View Full Version : SOMETHING im going to try tomorrow!!

02-28-2005, 06:43 PM
alright i mostlly use just 3 drops of ae. tomorrow i think im going to put on about 5-6 see what happen,:think:

:blink: i'll post back what heppen tomorrow!! wish me luck people:cheers:

peace out for now:run:

02-28-2005, 08:18 PM
In fact I read an old textsheet

today that came with my first AE bottle, and it said recommended dosage between 2 and 5-6 drops, but let your nose

be the judge...

I've tried 5 drops once, and it seemed to work for me at a social situation and going to the

club afterwards... 1 male friend got a bad temper during a politics discussion while we were driving in the cab,

more so than you would ever be usually over that subject, but other than that the evening went very very nice. I

think that was about my upper limit.. I also had 6 inches of SOE.

But 6


Devil comes loose :)

02-28-2005, 09:27 PM
10-15 drops (my standard

application) then see the fun begin

02-28-2005, 11:08 PM
10-15 drops (my

standard application) then see the fun begin
:type: Please, Watcher ... I'm dying to hear how you apply

that much AE, and what reactions have you been getting with it? Tell the truth, shame the devil! :POKE: How long

does a bottle of AE last you, using that much? :blink:

For one, since you're posting, you're still alive.

Thanks! :drunk:

03-01-2005, 02:09 PM
Yes, yes, please tell us! And by

the way, how does your body react after this dosage?

Do you sneeze? Feel dizzy? Headache? Horny? superman?

How does the other people around you react? Do you scare anyone away? How's about other male's temper? What

kind fo hits do you get?

Thx for your input! :)

03-01-2005, 03:12 PM
ok i feel like every one is

pretty closed off to me today. and under my chin started iching too. don't know if was the mones or not. yeah im

just going to stick with 3 drops

Sir Louis
03-01-2005, 03:15 PM
Yes, yes, please

tell us! And by the way, how does your body react after this dosage?

Do you sneeze? Feel dizzy? Headache?

Horny? superman?

How does the other people around you react? Do you scare anyone away? How's about other

male's temper? What kind fo hits do you get?

Thx for your input! :)
5-6 drops of AE/M is too

high for anyone to be sure; I stopped wearing that much the first month I got it, over a year ago, and for good

reason. The main problem is AE/M's fixed ratio, at 5-6 drops, the -none content overpowers the -nol and -rone. And

like all -none containing products, it is possible very sexually aggressive types will respond, but you are likely

to offend or put the majority of other people on edge.

03-01-2005, 03:39 PM
oh i also got rejected to

day!! here is how the convo went

girl: why did you call last friday
me: wanted to see if you want to go to

lazer x to play ddr game
girl: oh haha
me: yeah i was going to teach you, so hey want to go
girl: oh no

me: alright (turn around to some guy ) yeah i taugh this guy how to play and if i can teach him, i can teach

him, i can teach anyone.

man it sucked i should have said it alittle differently now that i think about it cause

me and her always have power strugles and by saying teh way i said it .. i gave her the power seat

03-01-2005, 03:45 PM
oh i also got

rejected to day!! here is how the convo went

girl: why did you call last friday
me: wanted to see if you want

to go to lazer x to play ddr game
girl: oh haha
me: yeah i was going to teach you, so hey want to go
girl: oh no

me: alright (turn around to some guy ) yeah i taugh this guy how to play and if i can teach him, i can teach

him, i can teach anyone.

man it sucked i should have said it alittle differently now that i think about it cause

me and her always have power strugles and by saying teh way i said it .. i gave her the power seat

doesn't sound like the pheromones.

03-01-2005, 07:47 PM
yeah its not the pheromones,

it has always been like that. she is one of the most wanted girls in the school. so she expect everyone to treat her

like a queen. well i been like giveing her reality checks and shi all the time so pretty much we have these power

strugles all the time. well its a long story... i don't really think that even my game would be able to get her

soon before school ends and we go our sprade ways. but we'll see, with me and my life, if i want something bad

enough, i get it, not matter what, its jsut a matter of time.

03-01-2005, 09:50 PM
But then again, why even


Can you try to think of one girl that is just as hot as she is in your eyes? Then why not

concentrate your energy on that one, or all the other hotties around istead??

03-01-2005, 11:03 PM
But then again,

why even bother??

Can you try to think of one girl that is just as hot as she is in your eyes? Then why

not concentrate your energy on that one, or all the other hotties around istead??

Exactly. You know

that saying don't put all your eggs in one basket... Unless you know you can score and this is a keeper. But this

chick doesn't sound like somebody that'll stick around too long.