View Full Version : Workplace Advice

02-18-2005, 10:51 PM
I have NPA and SOE

on the way. Main goal is to add some zip to my marriage. However, while perusing the forum, I noticed some stories

about other "hits," namely improved people-people interactions.
My question is this: I am a physician at a large

hospital who deals primarily with critically ill patients. My interactions need to be varied: with some colleagues

an aggressive nature is good, with patients and their families-a trustworthy aura is obviously key.
Should I avoid

the NPA at work and only use a bit of SOE? Trial and error, with the potential for a disastrous result, is not

something I want to do at work.
If it helps, I'm 5'6" and would generally be considered pretty laid back and


02-18-2005, 10:54 PM
Avoid NPA. It wouldn't be


02-18-2005, 11:07 PM
I have NPA

and SOE on the way. Main goal is to add some zip to my marriage. However, while perusing the forum, I noticed some

stories about other "hits," namely improved people-people interactions.
My question is this: I am a physician at a

large hospital who deals primarily with critically ill patients. My interactions need to be varied: with some

colleagues an aggressive nature is good, with patients and their families-a trustworthy aura is obviously

Should I avoid the NPA at work and only use a bit of SOE? Trial and error, with the potential for a disastrous

result, is not something I want to do at work.
If it helps, I'm 5'6" and would generally be considered pretty

laid back and unintimidating. dealing with dying people can be a hard pill to swallow. i was a

asst.chief of a fire dept, i dealt with dead and dying folks alot. soe,or wagg would be good but maybe you feel

alittle uncertainty in your job. so just be cautious i get a little nervous becuase sometimes men wives are flirting

with me when i have mones on . and thats not a good thing esp when your dealing with patients families. but copulins

seem to make you feel good and guys around you might be less aggressive. try wagg and soe and copulins, and call us

in the morning:lol:

02-19-2005, 02:04 AM
If you want to use your Te use

ist only in very small amounts or stretch it real good will cologne!Further i would stronly recomend you WAGG!

exellent produkt for receiving more trust fasst! I also agree with bionic man that small amounts of couplins (ppc,

eoaw) could help. small amount of none can make a man trustworthy to, because it can give you an aura of a little

alpa, that you know what you are doing and that you appear confident when you do it. But I would also strongly

recomend that you stay out of the flirting area at you work, in your kind of job.

02-19-2005, 04:58 AM
WAGG and couplines might be the go

in the job - SOE unscented - very low dose.

you basically want a non sexual calming type of product - yeah a

cops, wagg, SOE small level dose might be good

02-19-2005, 05:17 AM
Like I said, I'm not

planning on using pheremones to influence any other women other than my wife, so flirting, etc at work isn't much

of an issue. Mainly, I was curious about the other possible benefits/effects. In reality, my interactions at the

hospital are already very good; such that I wouldn't want to risk them by a -mone error. Better's the enemy of

good and all....

02-19-2005, 05:26 AM
NPA can cause bad situations because

it has a stink, which some people can be ultrasensitive to. It stinks to the average person, and you are going to

have to wear cologne to cover it up. Too much scent would be inappropriate for that environment, as would


Furthermore, it creates very strong reactions. Deer In a Headlights type stuff on occasion. That

won't serve your purposes at all. Men also are not a fan of it, while women can love or also dislike (depending on

the individual or where they are in their cycle.

Since it is concentrated, it is hard to use a little amount.

The minimum amount on the default delivery method would be too much (one drop). Even a dab with the insert out

would be too much.

02-19-2005, 05:33 AM
Should I avoid

the NPA at work and only use a bit of SOE?
You should avoid NPA!:run:

SOE & WAGG are your best

bets. :sick:

02-19-2005, 08:24 AM
are you talking about

avoiding the NPA completely? or just at work. Any issues with using a very little NPA with some cologne when I'm

out (or in) with my wife?

02-19-2005, 08:26 AM
ps. I think I'll be ordering a

bottle of WAGG for work, to give it a try.

02-19-2005, 09:52 AM
I would agree with the others

not to use the NPA in your situation, especially since that is basically the same as "the edge" but 4.7x more

concentrated. The possibility for OD and hostility is high, and in your job, where I imagine you deliver your share

of bad news to people who are already emotional... I can't see any good use of this application.

I would agree

that the WAGG will help you to gain trust, which could be good in your situation - though it's important to

realize, WAGG only ever works *after* an interaction has begun, not before it - at least, in my experience. So,

while there may be initial distrust or hostility towards you, the WAGG will help to mitigate that with time

exposure, to put a little body english on your bedside manner, as it were.

The SOE, OTOH, *will* encourage

reactions even before interaction has begun, although they will (normally) not be very sexual in nature. It also is

reported to, and again does, in my experience, make people *very* chatty. Actually, almost annoyingly so - it's

like they can't shut up. But then, in your situation, where I imagine it's hard getting people to open up - this

could also be a very useful thing.

Finally, I would recommend Chikara for your situation as well. Chikara tends

to do, for me, and several others, the same things that WAGG and SOE do as well. It breaks down barriers and

personal space, (like SOE), encourages chattiness (though not as much as SOE, thank God), and creates a rapport

effect (like WAGG). In addition, it helps to create respect, like you mention with aggressive types, but without

intimidation, such as might be caused by a more 'none concentrated product, like TE, or NPA. So, for your work

situation, you might consider using Chikara and/or WAGG as the "base", and spike with SOE as needed.

As for

spicing up things with your wife, good luck, LOL! I'm trying the exact same thing, with TE - but my results have

been, at best, inconsistent. Sometimes it turns her on like a switch; other times, it has no effect. Sometimes in

bed, it gets her more "nasty", whereas other times (probably OD), it makes her almost completely submissive. I've

covered some of that in previous posts.

02-19-2005, 06:27 PM

the exact same thing, with TE - but my results have been, at best, inconsistent. Sometimes it turns her on like a

switch; other times, it has no effect. Sometimes in bed, it gets her more "nasty", whereas other times (probably

OD), it makes her almost completely submissive. I've covered some of that in previous posts. I agree

with this its hard to find one product that will get the same result everytime.:LOL:

02-19-2005, 07:28 PM
are you

talking about avoiding the NPA completely? or just at work. Any issues with using a very little NPA with some

cologne when I'm out (or in) with my wife?Just at work ... it can be dangerous, using both of NPA's

definitions ... (1) You can get attacked and sexed to death, or (2) You can get attacked and beat to death.

Just kidding ... if you read around, you'll find that it can either irritate, or be the cause to wanna kiss &

copulate. :wave:

02-20-2005, 12:38 AM
I've used TE, NPA and SOE

extensively and they have little to no influence with women I know really well, e.g., my ex-wife or girl friends.

However, they frequently help invoke powerful reactions--often heavy flirting leading to sexual encounters--from

causual female acquaintances and strangers. I can't imagine why you'd want sick female or gay men patients

thinking erotic thoughts about you. Like others have said, SOE and/or WAGG are better options for work.


all that said, I wear TE and NPA to work nearly every day and truly enjoy teasing my female colleagues and students!

Unlike the naturally pheromone heavy young bucks that post in this forum, I've not experienced negative or

agressive reactions from other males--even with OD levels of NPA or TE. Sometimes I got more than I bargained for so

be careful, especially if they have any attraction for you to begin with. I teased a young woman for a couple weeks,

thinking nothing would become of it, but she burst and jumped my bones in my office like a hungry dog.

02-20-2005, 09:13 AM
Thanks for the input. That's

exactly the reaction I DON'T want at work. If I were single, might be fun with some of the nursing staff...


hope my experience with my wife differs from yours. We'll see.

09-25-2005, 06:22 AM
I have NPA

and SOE on the way. Main goal is to add some zip to my marriage. However, while perusing the forum, I noticed some

stories about other "hits," namely improved people-people interactions.
My question is this: I am a physician at

a large hospital who deals primarily with critically ill patients. My interactions need to be varied: with some

colleagues an aggressive nature is good, with patients and their families-a trustworthy aura is obviously

Should I avoid the NPA at work and only use a bit of SOE? Trial and error, with the potential for a

disastrous result, is not something I want to do at work.
If it helps, I'm 5'6" and would generally be

considered pretty laid back and unintimidating.Just stick with the SOE

09-25-2005, 09:32 AM
at work I think Pheros

might be your best bet overall. If in a meeting with other Drs, AE/M will garner you respect from most males and

virutally all females and also may produce a little antagonism with a very few select males (those naturally

aggressive anyways) At home, try AE/m, 3-4 drops over your chest area and down towards your pubic hair, also around

your neck area - really anyplace your wife's nose might wander to. SOE makes for a nice buzz for women too.

09-26-2005, 06:15 AM
If you are

looking for respect, and a “trustworthy aura” w/o the bad effects of -anone (Edge, NPA, AE/m, PI, RM), then I highly

recommend A314 as the base of your mones for work. See the A314 thread =



Use A314 as a base to elicit the respect/ trusting response, then add WAGG, and/or

SoE to build ease of social interaction. My base around work is A314 + APC (minor amount of –anone) and recently

about 6” of SoE. I’m in an environment (military research) where RESPECT is the first priority of how others view

you at work, and friendliness matters little. I ramp up the A314 & APC for interactions where I’m expected to be in


Some small APC, Chikara, and Pheros applications all have potential in combination

with A314, WAGG, and SoE around your work situations.

Around home you may wish to add more

Chikara, plus any of the above –anone products. Suggest starting with A314 (one or two dabs near ears), Chikara (two

sprays – one each side under chin), and Edge (two sprays – one each side of face), OR Impi (one spray seems to be

enough). As the evening wears on have NPA (or PI, RM, Andro 4.2) available to add discreetly so as to spice up the

–anone effects after the first impact of the initial application. Conversely, you might want to have some A-1, or

WAGG available to apply if she starts reacting negatively to the –anone.

09-26-2005, 11:24 PM
a314 is probably more a social

focused product than NPA

09-28-2005, 10:25 AM
/\ I agree. I recently picked up

a bottle of A314, and have been using it around work and other professional type deals. Anyway, it works well at

adding a more masculine, respectful vibe to SOE, without the sexual edge, and potentially adverse effects of none.

Simply, when a none type vibe isn't appropriate, I'll replace NPA with A314 (though I'm messing around, with some

success, with NPA+a314 mixes for more casual situations).