View Full Version : From Feb. 15th Christian Science Monitor

02-16-2005, 12:40 PM
Check out this article! (http://search.csmonitor.com/search_content/0215/p01s04-woeu.html)

"ISTANBUL, TURKEY – The year is 2007. After a clash with Turkish forces in northern Iraq, US troops stage a

surprise attack. Reeling, Turkey turns to Russia and the European Union, who turn back the American onslaught."

02-16-2005, 09:14 PM
World sentiment over the U.S.

foreign policy is now at an all time low.
Here are the results of a recent world poll:

Bush Bad for Global Peace, US

Image, World Believes (http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/0120-03.htm)

Turkey is really feeling paranoid. You know that they just KNOW the U.S.

and India are going to put the big squeeze on them. Please pass the gravey and cranberry sauce.