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01-23-2005, 10:39 PM
CNN.com - Christians issue

gay warning on SpongeBob video - Jan 21 (http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/TV/01/20/sponge.bob.reut/)
Now what is this going to do to the little

ones psyche?

Any body out there ever caught the show?

What do you think, is he?

01-23-2005, 11:01 PM
"Their inclusion of the reference to

'sexual identity" within their 'tolerance pledge' is not only unnecessary, but it crosses a moral line," James

Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, said in a statement released Thursday.

Tolerance is immoral. There’s

a line that George Orwell missed. It belongs right up there with “War is peace.” and “Slavery is


But anyway... I’ve never seen Sponge Bob. He’s ugly, and I only like cute cartoon characters.. like

the Animaniacs.

01-24-2005, 12:13 AM
What I want to know, however,

is this: Has ANYONE ever explained why Tinkie-Winkie carries a purse?

01-24-2005, 01:07 AM
What I want to

know, however, is this: Has ANYONE ever explained why Tinkie-Winkie carries a purse?
Its cause its a girl,


I never thought of spongebob as a cartoon that promotes homosexuality. The T.V show just scares me. I

really cant watch it, I have bad dreams.:nono:

The idea of high-pitched talking sponges that work in fast food

resturants freak me out.

01-24-2005, 12:24 PM
Yes, a.k.a., that little attitude

of The James Dobson had me wondering too.

01-24-2005, 12:53 PM
I watch sponge bob all the

time with my 7 year old daughter and I don't see him as gay at all. As a matter of fact my father who is 54 and

married for 30 years watches him daily with or without my daugter. Sponge bob does seem to hit on a female

charachter in the show named tammy but other than that there is no sexual orientation at all. I really wish some of

the different groups in this country would focus on more important things.

01-24-2005, 12:55 PM
Porky Pig was worse!
He ran

around in only a shirt, nude from the waist down! (pervert!):lol:

01-24-2005, 01:57 PM
Let's see, first it was a

couple Sesame Street characters that were gay. Then it was tele-tubbies (or was it the other way around?). Now it's

a frippin' gay sponge! Don't these people have better things to do? Or maybe they have some deep seated doubts

about their own sexuality? Isn't this bordering on the absurd or has it already crossed the line?

01-24-2005, 03:06 PM
I guess it's emotional


We should pass a law that all cartoon characters have to act macho, even ones with unclear gender,

like sponges. Otherwise you might as well call him Sponge Barbara.

01-24-2005, 03:17 PM
I can't help but think about the

poor children. Those whose friends will now shun and tease them because of their Sponge Bob clothes. Or the ones

who find they can no longer enjoy the insane antics of the naive little sponge because of the social stigma

attached. And think of the school yard fights that are sure to occur over the issue. Sad sad sad. One can only ask


01-24-2005, 03:47 PM
all Sponge Bob

cartoons with Beavis and Butthead re-runs.

01-24-2005, 04:38 PM
There is NO doubt that those two

characters are gay. LOL

But really, Sponge Bob, ugly as he is, sends out good messages to the kids. Why does a

Christian organization have to attack him? Is it because Sponge Bob is able to infiltrate 41,000 schools in one

fell swoope and they can't get their ideolgy through the front door, side door or back door? HMMMMM Makes you


01-24-2005, 05:42 PM
Maybe Sponge Bob

is asexual.

01-25-2005, 03:01 AM
Well culty,he is and he isn't. A

little research on sponge reproduction came up with this tid bit:

Sponges can reproduce in

two ways, either asexually or sexually. Different kinds of sponges get their eggs fertilized in different ways. In

some sponges the eggs are fertilized inside the body wall of the parent sponge. In others the eggs are squirted into

the surrounding water, where they can be fertilized.

Sexual reproduction occurs in sponges. Some cells in the

jelly-like layer can be eggs or sperm. In some species, individuals are hermaphrodites. These are animals that

produce both eggs and sperm. In other species seperate sexes exist. Fusion of sperm and eggs produce zygotes.

Zygotes develop into free swimming immature organisms. These organisms eventually attach to the ocean bottom and

develop into new sponges.

Asexual reproduction also occurs in sponges. Sometimes a new sponge begins to grow

from the parent and then it breaks away. Sometimes a piece of the parent sponge may break away and then devlop into

a new sponge. There are sponges that produce branches that develop into new sponges. Other sponges asexually produce

flagellated embryos, that swim away, and they later attach to things to form new sponges. At times gemmules form,

which are groups of cells that have become enclosed by a tough outer covering. They can survive long periods of time

in freezing and extremely hot weather conditions. When the conditions change, such as after a drought or winter, the

cells leave the gemmule then they come together to form a new sponge. These are just a few examples of how different

sponges reproduce in different ways. There are many more ways, which we did not cover. Porifera is an interesting


Looks like ol' Sponge Bob can have it just about any way he wants it; ain't that some dumb luc .

Wonder what his favorite pheromones are?

01-25-2005, 03:10 AM
Somedays I wish I were a

sponge, just think how nice it would be to be asexual and get it whenever you want it. That said I would much

rather live in a house than a pineapple.