View Full Version : Regular usage vs random use

02-24-2005, 06:20 AM
Hello again

dear phero enthusiasts! :)

Seems to me like I've just had a apiffony (plz correct my spell). I've always

thought that I'd just have to use phero's out in social events like going to clubs dates and such. But lately

I've been experimenting at work since there's quite alot of women there, and also I've been at work quite oftn

this week (I'm just part time). Therefore I've been using phero's Friday-Sat-Mon-Tue. I'm a kinda "find the max

dosage" kinda guy, and been trying this for these days, and now it seems like I'm actually getting more hits and

better hits than ever before!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Is it so that the "buildup" effect that in the end

causes and OD makes things work in a different way? That your skin get's "used" to the pheros and work with them in

a better way than just using a heavy dose once a week? It get's time to get "worked in"?:blink:

If this is the

case, then what do you think would be a nice place to start as far as dosage goes?

At now my daily dosages

contains either 4 drops of AE+6 inches of SOE, or 3 drops of PI + 6 inches of SOE, or a combo of 2+2 drops of PI/AE

+ 6inches of SOE.

My guess is that I would run into OD-land faster than a spacerocket if I were to continue

using this everyday. How many days a week is good to wear phero's, and how many rest days? I've read here that one

rest day a week is allright, but I'd probably want two or something.

Thanks for any comments! :thumbsup:

02-24-2005, 12:44 PM
whoa never tried 4 drops of

AE , the mix i use is 3 drops of wagg and 1 o ae and i get lots of hits with that mix , but i guess everyone is


02-24-2005, 01:37 PM
Good questions. Let's see

what people say.

02-24-2005, 02:06 PM
Clothing application is dangerous

if you can't smell mones. I can, so I can pretty much tell how much is left after washing. I tend to start with

0.060 mg none on the clothing, refreshed with another 0.030 every two days or so. After washing, I may start

completely over, or just refresh if I can still smell the mones out of the dryer.

Concentration of product

definately makes a difference on the skin. I build products that are between 0.012 mg/ml none (which I only use

concurrently with clothing application) and 0.030 mg/ml none. It take a bit of experimentation to match the

fragrance to the mone level so that when I'm wearing the right level of fragrance the mones are correct, too. Most

colognes do it at about 35-50% dilution for a none concentration of 0.020 mg/ml.

There is definately buildup.

The trick is to achieve a steady-state of mones + fragrance. You want to be freshening at the rate your skin is

converting/absorbing/emitting the mones.

I had definate sexual success the first week I used mones - I turned a

long-term LJBF into a lover. That said, it has taken me over two years to work out the mixes, concentrations, and

application methods that work best for me.

Don't expect to get it all correct in a week.


02-24-2005, 04:11 PM
Seems to me like

I've just had a apiffony (plz correct my spell).
The word I think you are looking for is "epiphany." A

"sudden perception of the essential nature of a thing." (Merriam Webster dictionary)

Gotta justify my kolledge

edukation somehow...

02-25-2005, 06:14 AM
Thanks for the replies!:cheers:

I've not tried mones on clothes as I think it would be even harder to control. Also the main goal would be to

get nekkid anyways, and you don't want her to make love to your coat do you? hehe...

Kidding aside, yesterday

I had a real busy night with great results after not applying any mones that day, but having had previously on the

days I mentioned above. The hits I got from a fellow female co-worker was very very strong. She even twirled her

hair so much when she was sitting on the desk towards me that she suddenyl took a scissor and cut her hair off!

Immedialtely her face told me she was thinking "now, why did I do that??" hehe... So we kept flirting, she was

talking dirty, her face was blushed the entire day, she would very often come over to me and show me things, stand

next to me and have her body rubbing mine.

This leads to me concluding that after two days of max dosage it

should be ok with one day rest. Maybe this could act as a rule for me, I'll just have to find out. Bottom line is

that I will have to find out, but any comments, tips and advices of you long experienced everyday-mone-users will be

highly aprecciated! :thumbsup:

What are your experiences and dosages and mone-schedules and rest-schedules and

so on?

02-25-2005, 12:13 PM
Hi Gfunk,

I use

pheromones everyday and have never had any build up problems. I bathe or shower on a daily basis and I also add

drops of my mix to the shower gels that I use.

For your own comfort perhaps you should skip a day here or there.

As for me, sometimes I just put on a little less than the previous day. You never know who you'll run into. And you

dont want to be unprepared. I still get the same awesome results.

If you look at my Witches Brew thread you'll

see the results I've been getting.

Also to spice things up I add drops of my mix to a steamy bubble bath that

me and my fiancee share. After the bath I put drops on the pillow cases and the bed sheets. All I can say is that

the love making sessions are record breaking.

My suggestion is don't be afraid to put mones on your clothes or

jackets. The smell lingers and check this scenario what if you leave an item of clothing laced with mones over her

house. She'll think about you and want you even more. I can attest to that.

Sorry for the long post


Peace Out

02-25-2005, 01:36 PM


THANK YOU for the long post!! :cheers:

Dat's great

info there matey! May I ask how much you are using then? Are you trying to get attraction from other women than

your fianceeor maby for social/business purposes?

That leaveyourclothe-tip is just pure awesome!! I hereby give

you the phero-users achievement award of the year for that tip!!!!!

:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup::goodpost:

I shall read your Witches Brew post!!

@Rbt great stewddnt!! :)

02-25-2005, 01:40 PM
GFunk: She uses women's products

which don't contain none (except for a little in NPA/w and AE/w).

Women aren't going to have the same

buildup issues that none causes.

That's not to say the other pheromones don't buildup; just doesn't cause

the same problems.

02-25-2005, 01:57 PM
I've been wearing mones 5-6

days of the week for more than 8 months now. By wearing nearly everyday I am able to use small amounts and seem to

have struck a balance. Hits are consistant and I almost never get OD reactions. It does require me to shower daily

and often twice daily but my routine requires it anyway.

02-25-2005, 03:23 PM

I now think that I'd like to try using mones at this frequency you're suggesting too. What is your dosage

Bwelgareth and countesszero? Any other got dosage info?

How's about the times that you spend just a

couple days off, do you think that you need some time to come back into the "right mone-situation" again? Or would

you then just add a stronger dose to begin with and get back to the constant lower dosages after that?

Could anyone please give me some reccomendations on starting dosages?

If you see my first comment in this post, that's how much I can usually


Thing is, that I'm working several days a week from home as well, so due to economical

reasons, I'd not use phero's then. But if I get better results overall, then I will star immediately..

THANX ALOT!!:goodpost:

02-25-2005, 03:33 PM
Bwelgareth? I tried to

pronounce that and tied my tongue in knots :POKE:

My usual dose is 1 spray of TE, 2-3 Chikara, 3-4 dabs Pheros.

Sometimes, if we are going out in the evening I'll add more after showering.

02-25-2005, 03:54 PM
Erhhm....Bwelgareth is how we pronounce your nick in my country, and means you're a

very nice person! ;) hehe.....sorry!! :lol:

So are you really using this everyday?, the usual

being "1 spray of TE, 2-3 Chikara, 3-4 dabs Pheros"? Seems to be quite a large amount to me that.

02-25-2005, 04:24 PM
Hi. I work with the dab

method. 1 dab split between both wrist rubbed together. 1 dab split behind both ear lobes. And 1 dab in between my

ample breast and the back of my neck. I put it on the back of my neck because my fiancee always kisses and licks

this spot when we're having sex. (If you know what I mean) I let all this set for about 10 minutes and then I

spray those same points with my Victoria's Secret cologne.

I only use Juniper Berry EO with androstenol from

this site on my off days. It smells really good.

But to answer your question, No I dont have to double up on

the dose to get back to my previous level. I've never really thought about it.My hits are very


And no I dont use pheromones to attract women. But you'd be surprised how many women go both

ways out there. It does help in my work environment since my 2 supervisors are strong willed women. They use to be

B*t*hes but not anymore.I think I've achieved an equilibrium with my mix. Meaning I get attention from both sexes.

Yes I'm engaged but no matter how good your relationship is it always helps to know that you've still got


BTW my NPA/w came in the mail today. I'm going to put some of this in my mix and see what happens. I mix

small quantities so that I can experiment without wasting to many mones. It is so much fun


Peace Out

02-25-2005, 08:07 PM
I have one question re: application


When you are dealing with a product that normally comes in a "by the drop" bottle like PI or NPA does

that mean you just touch the damp top to your skin? or do any of you actually put a drop/bit on a finger and "dab"

that way?

I'm guessing that with a roll-top like SOE one can just dampen the ball and touch to skin.


tried my Perception today which comes in spray atomizers, and I had a heck of a time figuring/getting consistent

sprays (did 2 of phero and 2 of cover scent).

PS: I found someone selling empty roller-ball bottles identical to

the SOE bottles on eBay. Maybe LS could offer some items like this on their site? "Purse atomizers" I can find in

local stores (although they aren't as "deluxe" as the ones offered by LS. Usually cheap plastic things), and I

think I can get eye-dropper bottles from local pharmacies, but the roller-ball bottles are probably not as common.

02-26-2005, 03:29 AM
eye-dropper bottles are better for

consistant dosage control. I actually made another post on drop sizes that you cab read. Have read in here about

people who have used the large drops from the PI bottle too. A dab is when you put your finger ontop of the bottle

and turn it around one time. What you've got left on your finger is a dab,

02-26-2005, 03:34 AM
Erhhm....Bwelgareth is how we pronounce your nick in my country, and means

you're a very nice person! ;) hehe.....sorry!! :lol:

So are you really using this everyday?, the

usual being "1 spray of TE, 2-3 Chikara, 3-4 dabs Pheros"? Seems to be quite a large amount to me that.

The spray of TE goes on my chest before I get dressed. That way it disperses slowly.

02-26-2005, 01:35 PM
As long as you wash using an

antibacterial soap etc you should remove any buildup

Now as for random use versus everyday = i find it useful

to use everyday sometimes lower does but im in the business of meet and greet people and customers and new people

eveyr day therefore it has its uses (8 years of pheromone use here) and ive used nearly every product


And yup once you get it working it doesnt go away lol

02-26-2005, 09:27 PM
eye-dropper bottles are

better for consistant dosage control. I actually made another post on drop sizes that you cab read. Have read in

here about people who have used the large drops from the PI bottle too. A dab is when you put your finger ontop of

the bottle and turn it around one time. What you've got left on your finger is a dab,

I just

found the "application size/measurment" thread that covers some of requested info. It's tough finding some of those

older threads that have already answered some questions when you have a search function that finds too many hits and

a forum (thins one) that has about 120 pages of thread listings...

02-27-2005, 09:27 AM
So could anyone try to give me

some advice on what a great startout dosage would be for me? I was thinking of trying 2drops of AE and 2drops of PI,

and 5inches of SOE everyday? Is this too much? I would want to try to get max attention, but not to get an OD. Also

these dosages are amkin' me near-slight-headache the first hour, and I get really up from it. Tp day I tried to

focus the apllication spots away from my nose..

02-27-2005, 10:07 AM
Definitely start out with no

more than a drop of PI. Sometimes I use half-drops, and personally would here.

The purpose or your PI is to add

a little -none effect to the SOE so you can have like an AE effect overall with a bit more -nol.

Does that make


02-27-2005, 11:14 AM
Yes, very much so! So are you

saying that I should lay off the AE too? I could go with just the PI+SOE, since that's basically AE, but somehow I

imagine they being different products, and then maybe bringing something good to the table.

2drops of AE +

1drop PI + 5inches SOE might sound like a nice thing to try. not too much, not to less either in the long run..?

Cheers :)

02-27-2005, 08:15 PM
The thing with AE it will either

work or it wont (one of those products) if it doesnt work swtich to youre PI and SOE combo.

Heck if AE doesnt

work introduce some friends to it let em try it out then if they like charge em 50% of youre original purchase price

and sell it to em

02-28-2005, 06:53 AM
Hi Everyone. I added 3 drops of NPA/w to my Witches Brew mix over the weekend. I didnt get out much

this weekend so my fiancee was the only one I could try it on. It worked great.

We usually have sex twice over

the weekend. One time on Sat and one on Sunday. But with the NPA added to my mix we had rough animal sex 4 times.

Twice on Sat and twice on Sun. It was awesome.

I'm going to a party on Saturday. There'll be lot's of people

there that I can influence with my pheromones. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also I'm at work now with my new

NPA added mix. I'll have to see if there are any new reactions.

The Countess
Peace Out

02-28-2005, 02:07 PM
We usually

have sex twice over the weekend. One time on Sat and one on Sunday. But with the NPA added to my mix we had rough

animal sex 4 times. Twice on Sat and twice on Sun. It was awesome.
The Countess
Peace Out
Way to go,


You sure it's the mones, Countess? :think: Have you noticed anything new about yourself while

wearing the 4 times-a-weekend brew? :blink:

Stay away from the cows!!:run:

03-01-2005, 06:49 AM
Hi. Mobleyc57 to answer

your question. No There's nothing new that I've been doing or not doing with myself that could have brought this

on. I'm actually a slave to routine and I try not to deviate from it.

I noticed that as soon as I was around

him he would develope a big boner and would try to cover it up but couldnt. It was great.

Also yesterday at work

I noticed that a guy employee that is usually standoffish kept following me around. He actually kept coming to my

office to ask me questions that he already knew the answer to. He kept walking past my office to get to the copy

machine when he could have gone a shorter route. And he also complimented me on my perfume.

When I got home from

work my fiancee wanted to hop into bed as soon as I was settled. Mind you that I had refreshed my mix at around 2 pm

and got home at 6pm. We didnt do the wild thing but only snuggled and tickled each other. But we ended up in bed and

actually skipped dinner because we didnt want to get up.

03-01-2005, 07:27 AM
Hello Folks on the Forum,:thumbsup:

Just want to say hello and figure out how to post while im

still waiting for my order to arrive in Mexico. Ay Caramba....:sick: its always manana! Special thanks to Bruce And

Oscar for helping me choose and getting my order thru. Hope to contribute to future posts with my experiences. Ive

been reading the forum for about 2 weeks now and let me say there are some great posts.:goodpost:

Asta la Vista Your friend in Mexico:whip:

03-01-2005, 03:16 PM
This week I've been trying to use

the dose of 1drop PI+2drops of AE+5inches of SOE everyday. Only I'm not being anywhere else than at home, as I'm

working from home. It really makes me think that I'm wasting the mones, and thus my money, but if I get a lot

better result, then it'll be worth it sure.

But to ask yet another question. If I were to try to simulate the

long time effect of using mones, how many days in advance of an event would be appropriate to start using mones

again if I were to not use them while only staying at home?

Would it be just as good if I used a full dosage

on thursday and friday and then go to a party on Saturday with a optimal dose?

Please, please, please,

please if I may have your expert advices! Thx soo much for all help on
