View Full Version : Formulas & (Age Brackets)

03-15-2005, 09:46 PM

thought this my be a good discussion topic. What formulas have u guys created and what are the age brackets & mood

they affect.

03-15-2005, 10:33 PM
I think there is a lot of gray

area as each situation is different, so no one formula will resonate the same with various ethnic groups, sexes,

personalities, life experiences, ages and pheromone senstivities. Plus how the pheromones interact with your

personality and chemical makeup is a whole other can of worms. Basically you have to experiment and determine what

works best for you. But, what the hay here's my "kickin' around town brew: 6 or 7 sprays of heat or maybe half a

dozen dabs of NPA, half a gel pack of unscented SOE, several drops of A-1 and several bursts of Calvin Klein One,

Burberry Weekend or L'eau D'Issey (one scent only of course). The before mentioned ombined with nice threads, cool

doo and a glowing personality I get me tons of attention. If I'm in a club or party I increase 'none to taste.

03-16-2005, 10:51 AM
Gegogi, I think you win the

prize for heaviest regular pheromone use in the history of love-scent! :eek:

03-16-2005, 11:15 AM
Hi. For the mix that I've

been using go and check out my witches brew thread in the womens forum. It works like a charm. And since

I've added NPA the sexual hits from my fiance are amazing. He went down on me for the first time the other day and

it was because I put mones on my pubic hair. That was fun. As for the age brackets of attraction. I'm in my late

30's and I attract everyone from teens to middle age.

Also sometimes I can get rather aggressive when using

this mix which isn't a bad thing as long as you know what's causing it.

At my work place I seem to turn

everyone on. Male and female. When I'm out clubbing I'm the center of attention. Of course I make sure of it with

the way I dress and respond to people around me.

My secret is the use of mones and a nice smile. Oh and big

boobs. Ha Ha.

The Countess
Peace Out

:angel: :smite:

03-16-2005, 12:08 PM
I think I may be similar to

greggori, I've only used -mones less than a month, but if I use the low (drop or two) doses that many describe on

the forum, I get nothing. I only see an effect if I use a fair amount. I'm thinking of getting the chem set just

so I can use lower volumes.