ppl seem to be leaning & supporting


I'm ready to make a full purchase today so I'd like to know what all your
opinions are.


debating between Chikara & The Edge

If you guys had to choose one, which one would you choose?



03-24-2005, 12:28 PM
I notice there are 94 views &

only 5 of you replied?

Anyway my choice is leaning towards Chikara which is
what ppl here seem to recommend.

Say before I go out & knowing I'm going to be around
women, how many squirts of the spray should I use?

Should I put one squirt on my neck & one squirt on my

I've read that no more than 2 squirts of Shikara

are necessary
& any more would be too much.

03-24-2005, 12:41 PM
i would get both chikara and the

edge. i use them both as a combo with soe. chikara and soe are social mones which put people in a good mood while

the edge is just -none so you can project alphamaleness and sexuality. figuring out the right amount is something

you will have to figure out yourself because of different body chemistry. if you body build i would assume u need a

minimal amount of -none or te. i haven't figured out if u can OD on chikara and soe. just test, test, test and

don't be afraid to be wrong and eventually you'll hit the rght combination. i suggest writing down results and

amounts you wear and analyzing the results for patterns.

put it on your body if you only need 5 or 6 hours. put

it on your clothes if you need more time. i don't put it on my clothes that much because i hear that it doesn't

come out until after a few washing. clothes applications do work though because the few times i tried it i have got

hits 12+ hours after application. i've been putting it in my hair for the last few months but i haven't really

been paying attention to results or have noticed results. so hair for me is inconclusive at the moment.

03-24-2005, 12:48 PM
I think I'm going to start

with Chikara as I only have money for
one & I want to order today b4 the long weekend so my order gets


So if I'm at work or school & only need it for the day would 2 sprays,
one on the neck & one on my chest

be enough?

What about about going to the gym? Would one spray be enough?
& say going out on a Friday or

Saturday night would 2 sprays one on my
chest & one on my neck after a shower of course be enough?

Thanks again


03-24-2005, 12:54 PM
The Edge is NOT just -none.

People, please be careful when advising newbies!

I already gave my opinion.

03-24-2005, 12:54 PM
I'm a newcomer here, but I

bought quite a variety of things to play with (perfect 10, NPA, chikara, edge gel packs, SOE, wagg, and alter ego)

Others have made this point, and I can verify it: different people will get different results with different

products. Chikara for me does nothing sexually, but I like the smell and get some flirtation and social lube. NPA

is the only thing I've noticed that'll sex things up. Even p10 doesn't do the trick for me. I'm not sure p10

does anything in fact.
If I were you, I'd wait till friday and see what kind of combo they got going.

03-24-2005, 01:04 PM
Now I don't know what to buy?

I am into bodybuilding so would I need
something stronger than Chikara to have positive sexual feed back?
I want

to order right now, but am debating? What does NPA stand for?
Would that be better for someone who's into

bodybuilding? Thanks again.
I've sent a couple of private messages asking questions to ppl who've replied here

but I haven't had any return messages?

03-24-2005, 01:11 PM
It's good to remember that

there might be newbie discounts too. Ask Bruce or something in the customer service forum.

03-24-2005, 01:15 PM
Far as I can tell, there's a

fair amount of trial and error involved in this stuff. That's why the combo specials seem like a good deal.

03-24-2005, 01:38 PM
I had mutually ended an almost

three year relationship and you know what that
can do to your "game" if you know what I mean. You've become used

to only having to impress one woman.

I want something that will leave women with a feeling of sexual attraction

to me that they can't understand and want to get to know me for near future sexual encounters and/or dating.


at the moment only have enough for one purchase and I noticed that Chikara is not in the beginner pack so I can't

test that out in the beginner pack. This is why I have to be absolutely sure in my purchase. I've mentioned what my

goals are and I'm just trying to get the most opinions possible.

I'm still leaning more towards Chikara but I

want to be sure. Thanks all for your time.

03-24-2005, 02:04 PM

as I can tell, there's a fair amount of trial and error involved in this stuff. That's why the combo specials

seem like a good deal.

What works for one doesn't work for all either. And everyone has their

favorite. My recommendation would be Chikara as I think it's more verastile and is my personal favorite. But I'm

also biased against The Edge/NPA as I seem to have attitude problems while wearing them, though I keep experimenting

with them on occasion.

This week for example, I have been wearing a couple of dabs of Pheros/NPA at a 3:1

ratio to work, along with my usual spray of Chikara, due to a couple of women being added to my office. I have been

feeling moody, depressed even, and have been keeping my distance instead of socializing. Part of it is resentment of

how I feel I'm being treated after 20 years on the same job and I also kind of resent a newbie coming in and

wanting to change thing in the office. At times, I almost think I'll be glad to move to a new office area, which is

part of my resentment as we just shuffled offices three months ago and it's coming again to make room for the new


Reflecting on my attitude today, I think the NPA is amplifing my feelings to myself and helping to

increase my funk. Which is a pity, as I want to amplify the sexual nature of Chikara too, but whenever I wear Edge

or NPA, it seems all that happens is that I get easily agitated. So next week, no NPA and I'll see if my attitude


Chikara on the other hand gave me good results right at the beginning, so I feel it's much easier

to use. Sure, it seems more social, but in my opinion, there is an underlying potential for something sexual if you

work yourself right.

I think belgareth gave good advice. Get the free sample packs offered most Wednesdays,

they only cost a penny plus postage. You can get two to four applications out of a pack and that way, you can decide

on whether you like the scent. It may not be enough to see which product is right for you, but it's a good starting

point. If not the free packs, I would recommend Chikara because of the reasons I stated above.

03-24-2005, 02:09 PM
If you're into bodybuilding and

are under 30 you probably have plenty of 'none naturally. That in combination with your appearence may prove too

imposing for some women. I think the more friendly/social tendencies of SOE and/or Chikara may prove to be a better

starter combo than 'none products such as NPA or TE. However there is no way to be sure until you experiment enough

to learn what works best for you.

I had mutually ended an almost three year relationship and you know

what that can do to your "game" if you know what I mean. You've become used to only having to impress one


I was married for nearly 20 years and quickly found relationships with other women to be like

the old bicycle metaphor, e.g., once you learn, you never forget how to ride. After being out of the game for so

long, I had doubts any woman would find me attractive. I had some difficultly handling the emotional entanglement,

but snagging women of any age proved to be surprisngly natural and easy. What to do with them once you had them

proved to be a whole other problem...

03-24-2005, 03:10 PM
I was married for

nearly 20 years and quickly found relationships with other women to be like the old bicycle metaphor, e.g., once you

learn, you never forget how to ride. After being out of the game for so long, I had doubts any woman would find me

attractive. I had some difficultly handling the emotional entanglement, but snagging women of any age proved to be

surprisngly natural and easy. What to do with them once you had them proved to be a whole other problem...

16 years in my case but I agree with what you are saying. It wasn't hard at all to start attracting nice women


03-25-2005, 10:39 AM
I think there can be an

adjustment period but things often start to click after that.