View Full Version : Another crazy mix that worked

02-04-2005, 11:06 AM
Here's the new mix that I tried and am batting 2 for 2 with.
3-4 drops PI/M
2 Drops PI/W
3 drops wagg

mixed together and rubbed on my chest
1 spray of 50/50 mix TE and SPMO from atomizer
1 spray chikara

sprayed on chest
Covered with 4 dabs of Pheros 1 on each wrist, 2 on neck

Yes, I know it sounds like a lot but

it's under 2 shirts and a leather coat in the crowded smokey bar scene.

First hit- Monday met girl who

couldn't keep off of me. She kept kissing on me and insisting I kiss her in the bar. (not normally my style but I

have a little something going with the bartender and she's playing games so jealousy is good in this case)


night met very good looking blonde who has won fitness pagents and got her number pretty easily. She was also very

touchy feely.

I can't say for sure either these are a result of the mones but I figured that I would share the

info anyways.

02-04-2005, 12:38 PM
No one shot at you with that

mix!? The hits sounds good, but if you stand at 6'7" and 250, seems like the bar would have cleared.:run:

02-04-2005, 01:25 PM
No Mobes no one shot me as

a matter of fact the strange men that I did encounter were very respectful of me. I know the -none was high but I

balanced it of with the PI/w, wagg, spmo, and the other ingredients that are in c7. I dont think I was OD cause my

female friend who was with me was PMS'ing and was in a great mood all night.

02-04-2005, 01:58 PM
He did say it was under 2

shirts and a leather coat... that leather doesn't let much through, so he might have found just the right amount,

for that amount of clothing.


02-04-2005, 02:06 PM
6'7", 250 lbs!! :eek: Dude,

I'd give you all the respect you wished for, 'mones or not....:lol:

02-04-2005, 02:26 PM
I actually get the respect

because of how I carry myself, not because how I am built. When my confidence was low in previous years you would

be suprised how many guys seemed to want to challenge me, but now that I am confident again it's not

confrontational at all. Occasionally when I come across the arrogant male who is immature and used to being the

center of attention but other than that everyone in general is more respectful.

02-04-2005, 02:54 PM
Yes, how you carry yourself is

at least 80% of how much respect you'll get. I'm only 5'8", 175#, but almost no one ever crosses me, regardless

of their size. But I'm too far the other way (CEE), and that has its drawbacks as well.

02-08-2005, 05:12 PM
I think it is fair for me

to update this thread and tell everyone that what I thought were drops, weren't actually full drops. I realized

last night that if I hold the bottle upside down long enough that a drop will fall out. I was shaking the bottle to

get the drops out so they were much smaller the previously advertised. Sorry about the confusion to all and I will

again have to play with drops to figure out the correct proportions.

02-08-2005, 05:17 PM
I think it

is fair for me to update this thread and tell everyone that what I thought were drops, weren't actually full drops.

I realized last night that if I hold the bottle upside down long enough that a drop will fall out. I was shaking the

bottle to get the drops out so they were much smaller the previously advertised. Sorry about the confusion to all

and I will again have to play with drops to figure out the correct proportions.
A Mad Scientist work is

never done, MM. :sick: Even with your rework, is the orginal mix still working for you?


02-08-2005, 05:30 PM
Well mobes I haven't tried

it now knowing what a drop is. Also I haven't used it since I started this post in fear of mone buildup. I try

different mixes all the time as I do own a lot of products. I will try again on Thursday maybe if I go down to the

local drinking area of town and if it works I will of course update you.