View Full Version : Flying Money!

02-22-2005, 10:58 PM
I'm 25, ~180 lbs,

dirty-blonde hair, pretty good looks, and was wearing about 1/5th gel pack of Chikara today (only my second day

trying it).

I was in Chick-Fil-A today and the cashiers was a bit odd. I walked up to the counter, with one

guy in front of me (a cop)...I was probably 5 feet away from the cashier, about 2 feet away from him.
The cop

seems to look around slightly more than usual...nothing too unsual, just paying a bit much attention.

He gets

his drink and walks off about 20-30 seconds later. I walk up to the counter to order and the girl (7.5-8) is

seemingly slightly disorganized. I order, she gets the change, kinda puts the bills in my hand oddly, and flings

the change...I don't mean misses the counter, I mean actually FLUNG the change with a quarter sliding down the

counter, and a nickel bouncing on the floor (my side of the counter).

She said she was sorry and I tried to

make light of it by saying that it was ok and I usually prefer higher denominations, if money's thrown at me. ...I

don't think it even registered.

The only other oddity was that she didn't ask if it was to go or not...they

-always- ask there...just a small thing, but a detail.

Asside from this, she just seemed a bit

nervous/intimidated until I left.

Now, at that distance and dosage (I didn't smell like I was covered in it or

anything), I wouldn't have thought that she would have gotten a dose of it, especially so quickly, but everything

else would make me think the Chikara had something to do with it, as it was really wierd.

Anyway, just figured

I'd pass it on. My first day with Chikara was yesterday. My girlfriend and I met a female friend of her's at the

mall. The girl is about 10 years older than me, not bad looking and we get along nicely, but she has -never-

touched me before (been around her maybe a 4 times...and not overly close with each other). I was sitting when she

walked up and started talking (right next to me, when there were chairs of course), and made a point of laying her

hand on my shoulder. Was wearing slightly more Chikara than today.

Just been making note of all the details

while I'm testing...and from the title you thought this was going to be an ad, didn't you? :lol:


02-28-2005, 02:54 PM
I was in Chick-Fil-A

today and the cashiers was a bit odd. I walked up to the counter, with one guy in front of me (a cop)...I was

probably 5 feet away from the cashier, about 2 feet away from him.
The cop seems to look around slightly more than

usual...nothing too unsual, just paying a bit much attention.

He gets his drink and walks off about 20-30

seconds later. I walk up to the counter to order and the girl (7.5-8) is seemingly slightly disorganized. I order,

she gets the change, kinda puts the bills in my hand oddly, and flings the change...I don't mean misses the

counter, I mean actually FLUNG the change with a quarter sliding down the counter, and a nickel bouncing on the

floor (my side of the counter).

She said she was sorry and I tried to make light of it by saying that it was ok

and I usually prefer higher denominations, if money's thrown at me. ...I don't think it even registered.


only other oddity was that she didn't ask if it was to go or not...they -always- ask there...just a small thing,

but a detail.

Asside from this, she just seemed a bit nervous/intimidated until I left.Maybe she was

wanted by the law, and the cop scared her.

02-28-2005, 03:08 PM
She was nervous because she

never smelled a real man before. Now she'll have to go home and wank.

02-28-2005, 03:22 PM
how tall are you? we share a

similar body makeup along with age. Im only 5'9 but im about 160 lbs